**The one and only Official BioShock Thread**- now with added **SPOILERS**

gord said:
But will it look that different? Hmmm..

Well I'm sure we've all noticed the massive difference between DX9 and DX10 Crysis vids, hopefully it'll be the same with BioShock
Tom84 said:
Well I'm sure we've all noticed the massive difference between DX9 and DX10 Crysis vids, hopefully it'll be the same with BioShock
Ive seen a lot of the Crysis vids.. but no one ever seems to be 100% on what DX version its running on apart from the latest E3 ones which are supposedly DX10.. but i couldnt have told you that from looking at it.

JESUS H CHRIST.. Bioshocks scared me before ive even gotten the game.. just loaded the website in the background while posting on OcUK.. speakers are on loud.. weird noises.. scared the **** out of me.. :o phew..

Still reading the review too.. sounds amazing! Very excited about this title now.

Edit: Well, finished reading that review.. and frankly.. i really cant wait. Havnt been excited about a game like this for a while, and that its due out in under a month is great, rather than waiting years. Irrational should be laughing all the way to the bank, thats a stonking review and even though i pre-ordered on a whim earlier due to my new computer coming soon, i would definitely be ordering now.
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in game footage that has apparently "leaked" onto the net - get it before its gone as i believe irational/2k have asked to be pulled about 2 weeks ago

Don't view it if you are trying to avoid spoiling your experience as it contains a lot of the bathysphere journey down to Rapture and 3 battles with big daddies, although the whole vid is only 4.5 minutes long

That PC Gamer review gives a few heavy hints IMHO as to the plot and whats going on - wish there was someway of making a predicition on here without me spoiling it even more but I won't :D
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gord said:
Edit: Well, finished reading that review.. and frankly.. i really cant wait. Havnt been excited about a game like this for a while, and that its due out in under a month is great, rather than waiting years. Irrational should be laughing all the way to the bank, thats a stonking review and even though i pre-ordered on a whim earlier due to my new computer coming soon, i would definitely be ordering now.

Q.F.T. It's going to be absoloutly superb.
Few snips from the review

The HUD on the PC is virtually identical in appearance to the one on the 360, except for how weapon selection is handled. Not really a surprise. (Notice I said HUD, not the vending machine UIs which we've already seen.)

The harvesting process for the Little Sister has been toned down in the final version, from earlier versions of the game. The reviewer states that he feels the "choice" you have to make has now become rather anti-climactic.

The reviewer mentions that the game was "dazzlingly beautiful and hitchlessly smooth" on an Athlon X2 5200, single 8800GTS, at 1600x900 in DX9 running at max settings.
Robbie G said:
Well done, you've employed the two most commonly used clichés on OcUK: ":rolleyes:" and "fanboy". I'm impressed with your ability to produce a well-reasoned and intelligent discussion.

How anyone can equate arguing that a mouse + keyboard is a better control system for a FPS than a X-Box 360 game pad with "fanboyism" is beyond me, as is KNiVES's comment that for some reason he should know me :confused: Lol :)

well done, you've employed the most common cliche on OcUK by BEING a fanboy. Nowhere did i say mouse and keyboard wasn't a better control system, of course it is, im an avid pc gamer. However saying the 360 sucks just shows you are a fanboy
Perhaps a little more maturity from few people in this thread would be nice?

Anyways, excellant idea of starting an official Bioshock thread! The game is only 3 weeks away now, and it does sound extremely promising if PCG has given the game 95%! I always had good feelings about this game and I'm really looking forward to its release now!

I think I might need to upgrade to Vista in order to take advantage of DirectX 10 but I'm not too sure really, I wonder how much difference the DX10 features will make to this game as I am quite reluctant to say goodbye to XP.
I think i've decided to go for the pc version of this due to price and no multiplayer. I can only find the collectors edition at one place for 39.99, regular for 24.99. I cant decide if its worth 15 pounds more, anyone else found it cheaper?
XtAsY said:
I think I might need to upgrade to Vista in order to take advantage of DirectX 10 but I'm not too sure really, I wonder how much difference the DX10 features will make to this game as I am quite reluctant to say goodbye to XP.
Not too sure, devs said DX10 gets a few more features.

Hopefully the demo comes out soon and has an option for DX10/DX9 rendering. :)
Jihad said:
Not too sure, devs said DX10 gets a few more features.

Hopefully the demo comes out soon and has an option for DX10/DX9 rendering. :)

I get the feeling there isn't going to be a demo. In a developer interview which was only about 5 weeks ago, the guy said "I'm not saying there is going to be a demo, and I'm not saying there isn't." :rolleyes: Typical.....
XtAsY said:
I get the feeling there isn't going to be a demo. In a developer interview which was only about 5 weeks ago, the guy said "I'm not saying there is going to be a demo, and I'm not saying there isn't." :rolleyes: Typical.....
Apparently a demo was given a age rating for 360/PC though. :eek:
Jihad said:
Apparently a demo was given a age rating for 360/PC though. :eek:

hmmmm, interesting. In that case I would assume they would release the demo before the full game in which case as the game is so near, it would make sense to release the demo right about now really..

Just have to wait and see :)

Tom84 said:
I really need this game now, got zilch to play on at the moment :(

I have 2 more levels of Tomb Raider Anniversary to do in the mean time, and I also never got round to finishing Oblivion, so I have that to keep me busy in the mean time before Bioshock arrives :cool:
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sid said:
x1600 barely makes minimum spec for this game.
Sorry mate but you are out of luck there. You'll get better controls but GFX wil b poor.


actually even on min spec i dont think graphics will be that poor. e.g. x1600 runs HL2 no problems. So if the graphics are on a par with that great. Its down to the skill of the developers as well not just what graphics card you have.
The reviewer mentions that the game was "dazzlingly beautiful and hitchlessly smooth" on an Athlon X2 5200, single 8800GTS, at 1600x900 in DX9 running at max settings.

Oh my god. :D

Best post in the thread Tom. ;)

So who dares BioShock @ DX10 with 16xAA? :p
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