***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

AndreiLux over in xDA has had found a fix for the SDS and apparently it's kernel related... Yank555 had included this fix in his latest kernel and because I'm so ****ing nice, in sharing it with you guys! lol


Also included in this kernel is the awesome Boeffla sound engine!!

Hopefully this is a genuine fix!!!
My phone died on 27th December, could get into download mode and was running Omega V35. Just been told its repaired and ready for collection today. Happy days :). Now wonder if I will be lumbered with the new bootloader which doesn't fix the issue?

EDIT: Did you have the new bootloader with your phone Mrk?
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Double post update. Got it back, same phone as its the old IMEI number. It's currently on 4.1.1 DLJ4 but Samsung have also replaced the chipped screen and case. Happy outcome for me :)
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Question for those on the 3 network.

Did you recieve the JB update when it was released in November or has the update only just been released yesterday?

I noticed a tweet on the 3 uk feed that they had just released the update, but it went live in November... I hope it didnt take them 3 months to push it out, becuase I'm eager to get JB on my S2 and I'm with 3.

I thought 3 where quite good with ICS, the day it was released was the day it was downloadable on my GS2.
The update they just released was probably the one that fixes the Exynos exploit where any app could get root without you being rooted (it will be the LLA update if it is) :).
I ran Yank's kernel before the current one for a day, and noticed significant lag between switching apps. Battery life was a lot better though, came home from work with a good 20% more than Temaseks. I probably had the settings too harsh for Yank and destroyed multitasking :p

I'll give it another go. Kainz, which installation method did you go with?
I chose Yank555's preferred settings (upto 1.6ghz). Seems good so far and that sound engine has hugely boosted the volume!

Edit: Loaded up about 10 random apps into ram. Switching between them seemed fine tbh. I'll really know if there are issues when I use the phone heavily at work tomorrow.
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Question for those on the 3 network.

Did you recieve the JB update when it was released in November or has the update only just been released yesterday?

I noticed a tweet on the 3 uk feed that they had just released the update, but it went live in November... I hope it didnt take them 3 months to push it out, becuase I'm eager to get JB on my S2 and I'm with 3.

I thought 3 where quite good with ICS, the day it was released was the day it was downloadable on my GS2.

I got the November update to 4.1.1, the recent one is LL4 (4.1.2)
S3 sold last night @ £260, I'm fairly happy with that and may it give its new owner a good experience!
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