***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Realistically - is it worth people opting for the S3 now or should they be waiting for the next nexus?

Unless you don't like the design and specs of the S3 - then I'd wait for the Nexus.

The design and lack of black model is really pushing me towards the Nexus. That and I love the look of the Gnex but poor camera and lack of storage puts me off it. The specs should be plenty this year - here's hoping.

Nice - fam members we're supposed to get 2 free with their s3'S - Better tell them it's in stock, cheers.
^ Wi-Fi direct - peer to peer connectivity

*edit* beaten like one of those ginger kids :)

*edit #2* Thanks tom e. Was confusing myself more and more :)

How do I get rid? If I turn off Allshare Cast it get's rid of it but also disabled Wifi, if I turn Wifi back on it enables Allshare Cast ...
How do I get rid? If I turn off Allshare Cast it get's rid of it but also disabled Wifi, if I turn Wifi back on it enables Allshare Cast ...

If you're running a JB ROM which I think that is then it's a bug which means it will be there all the time, some custom ROMs have it hidden.
So ive been trying to last week to connect my S3 to my mac, with no avail.

It works fine with Kies, however when using android file system it cannot see a connection, ive used both MTP and PTP but both have the same issue. I have also enabled USB debugging mode and it's still not working.

Any ideas??
Ihaven't had Internet for a a while, and don't get data signal often. What have I missed? :p Any worthwhile JB releases yet?
Guess I'll have to research custom ROMs now that I have the phone.

Anyone knows which one is typically considered the best? I doubt I'd be doing myself a favor if I stuck with stock? Christ I'm a newb at this haha.
I'd give it a few days and see if the official JB ROM is released and then get a custom ROM based on that. Personally at the moment I'm using Wanam Lite v2.2
So with my phone being dropped in water and now being totally useless, should the sim and microSD be safe to use in another phone?

I'd give them a couple of days outside the phone to dry off just in case but they should be fine, both things are almost bomb proof.
Both should be fairly OK as the components are encapsulated in the plastic as long as exposure wasn't extremely lengthy. I'd backup the microSD as soon as you can though incase it corrupted the file table etc...
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