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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
You can't with folks on here man, they will make up anything to shill RT.
But that's ok, it's not like people can't enjoy things and when it is done right it does look good, mostly it never makes a big enough impact except in games nobody plays or people who loves lies (CBP2077)
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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Spotted the frustrated AMD users.
Many on that website own Nvidia gear. So...
As a previous RTX 3000 owner, I would be one to say I did turn it on in the past month possibly but I never really kept it on other than both Resident Evil games as the standard reflections (SSR) are terrible in those games.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
You can't with folks on here man, they will make up anything to shill RT.
But that's ok, it's not like people can't enjoy things and when it is done right it does look good, mostly it never makes a big enough impact except in games nobody plays or people who loves lies (CBP2077)

Translation, my brand new £650 card can't do RT in games where you can actually see the difference :p

I am playing Spiderman Miles Morales at the moment and am enjoying RT being on personally :D
6 Feb 2019
Love it when the lack of interest in RT continues to get exposed time and time again. :cry:

I suspect you'll find game developers don't give a crap who is interested and just make games using the techniques they like and suits their design for their game
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3 May 2021
Personally I think developers would like to use RT more but one look at Steam hardware charts is all they need to know it can't be more than another "ultra" setting...
31 Jan 2012
Droitwich, UK
My nephew's both have 3080's and the Alienware Ultrawide QD-OLED monitors, and neither use RT in CP2077 as they say the hit isn't worth it.

It's also hard to notice in a lot of implementations; in Darktide I really can't see the difference with it on but I notice the almost halved FPS (again, my nephew's leave it off).

When mainstream cards have the power to run RT effectively it will become more ubiquitous, but that will be reliant on consoles having the performance required. This is especially true when the price of cards keeps creeping up higher and higher, making them less obtainable for less affluent/more casual gamers.
4 Jun 2009
Who would have known an optional graphical setting to improve visuals for gamers who want it and significantly help game developers would cause some people so much frustration and heartache :D

All in all, a good year 2022 for RT:

- intel knocking it out of the park with their first attempt at RT and rdna 3 matching 3090 RT so all 3 gpu vendors have "capable" RT support now
- a good chunk of games released this year with RT, good % increase over what we saw with 2021
- all mobile chipset manufacturers adding hardware RT support
- nvidia remix backend files being modded/added into other dx 8 and 9 titles, think remix is due next year for proper/official implementation of RT
- Sony and microsoft embracing the RT visuals with all the titles they showed at e3 last year using RT

But nope, still a "gimmick" :cry:

Maybe people just aren’t using it…

Given on a so called enthusiast forum where the pc "master race" chase better visuals etc. we would think people would be more knowledgable on here but as shown many times when it comes to peoples comments on RT and screenshots showing "no difference" because they have taken them where no RT reflections would be present :o..... there is a clear lack of understanding on what RT does and achieves so it is no surprise that the mass majority of the uninitiated don't have a clue either, in fact, I swear come the time where RT is the norm and no way to turn it off, them poll results would still probably look the same :cry:

Spotted the frustrated AMD users.


Probably a good chunk tbf but mostly just people who have no clue.

I am playing Spiderman Miles Morales at the moment and am enjoying RT being on personally :D

Enjoy! It looks stunning on that aw qd-oled panel in hdr and them RT reflections ;) Last couple of missions are very nice in terms of the RT reflections, almost like they designed the game with that in mind.

I suspect you'll find game developers don't give a crap who is interested and just make games using the techniques they like and suits their design for their game

It does benefit gamers a lot too, sadly, a lot of people keep the fingers in the ears though and go "PC graphics are good enough" without realising that RT will open the door to many other possibilities and not just "fancy reflections", again a big one for me being destruction of game worlds and their objects etc. (of course entirely possible without RT but requires a significant amount of time and effort hence why very few games do it these days or rather very limited destruction).

I also still have yet to hear a good solution on how RT can be implemented as we move into RT era (which is in motion right now as evidenced by everyone involved in the gaming space, even amd)..... Again, lots of people seem to think "oh just wait until the hardware is there then flip a switch to turn on RT and disable raster", job done :o 4a enhanced talked about this perfectly in their article:

Personally I think developers would like to use RT more but one look at Steam hardware charts is all they need to know it can't be more than another "ultra" setting...

The only way RT will get proper implementation as in metro ee kind is when developers let go of old gen console hardware, until then, it will just be the hybrid titles we have seen so far, it will also require developers changing up their workflow, which they have become accustomed to over the years with raster methods but like any tech. industry, this isn't as big of a task as it sounds and is perfectly normal and tbh, expected in a development job/company. Nvidia have partnered up with likes of UE and even made some of their tools/plugins to integrate RT, whilst this may do the job, it is not the most efficient way and needless to say, not a good path as shown by remix and portal unless they listen to feedback and implement necessary changes to benefit everyone....
4 Jun 2009
Some exciting remix/RT news now.

Seems max payne with the portal rtx remix files is making good progress:



BF getting some RT treatment now:

I found this comment interesting:


So seems nvidia are helping out these modders :cool:

I think this might be the DC channel for anyone else interested:

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Am I right in thinking the most impressive implementations of RT are..

Cyberpunk. - old, moved on
Control - old, bang average
Quake - really..
Portal 2 - old.. Amazing.. But completed and moved on many years ago
Metro - old, great.. Completed and moved on years ago
Minecraft - old, still relevant to many kids but they can't run RT anyway.

I'm not seeing the real pull right now. Maybe in ten years we can have resident evil 2 RT.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Am I right in thinking the most impressive implementations of RT are..

Cyberpunk. - old, moved on
Control - old, bang average
Quake - really..
Portal 2 - old.. Amazing.. But completed and moved on many years ago
Metro - old, great.. Completed and moved on years ago
Minecraft - old, still relevant to many kids but they can't run RT anyway.

I'm not seeing the real pull right now. Maybe in ten years we can have resident evil 2 RT.
Fear not my man, Max Payne 1 from 2001 is being redone with RT! Performance targets are aiming for 1080P 60FPS with image reconstruction running in high performance mode. If that doesn't wet your whistle for next gen RT, nothing will.
1 Oct 2020
Hopefully they do Civilisation next. Though joking aside, using first person games to illustrate RT where the performance hit is the biggest issue is a bit of a problem.

You might get some great results using Civilisation, Stellaris, Endless Space/Legend, Frostpunk, games like that. It might also bring them further to a crawl late game and completely debunk my own point, though this is generally computational, but it seems like there is a possibility missed here.
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18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Fear not my man, Max Payne 1 from 2001 is being redone with RT! Performance targets are aiming for 1080P 60FPS with image reconstruction running in high performance mode. If that doesn't wet your whistle for next gen RT, nothing will.

As you might see in games forum I've discovered Elden Ring this week and it's absolutely crapped on everything (naughty dog games excluded) I've played in last five years.

Give Elden Ring full RT and 60fps right now and you've got a deal.

Otherwise I'll shelve it until it doesn't cost me 1700 quid to play games that were good when I used to have hair.
4 Jun 2009
Am I right in thinking the most impressive implementations of RT are..

Cyberpunk. - old, moved on
Control - old, bang average
Quake - really..
Portal 2 - old.. Amazing.. But completed and moved on many years ago
Metro - old, great.. Completed and moved on years ago
Minecraft - old, still relevant to many kids but they can't run RT anyway.

I'm not seeing the real pull right now. Maybe in ten years we can have resident evil 2 RT.

I didn't care for quake, minecraft, serious sam, mario, doom etc. RTX showcases but loved portal (could happily replay this but not the other ones) and seeing what modders are doing with only copying over and adjusting a few files from portals folder has got me very excited for "older" RTX titles now, which aren't quite quake levels of old....

Do agree overall in the sense that we haven't had any titles which stand out as much as likes of metro ee, cp 2077 and control..... In terms of new titles with RT effects released this year, which impressed me to similar levels of CP etc. there was dying light 2, ghostwire tokyo, miles morale and witcher 3 but when compared to full path tracing i.e. portal, they pale in comparison.

Next year, the 2 main ones (confirmed so far) will probably be atomic heart (CP 2077 equivalent RT) and avatar (metro ee equivalent RT)

PS. RE 2 remake already has got RT :p Unless you mean full ray/path tracing then yeah, give it 10 years :cry:


As you might see in games forum I've discovered Elden Ring this week and it's absolutely crapped on everything (naughty dog games excluded) I've played in last five years.

Give Elden Ring full RT and 60fps right now and you've got a deal.

Otherwise I'll shelve it until it doesn't cost me 1700 quid to play games that were good when I used to have hair.

Elden ring is confirmed to be getting RT but no indication to what kind of RT, probably just be reflections, AO, shadows or GI.
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