total tosh , the spl will collapse without sky money not to mention gate reciepts, sky are infact paying for 4 glasgow dearbys a year.
not all are against us ,
Again, misinformed nonsense. Sky have said no such thing, its all pie in the sky and no one knows what would happen, clubs may or may not have to cut their cloth, equally it could mean more fans through the gate with a more competitive league and more money for other clubs with Rangers out the way. As I said at the moment, no one knows and this is just a drum for Rangers fans to beat to try and scare a newco back into the league which is looking less and less likely (indeed, complete liquidation is looking more and more likely)
They cant be named (were on twitter) and theres legal action but they were all independent guys appointed to a panel that Rangers and other clubs agreed with at the time.
Dont talk so much rubbish.
"disgusting" to want to know who it is that is putting the last few nails in the coffin? Get away with yourself.
Would love to see anyone who wouldn't "fall apart" at the prospect of there beloved club, job and life being so close to death, its not called "falling apart"
Its called passion!!!!!
Look at it this way, if your on trial for a crime, are you allowed to find out who the jurors are? Its exactly the same thing, its not a personal vendetta, its a system put in part by Rangers who helped approve it, you cant just change the rules now your clubs been found out to be crooked.
You living in a dream world? If there are no Rangers, there are no big money deals in Scotland, less likely to attract reasonable named players, the game as a whole would suffer.
As for St.mirren, 9th position? aye, that's just fine
You may not be able to believe it (I know its hard for glory hunters to comprehend) but winning isnt everything. Newsflash, only Rangers and Celtic attract big players anyway, it affects my club not a jot.
My own club (Crystal Palace) has been in administration twice in the last 10 years. We didn't break any rules - we just didn't have enough money.
Do you think that Rangers should receive the same punishment as a club who have not broken the rules of the governing body or the law of the land?
The problem is that they have, they have taken money from clubs knowing full well they had no means to pay it back, thats why they have been handed the punishment.
I asked before, what do you think is a fair punishment for your club Rangers fans? Do you think you should be able to get away scot free just because the club is an institution? If it was Celtic in the same position, would you be happy for them to get the same treatment? If the answer is no, then you are simply hypocrites.