***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Got my S3 back today (Sudden Death)! No notes or info on what was broken/repaired etc. Just that's been repaired.

Unfortunately, the bloody idiots somehow sent it back to me without the backcover! Bit precarious but can cover it with the Rock case for now.

For anyone interested, timelines like this.

28.11.2012 Assigned to Service Center to ASC
4 05.12.2012 Acknowledge(ASC)
5 05.12.2012 Engineer Assigned
6 06.12.2012 Engineer Assigned
7 07.12.2012 Engineer Assigned
8 07.12.2012 Delivery in Progress
9 10.12.2012 Back to me!

Gonna chuck this Poland 4.1.2 on it now, anything I should know?
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OMNOMNOM CM10. I am running a nightly from a few days ago. I wish I had known about the latest nightly having 4.2 so I could have dumped it on this morning.
I want the new nexus so interested in that as well ^

Actually scratch that the sgs3 is a better phone ill just wait for the S4 hopefully will be released Q2 2013..
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I've decided to stick with the S3 and not bother with the N4. Played with one the other day and I think the S3 is the superior "package"

It is a better package, it just isn't perhaps twice as good (when you factor in the price) - but it could be, depending on your needs.
For those who are interested Handtec are selling both the Marble White, Titanium Grey and Sapphire Black versions of the S3 LTE for £409.99

So much for EE's exclusive!

@kona, I'm waiting for more adjustments to be made to the PandoriaM ROM before I download it, as the dev keeps tinkering with it!
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is anyone having calls dropping ?
ive noticed his over the past 2 weeks but thought nothing of it, but now is getting more and more regular, like anything over 2 mins and it drops
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