***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Got my S3 today after it was delivered to my neighbours yesterday and they weren't around yesterday evening. Any essential things I should do?
Got my S3 today after it was delivered to my neighbours yesterday and they weren't around yesterday evening. Any essential things I should do?

Root > Wanamlite :D

But seriously, become fully familiar with it first :)
Got my S3 today after it was delivered to my neighbours yesterday and they weren't around yesterday evening. Any essential things I should do?

Spend a week with it standard and reading up on roms/kernels & flashing before you do anything!
Using 4.1.2. I hardly use gps so that bug doesnt affect me, its a bit laggy here and there but nothing major. The final release should be awesome.
Can anyone recommend me a ROM? I'd like to go with wanamlite but I have a US Sprint S3 and apparently it won't work?
Any ideas on a good one/
Ok! I followed the root guide sucessfully. So what should I do next??

Should I install a custom ROM?
Can I just install a Stock JB ROM

How do I back up everything? For instance things like whatsapp contacts and photos etc.
I have backed up my contacts and photos on KIES, what I don't understand so much effective that is after I install a ROM, i.e can I install a ROM over the existing one, without wiping photos and contacts.
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How do I back up everything? For instance things like whatsapp contacts and photos etc.
I have backed up my contacts and photos on KIES, what I don't understand so much effective that is after I install a ROM, i.e can I install a ROM over the existing one, without wiping photos and contacts.

If you want to back everything up, just reboot into recovery (power on with home button+volume up I think), and do a backup in recovery. This will create an image of the phone in it's current state. Some apps such as Whatsapp backup chat history on the sd card. You don't need to touch the internal/external storage when flashing roms.

As for flashing new roms, contacts are stored in your google account, and photos will be on your sd card. When you do a full wipe and install a new rom, its just the rom and apps that are wiped.
If you're downloading wanamlite v5, you'll have to wait for JB Domination as the current version (1.4) isn't compatible with wanamlite v5, only upto wanamlite v4.3
Yeah I flash v4.3 and just done JBDomination now. Didn't bother reading properly though so just rebooting and now I might actually have a notification bar. :D
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