So genuine question guys, this isn't meant to troll or annoy. Is having an Xbox One a bit redundant if you have a PC?
i just sold my OG Xbox One and the plan was to replace it with an Xbox One S or X. I have started to rethink this a bit with the other platforms I have (PC, laptop and PS4 Pro).
So I had a look to see if there were any games I am interested in that I can't play natively on the platforms I have. The only ones that came go mind were Sunset Overdrive, Red Dead Redemption (backwards compatibility) and Forza 6. I can deal with not playing the other two (or RDR on PS Now) and Forza 7 is coming out soon. Genuinely thinking about getting a Switch instead so I have full coverage of all the exclusive games.
Furthermore, the games that would take advantage of the One X I could just play on my PC (i7 5820k / 1070).
Thoughts? Again, I'm not here to trigger anyone, but wanted to ask fellow Xbox gamers that would likely also have a PC the reasons they have both.
Leaning to not replacing the Xbox, even though it was the first console I got this generation (and last gen) and always preferred Xbox Live.