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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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This is such a stupid chart...
Why doesn't it just list each res with the different settings/fps they can achieve and wether they can do that chosen setting be it min/middle/max at said with with or without RT.
Seems like sucha random way to do it, when some of this hardware can clearly achieve higher settings/fps?
Best would be to wait and see since is not that far off now.
I wonder if a certain someone on this forum will now change their tune on RT ;) :cry:


There was talk for some time now about RT. I think they plan it to have a "light" version (for non-RT HW capable cards) and RT for HW capable cards. So raster will be left aside.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1956739712?filter=archives&sort=time . time is 02:09:50, higher quality from the stream where it talks about RT.
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I can confirm that Alan Wake 1/2 is literally a parody of @mrk stumbling around the Isle Of Wight in the dark, whilst drunk with a stolen pack of Duracell's making GIFs frantically trying to upload them with limited phone reception tripping balls!

The evidence for his flashlight fetish has been there from day 1, we were just blinded, literally by his Nick Cage mod, and too amused to see it, upon closer inspection of his mods folder, the truth has been revealed!
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You say that, but this pic below is me with a torch on a foggy night down town, not even 1 mile from the Isle of Wight ferry terminal :p


I also have 2 powerful torches in my car, I call them portable suns for obvious reasons, and also a mini one, only 1000 lumens, at my deskside :p
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RTGI is the game changing RT feature really, it transforms any game using it, Witcher 3 NG being the primest of examples.

It's also the most demanding RT feature, so you can guess what cards will be the ones preferred to play with it on :p
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Seems performance in aw2 is great.

7900xtx also has decent perf in pathtracing, similar to rtx 3080. Which is good, cause AMD users can get a taste of PT.

4xxx series is on another level though, plus FG on top of that.

Ps: also keep in mind those results are without DLSS but with DLAA ( so native ).
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