***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

For those using Cyanogen 10, that has issues with the Wifi hotspot feature at present. Is it possible to download an app that can provide that functionality? Or is this is an issue at kernel level?

It's an issue with the code for that feature not being available from Samsung I think so nothing will help.
still no sign of DOMINATION v1.5 then?

is everyone using 1.4?

currently on Wanamlite latest with stock toggles

Yeah some people in this thread made out 1.5 was coming that day or something(!?).

I'm on 1.4 also with the latest wanam. However I don't use stock toggles, I don't really get it? The one you get with wanam (15 toggles is it?) allows you to customise which ones you have, and it doesnt do that annoying scroll to the left when you bring the notification bar down..

Unless I'm missing something..
Booo :( Had the feeling it would be that. Cheers.

bluetooth tethering works iirc and if there's any way you can live without it I still think, having used touchwiz, wanamlite (with and without JB domination), AOKP and CM10 that CM10 is still head and shoulders above the rest.

Its absolutely 10000000% stable aside from this niggly tethering thing, I get that could be a deal breaker for some but if it's just something on your might but probably don't need list then I'd urge you to try it.
No idea.

You have to go into the keyboards etc and manually put them to UK English as they switch to the "default" language which would now be US English.

Far as keyboards go can you stop the stock one showing "English (UK)" in the space bar? been doing it since JB update, just seems totally pointless to me, its not like you change it every day is it..
Guys, what's the easiest/best way for me to get a stock Android install on my S3? I recently upgraded to Jelly Bean OTA but the recent Nexus 4 furore has had me wanting to try the stock UI. I assume it's clever enough to realise the S3 has hardware buttons and thus not have the soft home/back buttons on the screen?

Do I need to root first? Do I need a new recovery? etc. etc.
Do I need to root first? Do I need a new recovery? etc. etc.

It's a bit of effort, but it's worth it.

First you'll regret updating to JB, because you'll need to flash back to ICS to roll back the NFC driver :p Flash a stock 4.0.4 rom with odin, go to settings and turn nfc and wifi on.

Reflash CF-Root.

Once you've done that, grab the latest nightly of CM10 from here, and get the latest Google Apps here.

Boot into recovery.

Do a full wipe/factory reset, flash CM and Gapps :)
Guys, what's the easiest/best way for me to get a stock Android install on my S3? I recently upgraded to Jelly Bean OTA but the recent Nexus 4 furore has had me wanting to try the stock UI. I assume it's clever enough to realise the S3 has hardware buttons and thus not have the soft home/back buttons on the screen?

Do I need to root first? Do I need a new recovery? etc. etc.

Make sure you do a backup first (creates an image of your current setup). So if you want to go back or the install goes pear shaped you can just restore.

I'm noticing my battery life is not as good as it was , I checked under battery usage and I have something called gpsd which is using 72%

I guess it has something to do with gps?

Any news on when jelly bean will be released for Orange? Im holding off rooting and flashing as I dont want to F it up, and if anyone will....I will.

yep 4.1.1 also google now is off , I have uninstalled accuweather and the only thing I can think that uses gps is Cerberus and my maps but I cant remember the problem before.

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