The Rise of Lonely Single Straight Men

Basically, turn off the phone, stop avoiding the discomfort and get out and meet some women. Its easier than ever in almost every way. There are apps, events, hobbies etc all of which allow you to meet women in whatever environment you are comfortable with.

How do they get the apps once they've turned off their phones? :p
We have seen this in other countries. Men and women are no longer dependant on each other so their differences are now seen as a reason not to form a partnetship. It leads to an inevitable decline in population. In the case of Japan, a fairly catastrophic collapse since the people don't welcome immigrants.
Japan's issues are less about the perceived roles and men and women, and more about the whole Lost Generation thing.

Do we think there are correlations between this and lower testosterone levels in males due to microplastics and chemical farming? Perhaps these perpetuate the inadequate social skills caused by environmental/upbringing factors.

I'd say it's definitely a factor, not so much in the social skills, just less of a drive to do anything.

There's a reason top CEOs etc are hopping on the TRT train when they get to a certain age! Not that they need any help with women, but suboptimal levels have a drastic effect on not just your physical health, but mentally as well.

Let's get the Elongated Musk to fund a study in which a group of incels get juiced to the gills. I mean, what could go wrong with all that aggression?
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I met my now wife online, before it was "the done thing" Got a lot of looks and odd eyebrow shapes staring at me when i said I met my wife back in 2007 on the AFF website.
Now there's tinder and all sorts. Such a meat market and not something I'd wish to have to go through.
I stil think the prime issue now is that its way too easy to distract yourself from your loneliness until its become a crippling issue. People can't spend 2 minutes on their own in silence. They have to reach for their phone. Play a game. Browse social media.

I have a group of friends that are all between mid twenties and late 30s who are making zero effort to meet women. They do a lot of stuff together and i know all of them want GFs but make no attempt to do it because its easier to avoid it and play computer games, board games, exercise together etc.

Time slips by and before you know it, its been years since you were dating and you have gone a bit perculiar. The people you are trying to date are probably the same or too well adjusted to take on a project.

Basically, turn off the phone, stop avoiding the discomfort and get out and meet some women. Its easier than ever in almost every way. There are apps, events, hobbies etc all of which allow you to meet women in whatever environment you are comfortable with.

And don't forget to take the necessary consent documentation, a witness to it's signing, a chaperone and preferably your solicitor, too. Have fun, but play safe ;)
Do we think there are correlations between this and lower testosterone levels in males due to microplastics and chemical farming? Perhaps these perpetuate the inadequate social skills caused by environmental/upbringing factors.

I'd hazard a guess that today the use of phones to communicate with people, instead of the face to face contact that my and previous generations did, is a cause of younger men not having social skills to attract a woman. Younger adults are like little zombies walking with their faces in their phones and not taking in the world around them.
I'd hazard a guess that today the use of phones to communicate with people, instead of the face to face contact that my and previous generations did, is a cause of younger men not having social skills to attract a woman. Younger adults are like little zombies walking with their faces in their phones and not taking in the world around them.
Basically they all become introvert
I'd hazard a guess that today the use of phones to communicate with people, instead of the face to face contact that my and previous generations did, is a cause of younger men not having social skills to attract a woman. Younger adults are like little zombies walking with their faces in their phones and not taking in the world around them.

I'd say it's not that men lack the social skills and more to do with how society and the dating scene has changed to a literal judge the book by its cover game. Most women using dating apps get to pick and choose, I believe its already been established that women swipe right less than 5% of the time, picking the same cream of crop men every time. Men on the otherhand swipe right way more often, infact I bet even those here on the this forum have opened up tinder while taking a dump and just swiped right on every profile. Women have been given a false sense of self worth, they could be a 5 or 6 out 10, hooking up with guys who are way out of their league, leading them to think they are worthy, when the reality is if they were dating people on their own level they'd probably have long lasting relationships rather than one night stands.
I wonder if the reduction in family sizes is relevant? Until very recently large families - 8+ children - used to be common if not the norm, so boys grew up among girls. But for the past 2-3 generations 1-3 children has been the norm, which increases the chances of all the children being one sex.
Women have been given a false sense of self worth, they could be a 5 or 6 out 10, hooking up with guys who are way out of their league, leading them to think they are worthy, when the reality is if they were dating people on their own level they'd probably have long lasting relationships rather than one night stands.

Very strange, this expected pairing based on appearance ratings thing. Much more viable prior to "equality", but today it's a fools game.
I'd say it's not that men lack the social skills and more to do with how society and the dating scene has changed to a literal judge the book by its cover game. Most women using dating apps get to pick and choose, I believe its already been established that women swipe right less than 5% of the time, picking the same cream of crop men every time. Men on the otherhand swipe right way more often, infact I bet even those here on the this forum have opened up tinder while taking a dump and just swiped right on every profile. Women have been given a false sense of self worth, they could be a 5 or 6 out 10, hooking up with guys who are way out of their league, leading them to think they are worthy, when the reality is if they were dating people on their own level they'd probably have long lasting relationships rather than one night stands.

To be honest, the whole rating peoples looks out of 10 is ******* weird to me.

Someone is either attractive or they aren't.
If I became single I'd certainly be looking to stay single.

I had a lot more freedom for sure and I actually did a lot more stuff and had less responsibility than now.

As long as you are fairly happy with your own company and actually do stuff then being single is no bad thing.

Its certainly easier.. In my experience!
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