I don't really understand the second line of your post, as a switcher Android does everything my iPhone did, it did admittedly lack a few games but aside from that it's mostly the same experience, there's not one thing it lacks in comparison, I don't have to worry about updates as I have a Nexus.
So yeah, I do feel you're being a bit dramatic with that statement. Stock Android is a fantastic OS...however, it's ******* idiotic that you have to worry if you're getting stock Android or some carrier modified version that's slow and bundled with hard to remove crap. I will give you that. The sooner Google force stock Android on carriers the better, they really should.
and as for share they already have it;
Of course like I say, it doesn't mean much as there's many more Android handsets at varying price brackets.
God this has become another Android post. I want more MacBook Air news.