***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

I just installed dolphin browser, ive entered the right settings for it to sync with my chrome bookmarks but its not working.
Got bored so I present you pics of my i9305:





Google lost a nexus buyer with all this launch crap.Will keep this until something new comes out so I want to root it. Is there a simple guide somewhere to get it done? Thx
Yep... v5 :) - but there's no mirrors and his google drive link is used up as half of xda has downloaded it already :(

It's annoying how all those people have downloaded it but nobody else has uploaded it to any mirror sites
Now THAT is what I'm talking about, 10.1MB/s :D

How many Wanam users do we have here?
I could temp upload it to my host, have spare bandwidth this month!

The link must remain between us here though :)
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I can't be dealing with fails like this before 8 in the morning on a Saturday, buckle up gentlemen ffs! :p
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