**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

Fwiw I had a play with some of the settings in windows, I've turned off speedstep, the gamebar that's part of windows and the Nidia overlay thing. I seem to be getting around 150 fps using a Gtx 1080 at 1080p :eek:. Had a look at perfoverlay.drawgraph 1 and the graphs now pretty flat, I made the same changes to my brothers PC (i5 6500 with Gtx 970) and it's also more stable. I have an i7 2600 with bf 2 on an ssd whereas he still has a spinner so his takes ages to load.
Decided to try the trial of this the other day, have played it for 3+ hrs.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems poor compared to Battlefront 1. Despite using the same engine as Battlefront 1, it seems to perform worse at the same settings (and for no real visual improvement that I've noticed, 1 is still quite pretty). Maybe it's just server lag.

The biggest let down for me are the terrible sounds though! Unforgivable for a Star Wars game... Fired up 1 again and the E-11 (for example) sounds punchy and perfect, whereas in 2 it sounds so weak. Disappointing.

The Galactic assault maps are okay, but I prefer the old walker assault still. I guess the gearing up system doesn't help, difficult to beat people who've put in the time and have superior cards (not that it was easy to compete at first in BF1, but at least you could work towards what you wanted, rather than relying on chance).

Overall a bit of a let down for me... will probably finish the trial and see if my opinion changes, but I doubt it will. Battlefront 1 seems hard to beat for 30 mins of casual shooting every so often, I'm not sure what BF2 is positioning itself as.
Anyone getting crashes?

I have both a Dell Gsync and a non-gsync running off a GTX 1080. I game on the gsync and when I do I rarely have anything playing on the other monitor.

I find I will frequently get a crash to desk top or a black screen prompting a reset. Seems to be ok with just one monitor connected so far.....

I have a similar setup and was getting this randomly last week. I set origin exe and be bf2 exe to run as admin (Right click, compatibility, run as admin) and that seems to have fixed it. Not sure why that helped tbh!

Quite enjoying this now as my assault I unlocked the A280 which is far superior to the base gun. At least to me anyway, started holding my own at last. Had first hacker experience at the weekend. A guy running around one shotting everyone with the E-11, including heroes. Then has the cheek to say "I'm not hacking". Ha.

Is there any card that upgrades your speed at all? Yesterday there was a guy running about at least 50% faster than everyone else, his rolls were big too and made him quite hard to hit. Or else just hacking too :/
Tried all the various modes and had great fun last time (i really wish it would default to 1P view in a starfighter tho, it was quite jerky and as there is no ping meter its hard to know if its the game or not (without using the perfoverlay).
I'm so glad youve posted that. Suggests to me its the game not a hardware issue. YAY

I bought this for my sons birthday. I installed it today, change some of the video options, enabled DX12. Restarted game, crashes at various points upto the main menu.
Did a quick search and a 53sec Youtube video told me how to manually disable DX12 again. He has a GTX 960 in his laptop. Back under DX11 runs fine.

Perhaps DX12 is the source of all the crashes if you have it enabled ?
There is a setting in the video settings menu to turn on DX12 or turn it off, it's just a toggle on and off.

DX12 hasn't been that great, Battlefield 1 showed performance issues with it on, Battlefront 2 does as well, it needs some work.
I bought this for my sons birthday. I installed it today, change some of the video options, enabled DX12. Restarted game, crashes at various points upto the main menu.
Did a quick search and a 53sec Youtube video told me how to manually disable DX12 again. He has a GTX 960 in his laptop. Back under DX11 runs fine.

Perhaps DX12 is the source of all the crashes if you have it enabled ?

Yeah I discovered that during the beta. Seems to have settled down after following the above suggestion and setting it to run as administrator
I always thought dx12 was more of an amd thing than nvidia, FWIW even with my GTX1080 running at 1080P (everything on ultra) its still choppy, and i think on kamino i was getting something like 70fps on the ground which imho is shocking for such a card.
I always thought dx12 was more of an amd thing than nvidia, FWIW even with my GTX1080 running at 1080P (everything on ultra) its still choppy, and i think on kamino i was getting something like 70fps on the ground which imho is shocking for such a card.
That's a bit low? Have you touched the res scaler bar or still at 100?
I'm not sure TBH, geforce experience set it up. That's with a 2600k and 'only'8 gb of ram. Not sure why it's so low. As I say the apart from red scale which I'm not sure on, it's maxed. I might try dx 12 and see if it's better lol.
Yeah thats low, something wrong there.

I have a 1080ti on a 2700k (ok overclocked to 4.8ghz) gaming at 3440 x 1440. I rarely drop below 100fps.
I have a 1080 as well and run ultra at 1440p and don't think I have seen it ever go below 100fps. Though I have a newer CPU and 16GB ram. I would imagine more RAM helps.

Unrelated question: Has anyone seen a walker get taken down or an MTT blown up? Played both types numerous times and yet to see one die!
Yeah thats low, something wrong there.

I have a 1080ti on a 2700k (ok overclocked to 4.8ghz) gaming at 3440 x 1440. I rarely drop below 100fps.

I think its normally around 100, it just happened to be 70ish on kamino when we were storming a particular part (possibly lots of rain too). Is there a way to actually log fps?
Opened a 'daily crate' last night, launched it tonight and it says next crate in 11 hours???

How can they call it a 'daily crate' when you don't get one every day, or am I missing something?
Just navigate through some menu choices and go back to main screen or play a game it will be there.

30 hrs played now and I think only 2-3 Hero char's left to unlock. Multiplayer battles are still superb fun.
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