The Rise of Lonely Single Straight Men

Can’t say I’ve noticed professional photos being common on dating apps.

What other female behaviours do you mirror?
I guess you enjoy matching up with fat chicks on Tinder and other low hanging fruit? Lol

You use pronouns on your dating profile don't you?
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Professional photos are acceptable for a wedding

For a dating profile though? Trying way too hard. Checking out guys on a dating app is also a little odd
Most older guys have no clue how to take a decent selfie, having a professional pic or 2 taken offsets that. If someone is too cheap (or lacks a female friend to help) to give themselves every advantage possible then they deserve to have 'no luck' in the dating market.
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I have no horse in this race, but if you are flogging a car some decent proffesional photos of it, washed and polished, in an eye catching pleasing setting look better than something out of focus with it wet and dirty, taken outside the scabby local takeaway.

I am sure the same applies if you're flogging yourself to some bints sex shopping on a dating site.

In fact the similarities to flogging an aging motor are many, lie about your past history, number of former keepers, and clock your mileage, do some cosmetic hiding of the worst body issues and exaggerate your "performance". :)
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I have no horse in this race, but if you are flogging a car some decent proffesional photos of it, washed and polished, in an eye catching pleasing setting look better than something out of focus with it wet and dirty, taken outside the scabby local takeaway.

I am sure the same applies if you're flogging yourself to some bints sex shopping on a dating site.

In fact the similarities to flogging an aging motor are many, lie about your past history, number of former keepers, and clock your mileage, do some cosmetic hiding of the worst body issues and exaggerate your "performance". :)
You'll also be aware of the term that one can't polish a turd.

On internet dating anything other than good looking is a turd.
My past life tells me it's only too easy, especially after drinking, to fall prey to a well slonked up bint that bears little resemblance to the real thing seen in daylight and with the makeup off. I still shudder at some of my worst experiences when morning and soberness arrived...

Again, it's like buying or selling a car, a good bodywork man can make a wreck look OK to the unwary and naïve.
Professional photos are acceptable for a wedding

For a dating profile though? Trying way too hard. Checking out guys on a dating app is also a little odd


As a man you cannot try too hard when it comes to online dating, it's highly competitive. As a woman you don't need amazing photos in fact 1 photo will do and you'll get plenty of matches.

Having professional photos done mixed with casual photos can only do you well, I mean lighting is a big thing so a professional photographer will know how to get the best out of lighting.
In fact the similarities to flogging an aging motor are many, lie about your past history, number of former keepers, and clock your mileage, do some cosmetic hiding of the worst body issues and exaggerate your "performance". :)

Spare tire included, shaft may need lubing, gear knob likely faulty, fails to start regularly and may need assistance
The difference is I know I’m not the most handsome, cutest guy on the planet. Hence why I stated that I believe I’m below average looks wise.

I’ve been given some tips to improve what god has given me and I’m going to put those into action.
Well, I went ahead and shaved my head, used a zero setting on clippers then went over head with a Philips electric shaver.


Just goes to show you can't polish a turd lol
Well, I went ahead and shaved my head, used a zero setting on clippers then went over head with a Philips electric shaver.


Just goes to show you can't polish a turd lol

Not the most alluring death stare... :D but it does look 10x better - good job!

Some neatly trimmed facial hair will make the same difference again. You want it to draw attention to your jaw line for bonus man points.
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I have no horse in this race, but if you are flogging a car some decent proffesional photos of it, washed and polished, in an eye catching pleasing setting look better than something out of focus with it wet and dirty, taken outside the scabby local takeaway.

I am sure the same applies if you're flogging yourself to some bints sex shopping on a dating site.

In fact the similarities to flogging an aging motor are many, lie about your past history, number of former keepers, and clock your mileage, do some cosmetic hiding of the worst body issues and exaggerate your "performance". :)

It's very much like selling a car: touch up the body, a quick wipe down and straight down to business.
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