Ok.. but saying the s20 is the first android phone with haptic feedback? Totally get you’re a massive Samsung fanboy but that’s a bit of a strange leap to make!
I suggest better reading skills....
I never said the S20 is the first Android with haptic feedback, every Android has it. I said it is the first to have high quality haptics like (or better) than an iPhone going by trusted reviewers and people who have handled the S20 so far.
Also at no point in ever have I said anything to give the impression I am a Samsung fanboy, my phone history might have more Samsungs in there but I've also had Xiaomi, HTC, Sony, Nokia and even the cheaper Chinese phones for a mix of business and personal use. I buy whatever brand has the best features for my uses and in recent years that has been with Samsung, although I'll only upgrade if the features offer a generation jump for the stuff I use most.