And the parts arrived for the UVC
However I can't fit it until I have an opportunity to drain down the filters to drill a big hole and bond another connection to the front of the drum filter which is likely to be Sunday.
In the mean time I think it's time for more tiling..
Also an update on food (whilst I'm editing)..
Usually my base food is NTLabs Heath blended with NTLabs Wheatgerm (depending on temps and time of year) - usually a 5kg and a 3kg keeps the fish good for the majority of the season.
As I'd run out of Health, I've bought some Hakari Gold and mixed that in with the remainder of the other food. OMG it's like crack cocaine for the smaller fish.. and the colours are really really vivid.
So going forward I may still go with the NTLabs Heath, the Wheatgerm but also blend in some Hakari Gold.
NTLabs Health = 50.99 / 5Kg (37% protein fishmeal)
NTLabs Wheatgerm = 50.25 / 5Kg (but usually only need 3Kg at 29.71 / 3Kg) (21% protein)
Hakari Gold = 68.29 / 5Kg (35% protein fishmeal) (checking the packet this states 38% on a stuck on sticker, and it states colour and growth)
Hikari Staple = 56.89 / 5Kg (34% protein fishmeal)
Hikari Hi Growth = 32 / 2Kg (40% protein fishmeal)
NTLabs Probiotic = 60.32 / 5Kg (49% protein fishmeal)
Compare to the 'top' food at the moment:
Saki-Hikari Balance = 97.99 / 5Kg (40% protein fishmeal)
Saki-Hikari Colour = 110.29 / 5Kg (40% protein fishmeal)
Saki-Hikari Growth = 112.29 / 5Kg (40% protein fishmeal)
I'm conscious that koi can't really process more than about 40% and over 45% becomes a problem for their insides (same with less than 30% for prolonged periods)
What I may do is blend depending on temperature:
* Wheatgerm - keep for winter and blend in spring and autumn for energy.
* A balance - keep for spring, summer and autumn
* A high protein - keep for spring/summer
* A colour enhancer - keep for spring/summer/autumn
I'm leaning to the following at the moment for next year:
* NTLabs Wheatgerm - keeps them ticking over in cold water.
* NTLabs Health + Hikari Gold - this provides a basic good food (37%) and provides a boost with colour enhancer and growth (38%)
* Hikari Hi-Growth - a 2Kg bag can be added in spring/summer (40%)
Also given I now have 7 fish, 5 of them youngsters that are ripping through the food... I will need more food in terms of kg for the season.