The Predator (2018)

Are you expecting them do to a predator 2 where everything looks over the top in terms of heat? Can't say that it looks "hot" or not in the trailer, this is 28 years after the second movie after all.
The first movie was in the jungle in the tropics, South America I believe and the second was in a heatwave too. I believe it was mentioned in one of the films. Then AvP threw that right out the window.
Trailer looks dross which isn't overly surprising, there hasn't been a decent movie involving the Predator since 2.
The first movie was in the jungle in the tropics, South America I believe and the second was in a heatwave too. I believe it was mentioned in one of the films. Then AvP threw that right out the window.

Its a bit of a pointless plot line anyway lets face it. It needs to be hot for aliens to come and visit? Not like the weather has any bearing on the movie events. Just gonna wait and see how it turns out, maybe for the first time in decades this movie isn't going to blow its load and show you 90% of the movie in trailers. :)
Its a bit of a pointless plot line anyway lets face it. It needs to be hot for aliens to come and visit?

It's not pointless, it's part of the Predator lore which lays the ground rules for how the Predator behaves, why they do the things they do or don't do etc so that the actions of the Predator are consistent and the lore says that the Predator needs a "hot" to humans area to hunt. It's also expanded upon in the Expanded Universe with the additional info that while it's "hot" to humans, it matches the temperature of their homeworld, so it's their "ideal" temp to hunt (notice they don't wear any clothes to keep warm).

One of the big problems with these modern takes on the original films is that the lore which gives consistency is ignored because a director/studio don't care about it or it doesn't fit "their" interpretation so instead you get things like AvP where several important parts of the lore are ignored, and the film suffers for it, although in AvP's case it was mainly because the director wanted to make an Alien film and didn't even like/want the Predator character but AvP was the only way he could make an Alien film (info taken from the "making of" docu) so rather than adding to the Lore with a simple explanation of why were the "rules" changing we just get "Oh, Preds hunt in the cold too now and kill unarmed fishermen".

A good example of "adding" to the lore rather than ignoring it is Predator 2 which added new Predator weapons (Net), visor effects (see in UV etc) & hunting rules (pregnant women who had a pistol) without ignoring the rules set by the first film.
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well arguably the AvP preds weren't here for a hunt, they were there for a specific coming of age ritual. the inference was also that the pyramid was build an unspecified time ago when the climate was different, and also the temp inside was different to the outside.

still think they should go back to the original AvP comic, that would make a cracking film now they've got appropriate CGI abilities.
still think they should go back to the original AvP comic, that would make a cracking film now they've got appropriate CGI abilities.

The first Graphic novel I ever bought and still my favourite, but Hollywood has been left a bit scarred by the failure of two AvP movies so I don't think we'll see a third.
but when Alexa Wood (lead role) was running with the Predator practically 'high-fiving' near the end they were taking the p***!


Those Aliens vs Predator movies were so so bad.

I don't consider them cannon.

The AVP scene where the Predator makes the weapons for the woman out of an alien, oh the humanity. Probably the worst scene of any film i've ever seen, just so horrendously bad.
I remember watching the second AvP at the cinema, and it was just filmed so poorly. Everything was really dark and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the projection as it was my local cinema and I'd never had any other issues.
Not a great trailer, but its Shane Black the original writer, so still fingers crossed.

Might just be a bad trailer. It looked very TV bright / Video like on Youtube, similar to when I use the auto True Cinema type setting on my TV and it makes everything look like a Soap Opera.

The first 2 films suggested the Predator only came to hot places ..

Anna in Predator
"When I was little, we found a man.
He looked like,
like, butchered.
The old women in the village
crossed themselves
and whispered crazy things,
said strange things.
Only in the hottest years this happens.
And this year it grows hot.
We begin finding our men.
We found them sometimes without their skin,
and sometimes much, much worse.
"El que hace trofeos de los hombres" means
"the demon who makes trophies of man."

Keyes in Predator 2
"Ten years ago one of his kind eliminated an
elite Special Forces crew in Central America.
There were two survivors.
They indicated that, when trapped,
the creature activated a self-destruct device...
...that destroyed enough rainforest
to cover 300 city blocks.
Remarkable weaponry.
That's right, Lieutenant.
Other-world life forms.
A ******* alien!
Iwo Jima, Cambodia, Beirut.
Drawn by heat and conflict"
Why's everyone fapping over Shane Black, aside from The Nice Guys he's pretty much done nothing that great in the last decade, he's also responsible for one of the worst MCU movies.

Oh and great...another bloody kid in a Shane Black movie, surprise surprise, hope he gets gutted pronto :D

Trailer looks bad, will still watch it though as I quite like the lead.
It's not pointless, it's part of the Predator lore which lays the ground rules for how the Predator behaves, why they do the things they do or don't do etc so that the actions of the Predator are consistent and the lore says that the Predator needs a "hot" to humans area to hunt. It's also expanded upon in the Expanded Universe with the additional info that while it's "hot" to humans, it matches the temperature of their homeworld, so it's their "ideal" temp to hunt (notice they don't wear any clothes to keep warm).

Who really cares? Would the original 2 movies have lost anything without the plot-line of "ooh its hot"? Nope. Its an incredibly minor point that makes little to no difference to the movie. Obviously they're going to bring in the weapons used in the other movies as it gives the predator attacks some variety. But getting hung up on the imaginary temperature of a fictional movie is a bit ott. I'd prefer making the movie good taking first priority over minor details that make absolutely no difference to the final outcome.
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