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The Pascal Titan X and XP Owners Thread

9 Jun 2009
London, McLaren or Radical
Don't know... but with the shape of the Nvidia HB bridge... I would guess that they wouldn't work either.

It's Nvidia who ballsed up on the design of their bridge :(

I had to wait months to get the EVGA one... but there are some in stock now. EK are also supposed to be making one of their own that will match the blocks well.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Once you water cool you don't want to go back.

Okay I regret hardline as it was a bigger pain than I thought it was going to be but my previous builds were all soft tubing.

As said you can buy pumps with reservoirs built in and doing a loop is pretty easy. If you are doing the cpu as well then the ekwb kits are pretty good and then you can buy the Gpu blocks and some more quick release fittings and tube and plumb it in the same loop.

I went black ice rads as well and I went overkill, much more than needed and filled my case with them

Pump at 3000rpm and fans on the rad at 10% approx 300rpm keeps my Titan at 39c when benchmarking or gaming and my cpu at 65c.

Put the fans on 50% and the Titan stays at 29c under load.

39c and silence is good enough though :)
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham

Did you do any photo's of your finished rig?

Got tonnes of them in build but had to rush the final piping so not happy with it and too embarrassed to post on here.

I needed access to a high res pic for a competition I won so blitzed the last of the build in a 14 hour session.

Some pipes not vertical or horizontal and used a couple of 90 degrees elbows on bits I was going to bend the pipe.

Biggest issue and disappointment was my choice of alphacool 16mm Petg. I bought seven rubber inserts from 7 different manufacturers and not one was a true tight fit. That meant every 90 bend got slightly squashed and looks **** :(

The alpacool own rubber insert for their 16mm was the worst fitting. The 16mm pipe has internal of 13mm yet their own insert is meant to be 12mm but actually measures 11.7mm. Way too much space. They actually say it's for tubes with 12.5mm internal diameter but none of their own make tubes are that internal diameter and even then 11.7mm is too small for a 12.5mm internal tube anyway. The water cooling industry doesn't have make it much harder work than it should be!

Best I managed was a 12.5mm insert from eBay which was still too slack.

But I was too committed with all the pipe I had bought and the £700 of fittings for it as well.

Will post a pic when I get my LEDs working. For some reason every single one of them doesn't light up. I have ones which plug into molex, some into the connectors in the case and some into the motherboard and not a single one lights. All different makes from diffent retailers so doubt it's the leds themselves.

Concerned as to replace the LEDs I will have to drain and strip the loop :(
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Problem is a couldn't find a 13mm insert anywhere. I found a 14mm but figured would have been a nightmare to get to fit.

All inserts listed as 13mm are actually quite often only 12mm or less in diameter.mlike I said I bought 7 inserts all claiming to be the correct size and they weren't.

A lot of the issue is that other manufacturers of 16mm tube are 12mm internal whereas the alphacool stuff is only 13mm.

Anyway it will do for now. It took me three months on and off and since I was using lots of bits from my current PC I was without it for a month. Used 3.5m of tube but only about 2m is in the case.

In that time I owned three 1080s all unopened and even the Titanx stayed in its box for three weeks lol

It may not be the prettiest build but it works and works well. Noisiest things are the hard drives in raid. Starting to drive my crazy when I access files on them :) might have to buy some rubber mounts and do some sound proofing on them. I can even hear the faintest of coil whine from the Titan on game menus when the fps is above 500fps.

I tried a few benchmarks with the fans on full - 2200rpm and pump on full which was noisy but kept the cpu to low 40s but made little difference to the Titan. 29c is about as low as it will go under load.

Almost got my cpu stable at 4.8ghz now which is amazing since the max I managed was 4.4 in the old system.

Whole loop took three litres of Mayhems. I thought I would have had some left over. Must buy some more for top ups lol.
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
And how much of a boost ingame does that give over a clock of around 1950? Probably 2 or 3 fps at best. Barely worth the effort.

If you can live with the fan noise and it stays at 1950 then fine. A lot don't and start at 1950 and drop to 1800s due to heat.

To be fair its never going to give more than a few frames but same overclocking from stock in the first place. :p
26 Feb 2010
Well I would have run with stock cooler for at least a month as I'm waiting for my Parvum Case won't do a do loop till I have that in place and can do at once. Couldn't really do a loop in current case.
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Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
And how much of a boost ingame does that give over a clock of around 1950? Probably 2 or 3 fps at best. Barely worth the effort.

Working on that logic would I be better off just using my 1080 instead as that is 2 or 3 fps slower than the Pascal Titan. But wait I could use my 1070 as that is only 2 or 3 fps slower than my 1080, but then I could get out one of my 1060s as that is only 2 or 3 fps slower than the 1070, oh heck I think I will just use integrated graphics and leave the 1060 on the subs bench.:D
18 Oct 2002
Working on that logic would I be better off just using my 1080 instead as that is 2 or 3 fps slower than the Pascal Titan. But wait I could use my 1070 as that is only 2 or 3 fps slower than my 1080, but then I could get out one of my 1060s as that is only 2 or 3 fps slower than the 1070, oh heck I think I will just use integrated graphics and leave the 1060 on the subs bench.:D

Its far more of a hassle setting up a water loop and finding a stable overclock, on occasion that can take hours for gains that aren't even noticeable in-game. Plus for the loop its also adding to the cost. People seem to be under the impression that 2100mhz is some kind of magical number, when in-fact in terms of in-game performance you're not going to see any difference over 1900 or thereabouts.

It may have a point for the 3d mark brigade but for actually playing games the difference is mainly negligible.
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