The rise of OnlyFans

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Many see it as an easy means to money, and its often leads to levels of money they would never be able to attain through a normal career. The issue is many of these younger women do not consider the impact doing this content will have on their life later on down the line.

They are literally selling their souls for a bit of money.
I often wonder if its really difficult now , as a teacher (perhaps someone who is one can tell me) , to motivate/inspire young girls to have a "proper" career, given that they must all know by now that they can potentially make more money on OF than they will ever make in a normal job
22 Nov 2006
Less and less people are willing to work a normal job in general. They would rather just not work, or do the bare minimum and have a full social life with less stress. Times are changing.
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Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Less and less people are willing to work a normal job in general. They would rather just not work, or do the bare minimum and have a full social life with less stress. Times are changing.
Which I suppose bodes ill for the future, as **** simply wont get done, or is the thought that **** isnt needed to be done? Or just that people are thinking short term only not looking at the long term picture? Or maybe even that the rise of AI will simply mean people will have AI do the stuff instead?
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26 Aug 2018
Outside your house
If you sell your body for money you're a whore.

Which is fine, but a whores a whore, don't try and dodge it.

For me I see it very much part of a moral decay, ironically like night follows day the following generation will become increasingly puritanical which I would dislike even more!
I think we just see more now of things that have always been there, the web has revealed.

Just how all the village idiots now have an equal voice and a place to meet on twitter.

I'm not sure if there's a 'moral decay'. Maybe? I'm not sure how to judge as I don't judge people for doing pretty much anything if it's not harming anyone else. What's it got to do with me how they make their money or get their kicks? I just don't care.

Although my OH was in shock when we saw a news piece. She exclaimed "what is wrong with young people?!??!" when it showed Friday night pottery classes fully booked every week by the yoof instead of going to the pub.
19 Feb 2010
I've noticed that lately - quite surprising in some cases.
I think this was the most shocking one from a girl I'd seen in some Youtube Documentaries - the algorithm made one of those pop up in my feed again so I thought, "surely not her..."


Holy mother of god that is depressing.

And probably an extremely challenging ****.
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10 Jul 2008
I think this was the most shocking one from a girl I'd seen in some Youtube Documentaries - the algorithm made one of those pop up in my feed again so I thought, "surely not her..."


Holy mother of god that is depressing.

And probably an extremely challenging ****.

"Should I share my ***** more?". The words a father hopes to never leave their daughter's mouth. Jeez
9 May 2022
Never really understood the judgment of people with only fans. Some people are born with a remarkable ability to learn, some people are born with a remarkable set of chebs. Make the most of what god gives you I say.

If anyone deserves judgments it's the weirdos who pay for it when they can just get porn for free lol.

It's also given hope to ugmos everywhere and has taught us that it doesn't matter what you look like, in a world of 8 billion there is always a few pervs out there who will give you money for nudes.

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14 Jun 2004
I think this was the most shocking one from a girl I'd seen in some Youtube Documentaries - the algorithm made one of those pop up in my feed again so I thought, "surely not her..."


Holy mother of god that is depressing.

And probably an extremely challenging ****.
engaging the community and trying to earn a living.
trying not to lose an incoming and keep the people (fan base) paying the food, rent, and life style.
twitch streamers & Youtubers any one?

flip side is this is a short term job its not a life long job.... that said :
so maybe it could be.
13 Jan 2010
My prediction is that soon direct human to human contact will just get less an less.

OF will probably end up with AI women on it. I mean, after all, if you're never going to meet, does it matter.

We all know how hard relationships can be.
The appeal of AI to replace real relationships will just grow and grow. Not with everyone. But that's what I think. Especially when you either
A) have life like robots who can talk, move etc
B) can be plugged in a VR world
Ie, the physical side can be replicated.
Its already really hard to get my geeky friends to come out.. Especially since covid normalised online.

With the danger of sounding old, technology is progressing faster and faster. Too fast for our mental biology to cope with. Look at kids and addiction to tech.

Its at the point where I can't predict what's going to happen. Are people going to end up in a matrix stylenWorld? Quite possible.

OF is now so normalised I don't think the shame aspect is attached anymore. That is a big floodgate opener to a much wider demographic.

Its becoming normalised.
Surely it's getting to a point of saturation. I'm amazed so many people can make money off it. Seriously.. Who pays for it in this volume?
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13 Jan 2010
Never really understood the judgment of people with only fans. Some people are born with a remarkable ability to learn, some people are born with a remarkable set of chebs. Make the most of what god gives you I say.

If anyone deserves judgments it's the weirdos who pay for it when they can just get porn for free lol.

It's also given hope to ugmos everywhere and has taught us that it doesn't matter what you look like, in a world of 8 billion there is always a few pervs out there who will give you money for nudes.


Personally I can't understand people paying for it. Just can't.

I even get paying for sex. But I can't wrap my head around paying for OF. It's often not even personal.
19 Feb 2010
engaging the community and trying to earn a living.
trying not to lose an incoming and keep the people (fan base) paying the food, rent, and life style.
twitch streamers & Youtubers any one?

flip side is this is a short term job its not a life long job.... that said :
so maybe it could be.
Yeah as I say, I can respect earning money any way you can, especially when you're in a bind although in that particular case there's been a gofundme which has raised plenty of cash so I'm a bit confused.

*shakes fist at cloud*

Hah - oh my god that's some entertaining reading :D
10 Jul 2008
Yeah I don't get paying for it. Name any OF model and I bet you can find content for free of them online somewhere.
Is it because people like to feel they have the content exclusively before others? Can you not wait a week? A paid for **** would equal a challenging **** for me. ;)
20 Oct 2002
Many see it as an easy means to money, and its often leads to levels of money they would never be able to attain through a normal career. The issue is many of these younger women do not consider the impact doing this content will have on their life later on down the line.
Well yes if you’re a young person nowadays there’s probably a few things going on.
- You’ll never be able to buy a house. The days of going to University and having a good career out of it working for “the man” will not give youngsters the type of lifestyle it gave their parents/grandparents. It’s just impossible. Entrepreneurship seems much more important to them than it used to be. Thinking outside the box.
- There’s also no privacy anymore. I can’t imagine how bad it is as a teenager at school. Every argument, every fight must descend into everyone posting videos and pictures online ready to shame the other. Ugh.
- As above, they’re used to documenting their lives online anyway. They’re much more used to being in front of a camera than us older folk are. Because they’ve grown up with cameras everywhere.
- They’re a lot more open with sex anyway. Everything is normalised (that’s a good thing!).
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I had a random text on my phone recently asking if I would do "OF content" - I quizzed and asked for further details and wtf. They said it was for wanting portraits and things for her OF account. The moment I mentioned business and fees the person vanished quicker than a tory promise.

Clearly wanted free imagery to use but didn't want to pay for it lol.

Thought you meant they wanted you to open an OF account as they would be interested in your content for a second there :cry:
13 Jan 2010
One young lady did address this exact dilemma on esteemed journalist Piers Morgn's show:


Boomers on Facebook are continually falling for all sorts of AI landscapes, architecture etc.. "photos". Wouldn't be surprised at all if some people were falling for AI models, especially the "show bobs pls" Indian guys!

Haha yeah. It's tragic and funny.
These obviously AI images get huge numbers of likes. And comments from older generation.

But soon, once the AI gloss is taken off, no one will be able to tell.

I do wonder what AI + images will mean for social media.

If you can take a pic of a waterfall in Thailand, but you can do it in AI and no one can tell... What's the point. Many people literally go on holidays for pics.

I even wonder if AI images and videos will kill social media as, if you literally can't tell it's real.. Is it even if any interest?
13 Jan 2010
Times are hard and ends have to be met.

If I was a woman? I'd absolutely be doing it.
Beats 9/5 working in a job that's a nothing more than a job.

As a guy really, you have to work hard, be smart, run a business etc etc to get a decent job

Now, especially now, if you're a woman.. You just have to market yourself.
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19 Feb 2010
Personally I can't understand people paying for it. Just can't.

I even get paying for sex. But I can't wrap my head around paying for OF. It's often not even personal.
I'll occasionally throw a few quid at a Twitch streamer who's playing an instrument or who is very entertaining when gaming, but throwing money at people for bobs and vagene when there's so much free stuff out there is crazy to me - I mean, if you want to see the "girl next door" type then they are all over certain subs.

Paying is mental, especially when it's probably some dude they've employed that's responding to your messages on OF.

As said above, I think the thirst out there is real otherwise it wouldn't be a thing. There's also this weird financial domination/deprivation thing going on amongst some dudes which I really don't understand. I'm just surprised that the market isn't completely saturated now.

Times are hard and ends have to be met.
I tip my hat to you, sir! :D
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