looking at picking up an xbox one next week but have a quick question that my google fu couldnt answer
I gave my 360 to the kids but im going to use the same live account they use on the one. Is it possible to use the 360 and the one with 1 live account at the same time? or is it going to kick one of us off when the other logs on?
Does this controller make noises like a wii remote or is something broke? Playing Titanfall i can hear a right noise coming from the controller.
Normal or known problem?
You can use the same account at the same time, it doesn't matter.
I gave my 360 to the kids but im going to use the same live account they use on the one. Is it possible to use the 360 and the one with 1 live account at the same time? or is it going to kick one of us off when the other logs on?
As stated you can log on both, you can also create extra live accounts on the One for your kids and they will have full access to everything on the Xbox One (family accounts log on up to 10 users and all DLC works for all users).
my battery indicator isnt showing up. could I have a busted console or something? I did the update and the harddrive is now visible.
Does the controller give any flashing indication that the battery is about to go?..apart from the 5 seconds of death indication is gives.
nope indicator not working at all on pressing the button.....
Loving the X1 so far. Just got the voice functions working pretty well although think might move Kinect to above the TV as appartently it works better there.
Anyway is there a way to seach the internet with voice. I can open IE and it opens bing but i can't enter a search with voice. I can navigate to a web page by saying 'browse to ...' but i want to enter into a search box. Is it possible?
I don't think so (hence the requirement for the indicator). I did think it dimmed the Xbox logo a bit when it was running low, but it must have been my eyes playing tricks on me as it didn't do it yesterday.
Rumours are that Microsoft are in very early talks with Amazon about selling the Xbox division...
I know the Xbox lights on the console and Kinect adapt to local light levels (if it's darker they will be dimmer etc.) but I don't know if that extends to the controller light, could be a possible explanation?
I visible "pulsing" or something would be nice though on the pad to indicate low battery, although rumble does stop working when batteries are low, so that's a sort of indicator.