Static fire is expected by end of year, and if there's no issues launch early Jan.
yep 7:10 and viewable for about 3minsDid the ISS go over the UK around 7 o’clock this morning, pretty sure it was that I was looking at
SpaceX launch tonight, launch window opening @ 21:25. Using a re-used first stage to launch a government (Luxembourg) satellite to geostationary orbit. The first stage won't be landing as they use too much fuel getting out to geostationary orbit, so have none for re-entry. Shame, I enjoy rocket landings much more than lift-offs.
Since this is a relatively light payload for a GTO mission, there is enough fuel remaining in stage 1 for SpaceX to attempt a landing. However, since this is the second mission of a Block 3 booster, and because the drone ship will be needed for Falcon Heavy next week, (they where not planning to recover this booster for some time) OCISLY will not be out at sea. Instead, the booster will perform a series of tests during descent, followed by a soft landing on the ocean. However since there will be nothing solid below the rocket on touchdown, the rocket will tip over and explode on impact because the tanks are pressurized.
Thanks for that, I had simply assumed it would be like their other geostationary missions! Falcon Heavy is the best reason not to be recovering a first stageoh and its disposal rather that not enough fuel for first stage.
With the upgraded falcon 9 nearly all gto missions can be flown in reusable config. They are running out of warehouse space and are disposing of block 3 versions of falcon 9.Yesterday's rescheduled launch, 1 minute to launch.
Thanks for that, I had simply assumed it would be like their other geostationary missions! Falcon Heavy is the best reason not to be recovering a first stage
Next stop, Falcon Heavy!