Will either sell it or this, or it will take pride of place on the mantle piece. All three options up for grabs at the moment until I can spend some quality time with it over the weekend.
Matt, the reformed AMD card addict said:
“I don’t know what happened, no forum posting on OCUK for over 3 years, money in my bank account, I was doing really well, my family and friends all supported me and i stayed clean. My councillor said that if i kept clean, i could go back to a normal life and make a full recovery”.
Interviewer: “And when did the urges start again?
“When the 6800 series was announced i saw the screenshots of the reference card and i didn’t feel any urges to start spending money, i opened my phone, read the news and went back to watching sky sports with my mates, like a normal bloke, i didn’t even check OCUK but then....the custom cards got announced and that’s when the problems started”
Interviewer: “You didn’t buy just one did you Matt?”
“No i didn’t, once i bought one (a reference 6800XT), i though well, other people had you know..had better clock speeds than me and were posting on the forum about it and it just started to get out of control from there”
Interviewer: “and what happened then?”
“i started buying more cards, i don’t know why, 6900s, custom, reference, i bought so many that i even started to decorate my walls with them and at £1200 each, things started to get out of hand again. when my wife found out we couldn’t afford to pay the gas bill whilst i was posting a meme on OCUK about my reference 6900XT card being a fireplace ornament that’s when we knew i had to seek help again.....”