no need to get into the ps4 v's xbox one debacle chaps!!!
I've always said its best to go for the platform you or your mates already game on. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
I've had two xbox one S's - both were terrible for fan noise - its the same on my new one so I've just resigned to the fact they've used cruddy fans in them. GOW4 is a prime example of what I mean by poor performance - single or compaign graphics look great, go into horde mode and it all scales down looking like an xbox 360 title (well not that bad lol!).
Stuttering wise how do you guys not notice the lag in when you press the XBOX button on your controller whilst in a game for example? - Navigating around the menu's (whilst in the main menu's) stutters as the console initially loads up all the internet stuff (obviously going to be a delay here as its internet based). FH3 yesterday was pausing for a second or two and I've experienced the same with GOW. It's not a dodgy console as it was a similar experience with the older one.
We'll see what scorpio offers just like Robgmun says - it depends what the developers do and how MS go about making it all compatible with the existing xbox ones as to how well it will perform in games. DAMN IT ROB! - Hell musta frozen over - we've agreed on somat again lol!
What I will concede to MS for is that smexeh Elite controller - love it to bits.