The ***OFFICIAL*** Supreme commander thread. (video inside)

yup that trailer looks fantastic, my fav unit ive seen so far is probably the subs. Loaded with nukes and anti aircraft stuff, could have a few of them between your fleet ships and the enemys base to pop up and disrupt the incoming air fleets so u can get your air units protecting ** fleet, then they just sink back down and disapear :)

HD Trailer :p great stuff, cant wait.
Inquisitor said:
I want :(

edit: WMP couldn't play the video past about 20 seconds :mad:

Same for me. Got the latest Nvidia Beta drivers, PureVideo Trial, WMP11 and the HD Trailer. Plays and then stops saying the codec is not supported. Funny thing I noticed, if you playback an MPEG the decoder icon appears on the taskbar, playback this WMV and its not there?!?
*drools* Roll on it's release date :D

I've always been a huge fan of the original TA and the Core Contigency pack. Makes me want to fire up an old PC and have a go :D
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nade said:
*drools* Roll on it's release date :D

I've always been a huge fan of the original TA and the Core Contigency pack. Makes me want to fire up an old PC and have a go :D

why would you need an old PC ???

my spec :

Opteron 146 @ 2.7 Ghz
X1800XT 512mb
2 X 1 gig of corsair XMS ram
19" tft

and ive been playing Total Annihilation (or TA as i call it) at least once every fortnight since 1997. Hell when boneyards was up i was a Core Commander. ;)

so no need for a low tech pc to play, infact if you use the TAUIP modification and the 5000 unit patch, youl find it stresses a modern pc to breaking point :eek:
Sem said:
i REALLY cant wait for this

cant belive it took them so long tbh

well, cavedog were bought out by infrogrames who licenced the developement of Total Annihilation 2 to Phantagram game developement, (an asian gaming company) which basically cut out Chris taylor.

Phantagram ran into financial trouble and infrogrames were bought out by atari wo shelved the TA 2 project.

and now you know why it took so long :) personally im happy it did, with the technology we have today, AND with chris Taylor back with his own company making it, i couldnt ask for more.
locutus12 said:
why would you need an old PC ???

so no need for a low tech pc to play, infact if you use the TAUIP modification and the 5000 unit patch, youl find it stresses a modern pc to breaking point :eek:
What OS you running? I've never actually tried installing it on XP or Win2000. I just assumed it wouldn't be compatible.

I remember buying TA:Kingdoms and being so very disapointed! :mad: But this looks amazing :)

I was thinking of upgrading my CPU and GFX card this summer, but i'm gonna wait right up until S.C. is released to get the best value for money ;)
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nade said:
What OS you running? I've never actually tried installing it on XP or Win2000. I just assumed it wouldn't be compatible.

I remember buying TA:Kingdoms and being so very disapointed! :mad: But this looks amazing :)

I was thinking of upgrading my CPU and GFX card this summer, but i'm gonna wait right up until S.C. is released to get the best value for money ;)

ta kingdoms was terrible... but then i dont think chris taylor was too involved with that, he was well on his way to doing Dungeon seige.

ive got an opty 146 and an X1800XT 512mb crossfire master. come january i will either upgrade to an opty 160 and XXX graphics card or junk my pc and build from scratch, either way i will have a nice upgrade for Supreme Commander.
how can you run the HD trailor properly?

at 24 seconds it cuts outs saying it doesn't have the codec, skip to 50+ seconds and it plays fine.... :S

from what i did see, it looks amazing.
Anyone got a solution as to why the high def trailer wont play... few people have mentioned it on this thread and its only at 2 pages
Nucleo said:
how can you run the HD trailor properly?

at 24 seconds it cuts outs saying it doesn't have the codec, skip to 50+ seconds and it plays fine.... :S

from what i did see, it looks amazing.

same problem here. :(
Nucleo said:
how can you run the HD trailor properly?

at 24 seconds it cuts outs saying it doesn't have the codec, skip to 50+ seconds and it plays fine.... :S

from what i did see, it looks amazing.

I'm getting the same problem too :(
I downloaded the file from another location, and it plays fine right through. One i downloaded from here crashed after 24 seconds.
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