Ended up opening my s9+, sort of surprised it wasn't that much bigger than my s6 edge +, side by side barely anything in it really. Performance is obviously much better, starts up much faster as well, not really had a chance to mess with the camera much though it did raise an eyebrow when I seen the camera had a "food" mode...
Can't say I think much of the AR emoji, just seems like a hastily slapped together answer to apples emoji feature which seems far more polished. The lip syncing on the iPhones feature seems a lot more accurate, the Samsung program just reminds me of an old dubbed Japanese movie.
Most of the reviews I've seen of the phone when they do the AR emoji option the characters it creates based on people's faces seem very similar from review to review. It's like a very small selection of faces it has to chose from, the one I made again looks a lot like the ones in reviews, for some reason it almost always seems to give people brown hair from what I've seen so far.
Enjoying it so far though, screen seems far sharper and vibrant and the battery seems much improved over my last phone, still at 30% as I type this after a day of playing games, YouTube, browsing and general messing with features.