***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Been away from this thread for a while, but since seeing a 360 degree photo made on 4.2.... Just wondering if there's a 4.2 rom around?

Currently still on wanam 4.3.
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Going to try Wanam 4.4

I moved back to 4.2.1 due to a couple of issues with 4.3 (Latitude and also reboots) but 4.2.1 has the issue where the phone sometimes will not switch between WiFi and 3G automatically when I leave/enter my WiFi coverage resulting in data connections failing. 4.3 resolved this.... I have to switch WiFi off manually :(

Hoping 4.4 fixes all the problems between the 2 previous ROMs...

I am assuming Domination will run on 4.4 as it is a 4.1.1 based ROM?
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Ritchie I'm running Wanam 4.4 and Domination runs on it fine.

I don't use GPS so I don't know whether the problem is fixed however I think that's because the bug is there because the ROM is based on 4.1.2 and it's not final build.

Seeing that Wanam 4.4 is based on 4.1.1 it's safe to say that the GPS should be working correctly.

In regards to WiFi switching automatically to 3G and vice versa I tried it several times a and it seemed to be working correctly.
Not on the default no, gotta use 3rd party!

GPS on Wanam 4.4 appears to be working just fine, on JB 4.1.2 I could not even get a lock inside whereas on this I get 12 sats locked within 33 seconds with no line of sight of a window.
Not entirely true... when the text notification comes up in the pull-down bar, tap on quick reply and you get the equivalent 'pop-up' add a reply window :)
I thought what he meant was a popup comes up as a message comes in, not when just replying!
Just an update on the red S3, my friend picked one up via another friend who can get them sim free for £300 (only red ones) and really, it doesn't look bad at all in person!

I also like that the soft key backlight is red too, not white like on the other colour S3s.

Some pics taken with my phone:



That genuinely looks lovely!

MUCH better than the red motorola slvr I bought many moons ago! That looked so bad in red that after a week of owning it I'd changed to a nice black case from ebay lol

That however, I could live with quite nicely :)

What's that launcher they're using? Don't think I've ever seen that one before..... ;););)
He's on stock, not even updated yet so still on 4.0.3 - I've showed him what to do though :p

As a iPhone user since day one his recent status update kind of sums up how it's coming along:

Few days in and not missing I phone at all. Although I had to remove the standard S3 keyboard as it's dog ****. SwiftKey is boss

Only downer is iTunes lost all his contacts...I lolled :p
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