Just confirmed on BBC Twitter that Aluko is the second player to reject a transfer to newco, McCoist asks the players not to use the transfer of contracts as an excuse to leave.
TUPE allows them to walk away regardless.
My understanding of TUPE is that the players would be entitled to their current terms and conditions on the transfer to the new entity - if those terms and conditions cannot be met (e.g. either through wages or potentially in not being in the division you thought you were signing into) then presumably they must be free to walk away. I'd say that was a perfectly reasonable excuse for leaving whatever Mr McCoist believes.
It's really taken it's toll on Coisty hasn't it... he nearly looks like a club bouncer now.
Feb 2011
Naismith and Whittaker DO do walking away.
Heard that this morning. Would be fairy safe to assume they were going to leave regardless of the financial situation of the club, career furthering and such like
No one has ever questioned the other side of this story though. If these guys say "I'm staying" would The Rangers pay them £20k+ a week in div 3?
Hadn't really thought about that, even in division 1 there's no way they can maintain the wages that have broken the club in the first place.
Safe to assume most players will take the best money they can make without destroying rangers and missing out on game time
If Green says "Good Morning" id be going outside to check. I don't doubt there will be a few Rangers players on fat contracts who will find "bigger" clubs. But there will be a glut of guys on good money who maybe won't have natural alternatives in place - will he pay those guys?
He will have to, all the big earners are going to go, the only reason McCulloch has said he is staying, he wouldnt get anything like what he's on anywhere else.
"We owe no loyalty to the new club. There is no history there for us."