Love it. As it currently stands it is getting used more than my PS4 simply because there are more games I want to play on it. I don't care about the power difference as I bought both for their exclusives anyway.
Game wise it will be very subjective on whether you will like/enjoy them. I love a good blast on DR3 and despite poor reiews, Ryse is a good bit of fun (if a bit repetitive). Marvel is cross platform but HUGE fun and Forza is Forza (albeit lacking in content).
I had a massive amount of fun playing Titanfall. That will be a day one purchase for me.
It also gets used (a lot) as a Youtube / Twitch "watcher". I am somewhat hooked on NGT Zombies & Markiplier so .... yeah.
Overall it's a good console which isn't without its flaws. If you like the look of the exclusive games on it you can't go far wrong TBH.