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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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On another note, sadly GTA 5 RT is extremely limited :(

GTAV from a graphics perspective had so much potential for various RT effects to be implemented, RTGI, RT reflections, RT shadows etc... and Rockstar went for the easiest to implement, Shadows, Very disappointing.

I really hope CDPR's "next gen" update for The Witcher 3 isn't some lazy sloppy implementation of RT doing the absolute bare minimum.
GTAV from a graphics perspective had so much potential for various RT effects to be implemented, RTGI, RT reflections, RT shadows etc... and Rockstar went for the easiest to implement, Shadows, Very disappointing.

I really hope CDPR's "next gen" update for The Witcher 3 isn't some lazy sloppy implementation of RT doing the absolute bare minimum.

Hopefully PC version of GTA 5 will get some extra love when/if these updates makes its way across.....

With nvidia being behind CDPR and witcher 3, I'm fully expecting them to go heavy with the RT effects, at the very least expecting CP levels of RT :cool:

Gotta say the RT reflections in Guardians of the Galaxy are very nice eye candy, Mix in DLSS2 and it's yumm :D

Loved that game, SSR was very good but RT reflections made a noticeable improvement in quite a few scenes.

Some RT footage for ghostwire:

Trailers looked good for this but after seeing gameplay, well..... :/

Looks to be a decent enough showcase for RT reflections though but think I'll pass for now.
Looks like there are going to be even more RT games coming out ;) :cool: :D

Can't help but feel it is going to take a lot/long time for amd to catch up in the RT space, we know they are working on hardware side for extra RT perf. but that won't be much good if nvidia are providing the tools/assets for developers to be easily to implement the RT effects into their games...
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Very nice.

Guess dlss won't be dying anytime soon then :p


Performance-wise, an NVIDIA RTX3080 can only handle these Ray Tracing effects at native 1080p. Native 1440p and 4K are below 60fps. Thus, you’ll have to either use NVIDIA DLSS Quality or AMD FSR Ultra Quality. By using these upscaling techniques, you can run the game with smooth framerates at 2560×1440. As for 4K, you’ll probably need a next-gen 4xxx series GPU for Max settings. In order to gain better performance, you can reduce the quality of these RT effects, or drop DLSS to Performance/Ultra Performance.



Yikes! 40xx series can't come soon enough ;)

Moreover, there are some specular aliasing issues on some surfaces with DLSS Quality. You can easily spot these issues on some metal surfaces. Apart from these two issues, NVIDIA DLSS looks on par (and a bit sharper) than native 4K. It’s also worth noting that NVIDIA DLSS is noticeably faster than AMD FSR. Speaking of AMD FSR, it looks worse than NVIDIA DLSS and native 4K, though it does not suffer from the raindrop ghosting or the specular aliasing issues that are present on NVIDIA DLSS.
How Nvidia Streamline integrates

I've been saying this is required for some time now, but I'm not sure Nvidia are the best to lead it, while I also doubt Microsoft would include Valkan. Fingers crossed this works out and we can chose our preferred SS solution across all titles.

Hardware Vendor #3 made me laugh out loud, care to join us AMD?
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