****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

ICS+ Browser with quick controls is where it's at:


You can't. In Google's infinite wisdom, they've decided its better you have to scroll through every paid and free app you've ever installed rather than being able to filter.

Whoever made that decision needs shooting.


There was nothing wring with the old market, so why did they change everything?
I have just got this phone on Vodafone and then updated to ics. I now cannot make calls without loosing connection to Vodafone network. But I can receive incoming calls without losing connection.
Does anybody else have this problem please. Thanks.
I put my sim back in my x10i and everything works as it should.
It looks like development has stopped on HydrogenICS if I read right last night so I've now swapped over to CM9 to see what performance and battery are like. HydrogenICS has got better but still isn't great for battery, with 3.5hrs screen time yesterday I managed to get 8.5hrs total battery life. Phone unplugged at 7am and dead 1530.
I'm getting excellent battery life with Hydrogenics. On stock kernel, and now on NEAK. Make sure nothing is keeping your phone awake :)
As an old skool CM user from the Desire days I want to go back to CM on my S2, do I or don't I argh!
I'm getting excellent battery life with Hydrogenics. On stock kernel, and now on NEAK. Make sure nothing is keeping your phone awake :)

Nothing causing any unnecessary wake locks, was the first thing I checked, thats with ~3hrs screen time on in 9 hours on battery (I have a rather relaxed job)
If you want more storage, better video recording, better battery life (only with the extended battery) and better support over at XDA then yes, otherwise no IMO.
CM9 nightly installed, boot times are considerably faster than AOKP and the market is also smoother transitioning between pages. Nice!

Auto brightness is also better but I use notibar drag to adjust that anyway. Few less options compared to AOKP like lockscreen styles and lockscreen shortcuts but I can live with that just fine. Also no landscape mode for when in a call.

Restoring my Titanium backups currently.

This is all in effort to see what battery life is like on a stock CM9 build.


Scratch that.

Latest nightly builds have screwed up orientation sensor so GPS navigation is next to useless. Will revisit CM9 when this is fixed. It's in the known issues list but I wanted to confirm it was screwed for nav as well as compass apps.
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There doesn't seem to be any issues with my GPS orientation just restored my hydrogenics backup to compare again cm9.

Using the sirgps.conf patch on both that out posted a few pages back.
If you tilt the phone the compass goes haywire, it's in the known issues list. It means orientation goes all over the place as it doesn't know which way you're facing.
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