** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

is it going to launch *crossfingers* as no work tomorrow. I so hope it goes well, dual landing boosters is going to look epic, as well as their first mission beyond GTO.
i hope not, we have bfr and New Armstrong to look forward to in the early 20s. and hopefully a moon base at least.

Frankly only musk could achieve that.

NASA are horrific now....I read bringing Columbia home recently , in 2003 NASA planned to have launched sls several times by 2018....it’s not even physically built yet.....15 years ago Columbia broke up....it’s been half a decade since anything flew.

They are simply slow and inaffective now.

Space x is the only company or group making actual rapid progress....no one is anywhere near them now , blue origin haven’t even made it to orbit, lord knows what boing and lochheed Martin are doing save the occasional ula launch .....but that’s just building the same old rockets lifting rubbish 25T payloads still.

Space x ..... they are the ones to watch for sure, they are literally years ahead , first man on mars is defo them.

I’d be amazed at NASA flying anything before 2030 at their current rate of progress, let alone beyond LEO.
I can't express how excited I am about this launch. I agree with the above, this is unbelievably cool. Even an actual manned Mars landing - although obviously a much more substantial and significant achievement - isn't as cool as this.

Gonna be buying some popcorn on the way home :D
I hope its not the coolest thing we see in our lifetime's, now things aren't tied to a race between USA/USSR and "normal" companies are leading it there is more likely chance of things happening, smaller companies, more dynamic, don't have to do the whole congress/budget crap, can just make a call and then do it, less paperwork and less red tape...
I'm surprised, considering the destination, they have such a large launch window. An hour here or there must have huge repercussions for the trajectory.
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