**The one and only Official BioShock Thread**- now with added **SPOILERS**

Jihad said:
Yes it will be, miles behind. :confused:

Not that far if you're playing at 1280x1024. I'm not talking about running at 1080p but you'll still probably run medium settings at 1280 without a problem on a 6800GT.

I didn't say it would look as good but that much off it. Lower textures and fewer particle and lighting effects. 6800GT is still a great card and no game released now would make it unplayable on one. Not even Crysis.
Good news about the performance of the game. It also takes advantage of the X-Fi cards which is awesome and should make the game perform slightly better still if the XRAM is utilised.
Really looking forward to this now, can't wait to get the PC version. I hate FPS games on console, it's like steering a tank. :p
gord said:
Ive seen a lot of the Crysis vids.. but no one ever seems to be 100% on what DX version its running on apart from the latest E3 ones which are supposedly DX10.. but i couldnt have told you that from looking at it.

Have you not seen that jungle scene, or the Hunter one that was done in both Dx9 and Dx10 so you could see the differences, you'll be absolutely amazed, differences are astounding.

(and ill be absolutely amazed if you can spot any). :p
Jihad said:

When the game is actually out :rolleyes:

Here is some more Limited Edition stuff...


This is the Box all these goodies will come in.

Just read the review in PCG, really looking forward to this game now :).

Think il just get the standard edition though. Does the special edition have anything extra ingame over the standard? Like extra weapons etc.
trading in my ps3 for an elite on the 24th, and guess what game im getting with it... :p

Also, am i right in thinking the 360 version, will probably look like the PC version running maxed out in DX9?
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tomanders91 said:
Also, am i right in thinking the 360 version, will probably look like the PC version running maxed out in DX9?
It'll look like it but I doubt it'll be as good, you could just get it on PC for cheaper and max it out I'd have thought.
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