*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

17 Oct 2002
I put it external just because for future proofing, storage wise. No other reason.

Meh, I wouldn't bother, but that's just my personal opinion. I'd still rather buy most games on disc to resell later.

It's just another thing to factor in like now when identifying the cause of an issue.
8 Jan 2003
I'll move the game to internal and unplug the external to see. I'm incline to think the external couldn't keep up with it hence it froze, I mean I could go back to the home screen and move around still. Never needed to unplug the power cable.

If anything, the performance of external drives is faster than the internal drive. If it was me, I would suspect the Kinect. Try running with it disconnected and see if it still happens.
4 Jan 2011
I find the PS4 interface is much faster (e.g. going to settings while in-game etc). Also game installs seem much faster on PS4.

Prefer the Xbox One controller - it just feels more premium (probably something to do with the weight of it, plus rumble triggers are awesome!)

Not a massive fan of the size of the Xbox One + power brick.

Xbox One exclusives have been better so far, Forza Horizon 2 is excellent and I am looking forward to the Halo Masterchief Collection.

Overall I am very pleased with the Xbox One considering the negative press it has received. I will be sticking to the Xbox for exlusives, and the PS4/PC for multiplats (as most of my friends are on PS4).

Or waiting for the Xbox 'exclusives' to get released on PC a year later :p *cough* Dead Rising.. Ryse..

You're right, PS4 is a lot snappier, Xbox used to be but with updates its slowed imo, but it does a hell of a lot more than PS4 to be fair, but still should be better. The game installs thing is apparently due to the old way microsoft were going to do games (install once using the disc and don't need it), apparently this is being fixed and the install times won't be so painful

I like the power brick (and larger box), runs less hot and my Xbox makes the fraction of the sound my PS4 or even WiiU does.

Where your friends are is probably the most important thing and as the PS4 has made such a storming start I expect most people will continue to go there due to the disaster on microsofts part.

Ideally everyone could have all 3, all will have outstanding exclusives but Microsoft look to be the ones improving their platform the most and by some distance, pity the hardware seems a fair bit worse
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