The Rise of Lonely Single Straight Men

In the favor of this thread and the single folks who self victimize, there is a reality to us males that is awful. But the issue is, giving up and shooting yourself with your own bullet. Women are not the same, many truly highly intelligent women see through the BS of the world and their own sex just as us men do and some men fall into feminism too. Feminism is not a subject I want to discuss here because it will derail the thread.

You will find in life intelligent men and intelligent women, you will find that also intelligence can never define their personality traits, it is just a descriptor for their cognitive abilities.

I agree with Shapiro here, I enjoy Shapiro and Peterson lectures and talks sometimes, I don't agree with everything they say and it would be silly to have not a little bit of skepticism.

I also don't expect anyone here to be in favor of my own cognition, thoughts or beliefs.

Bottom line though, if you keep thnking about this, you miss out on your chance to be open to anything and finding out through experiences.
People limit themselves to one way of picking up a woman too.
Facebook is filed with absolute idiots and few intelligent people from what I could tell when I last used it 4 years ago.

From the comment section of that video.

Horatio Nelson

Horatio Nelson

2 days ago

As a man who used to struggle with depression these are the most helpful things I can think of:

-Take Risks, don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying something new or something great

-Do things that genuinely scare you or that you're afraid of (Even little things like climbing onto a roof and helping to put up Christmas lights if you're afraid of heights or saying something to the cute cashier girl other than "hi" and "thanks")

-Pursue an ambitious goal, one that a lot of people don't believe you can achieve (It doesn't even matter if you fail this because no matter what the pursuit of an ambitious goal will make you a better person and give you fulfillment) With that being said, do your best to succeed

-Have a passion, basically this means to find a hobby that you enjoy so much that you will spend hours and hours getting better at it -Study history, pick a role model, and then analyze the traits of your role model and list the reasons why you admire them. Then start to emulate these traits in your everyday life and eventually you will become your own role model.

-Don't ever quit something just because it's hard (You can quit a crappy job if it's not the right fit for you, but never quit solely based on the fact that something is difficult). Embrace challenges and look for opportunities to improve yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.

-Never put yourself down. Try not to think negative things about yourself and especially never say them out loud. You will think more highly of yourself when you say positive things about yourself, at the very least avoid putting yourself down on purpose.

-Live purposefully. Have a direction for your life and if you don't already have one, make one. Decide what's most important to you and live accordingly. If you have a family or even a single loved one, your first priority (other than serving God if you're religious) should be to provide for them, to protect them, and to help them become the best version of themselves

-Develop Integrity. I can't even explain how much this increases your self-repsect. Be honest, be trustworthy, don't cheat (unless you're in a street fight) and live with honor.

-Find a hobby that you're really passionate about and strive to become a master at it

-Finally, probably the most important thing I can say is to think less about yourself. Think less about yourself but not less of yourself. In other words, think about other people before you think about yourself, especially your family and loved ones. If you're focused on helping them with their problems I can promise you that your problems will become less important and less troublesome. Look for opportunities to help others and make them feel better about themselves. Nothing lifts you out of depression better than helping someone out of theirs.
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-Do things that genuinely scare you or that you're afraid of (Even little things like climbing onto a roof and helping to put up Christmas lights if you're afraid of heights or saying something to the cute cashier girl other than "hi" and "thanks")

I find this is best avoided for one of two reasons, hence I will actively use the self serve to avoid such situations.

1. My wife will think I am flirting. :confused:

2. They will think I am but be too young to serve alcohol without supervision and I will end up on a list. :eek:

3. Both of the above. :eek::eek::eek:

I find this is best avoided for one of two reasons, hence I will actively use the self serve to avoid such situations.

1. My wife will think I am flirting. :confused:

2. They will think I am but be too young to serve alcohol without supervision and I will end up on a list. :eek:

3. Both of the above. :eek::eek::eek:

pfft, grow some balls and get your self on a list, only the cool kids are on lists these days.
It does seem very difficult these days to meet someone (for me anyway) without the use of things like dating apps that I'm not a fan of now. Besides meeting and talking to people at work everyone in the 'outside' world just seem so alien now. Might be me not putting myself out there any more but I don't want to seem a creep either :cry:

Perhaps I need an outgoing hobby to branch out :o
It does seem very difficult these days to meet someone (for me anyway) without the use of things like dating apps that I'm not a fan of now. Besides meeting and talking to people at work everyone in the 'outside' world just seem so alien now. Might be me not putting myself out there any more but I don't want to seem a creep either :cry:

Perhaps I need an outgoing hobby to branch out :o

I think finding a partner via a hobby is probably a good way to find someone.

Unfortunately I have seen far too many dating profiles with "Must be 6ft or over" the funny thing is they are 5 ft 2...
My tuppence worth here, after a late 30s divorce and a very hard time emotionally, is to just get out there and talk with women- not to them.

Initially, I found approaching women difficult, as I'd been with my ex since being a teenager.

The big awakening was when a female friend told me to stop whining about my luck and do something about it.

I took her advice, and made my own luck. I went out, and talked to women. I met a few, got turned down by a few, but that's life. Within two years, I had met my future wife. She totally ignored me the first time I talked to her!

In short, it's not that hard: you just have to try, let women talk, and listen to them when they do. Make them feel as special as they are. They're mostly really good conversationalists, and nearly always interesting.

Also, being a bit cheeky helps!
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