Does any one have problems with their battery? I have posted about this several times; when using Omega I would normally get 4-5 hours of screen on time. In recent months I have been using Goldfinger and more recently Goldeneye. My battery has been atrocious, played with different kernels with little effect. Yesterday I managed to use 40-50% in under 1.5 hours, last night I unplugged the phone fully charged (probably around 3am) and it had lost 9% by 6am. Finally, when it gets low it drops even faster - probably faster than 1% per minute when in use. Various iterations of Goldeneye seem to magnify the problem.
I now wonder if it's the battery rather than the ROM/kernel. Trying to source a new battery from Amazon but they all seem fake, with exception of the Anker i9505 battery.
EDIT - Just installed Echoe 6.1 - liking the initial setup, much better than the previous KK/TW setup.
i dont even get 5 hours screen on time with my extended battery