***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Anyone using cm10.1 and got wifi to work. I've tried everything including pulling my hair out.

I'm not sure if it's been fixed, but there was a problem of going from a Samsung JB rom to CM10/10.1. You needed to flash it from stock ICS instead.

edit: codeworkx has uploaded a custom build for people having problems with wifi.
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Where'd you get that wallpaper from, kona? Looks great.
here you go mate:

I'm not sure if it's been fixed, but there was a problem of going from a Samsung JB rom to CM10/10.1. You needed to flash it from stock ICS instead.

yep, thats pretty much what I came across.. I went stock touchwiz to CM10, no issues, then back to wanamlite then back to CM10 and lost my wifi, had to use odin to flash a stock samsung ICS rom then back to CM10 and all has been fine since.

CM10 to 10.1 has no issues like that.
I'm not sure if it's been fixed, but there was a problem of going from a Samsung JB rom to CM10/10.1. You needed to flash it from stock ICS instead.

edit: codeworkx has uploaded a custom build for people having problems with wifi.

Got the code works one thanks

I tried the ics to 10.1 this morning but that didn't not help.

All running sound now thx
Cheers stoosh. The N4 look wallpaper/clock is really going well with the SAMOLED :D.

Now I'm rooted - what the best way of installing CWM? Through ROM Manager or that GooManager?

No worries Mate, I installed CWM through ODIN.

Switch device off and place in Download Mode

Place the CWM.tar file in the PDA TAB of Odin

Tap Start to flash

Happy Days! :)
Right, after using CM10.1 for a few days now, I want to go back to a Sammy stock based ROM as I find they're much more battery friendly and more stable for now (I've been having issues with camera freezing and gallery FC's, web page scrolling being choppy and sluggish and ringtones not actually ringing)

I want to back up my entire internal SD to my PC first so I don't have to re-download the ~8gb of data for Asphalt 7, Real Racing 2 and NFS Most Wanted (plus I want to keep my savegames)

Are these files I want stored in a folder in the /sdcard section? or are they in the root?

Which brings me to: If they ARE in the root directory, how can I browse that via my PC?

Thanks in advance :)

(ps. making a backup to my sd card isn't an option as a) it's nearly full and b) even if it was empty, it's only 2gb lol)
No worries Mate, I installed CWM through ODIN.

Switch device off and place in Download Mode

Place the CWM.tar file in the PDA TAB of Odin

Tap Start to flash

Happy Days! :)

Cool. Does that change anything else on my phone other that just install CWM? i.e. will I need to re-root and/or reinstall SU access?

Crazy speeds on my S3 LTE!


Nice - which network?
Right, after using CM10.1 for a few days now, I want to go back to a Sammy stock based ROM as I find they're much more battery friendly and more stable for now (I've been having issues with camera freezing and gallery FC's, web page scrolling being choppy and sluggish and ringtones not actually ringing)

I want to back up my entire internal SD to my PC first so I don't have to re-download the ~8gb of data for Asphalt 7, Real Racing 2 and NFS Most Wanted (plus I want to keep my savegames)

Are these files I want stored in a folder in the /sdcard section? or are they in the root?

Which brings me to: If they ARE in the root directory, how can I browse that via my PC?

Thanks in advance :)

(ps. making a backup to my sd card isn't an option as a) it's nearly full and b) even if it was empty, it's only 2gb lol)

You won't need to back up anything on your internal SD card because when you do a full wipe and flash another rom, the internal storage isn't touched.

Should you want to back them up anyway, I think they're in sdcard/Android/data/
Anyone know where i can grab a new battery for the s3 from finding on long trips I'm running the phone down fast and I'll run it down even faster when I get the nexus 7 in the new year and use the s3 to tether. (need a high quality one preferable an original) also need to get a new dock that can charge the phone and a new battery at the same time.
The official ones are on the rainforest. You could always wait a bit and get one of the new official extended ones though. Think they're about £40 though.
As a prelude to a possible Note 2 (for which I assume I'll want samsung apps for the s-pen) I fancy trying this wanamlite thing.

Can someone in a nut shell tell me the latest rom and jbdomination thing?
The latest build is XXELL5, so find a rom based on that. As for JB Dom, 1.4.5 is the latest version but the dev said on twitter that 1.5 should be this week... so tonight possibly :p

Wanamlite is a great rom, but I prefer crDroid now. Has a load more options in the Aroma installer including JB Domination so you don't have to faff around with flashing things in the right order. Has plenty of other tweaks too.

ok well I've downloaded wanam and jbdom now, I'm right in thinking you flash wanamlite then flash jbdom? Nothing particularly complicated about that?
ok well I've downloaded wanam and jbdom now, I'm right in thinking you flash wanamlite then flash jbdom? Nothing particularly complicated about that?

Not entirely, depends on what toggle options you choose in Aroma for wanam. There was a post earlier in this thread about the specific order to flash things in.
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