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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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Matrix Awakens Demo compiled with new Unreal Engine 5.1​

Someone compiled the Matrix Demo with the latest Unreal Engine 5.1 main branch on Github. UE5.1 offers significant improvements such as inclusion of transparent reflections on glass, performance improvements and the integration of DX12 Ultimate.

It runs significantly better in my test compared to the builds before. It also includes a settings menu and DLSS.
Note: You need a DX12 Ultimate capable GPU to run it (RTX 2000, RTX 3000 and RX 6000 series)

Newer compiled version here :- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQ_Oav8pxMJ-55qwwyRurjS_dyKgFGqZ/view?usp=sharing

FIX for Google Drive "Download quota exceeded for this file" 1 - Create a folder on your GDrive, leave it empty 2 - click on the link and select "add shortcut to GDrive", then select the folder you've created 3 - go to your GDrive page and right click the "Folder" your created and select "download" Important: DO NOT right click on the "File" to download, instead right click on the "Folder" you created to download.

If you have no folder when you add the shortcut to you GDrive (google drive), create any folder and move the shortcut to it and download the folder not the file and it will download without errors of too many downloaders or exceeded quota.

UE 5.1 City Sample Download | 1st P. | DLSS | Graphic Menu | Cinematic | Vehicles​

Has a menu to change settings now too as you will see from above video.

Thanks for this. Couldnt find it anywhere, 18GB pulling down from that link now at 60MB/sec :)
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I think he means full path tracing is 20 years away if we keep increasing RT performance as we are seeing.
He comes off more like he has a bone to pick with nVIDIA.

Rasterization didn't get to where it is now in a couple of years, it took many decades and different advances with plenty of tricks to pass as "real" as it is.
Metro EE is RT only and runs fine even on first gen cards like Turing -> just playing now with rtx2080 and in 1080p, with settings on Ultra - one step down from Extreme, + 4x VSR runs most of the time at 60fps+ at native resolution. Control also plays nice with DLSS on Quality if you want 60fps locked. CB2077 is a ~ 50(+)-60fps experience with DLSS.

The performance right now is fine in RT (if you take into consideration newer cards from all IHV), even in his video you see that in situations where RT is heavily used (RT renders like V-Ray), the performance increase is big. Of course games have issues as they don't push the tech that much, plus most likely aren't that efficient since the games are not thought to run RT only.

Biggest issue is the "prescalped" prices from nVIDIA and AMD - Intel doesn't matter that much now. If the 4060ti (which should have been the 4080 12GB) would have been around $300-$350... oh well, RT for everyone. :)
Metro EE is RT only and runs fine even on first gen cards like Turing -> just playing now with rtx2080 and in 1080p, with settings on Ultra - one step down from Extreme, + 4x VSR runs most of the time at 60fps+ at native resolution. Control also plays nice with DLSS on Quality if you want 60fps locked. CB2077 is a ~ 50(+)-60fps experience with DLSS.
Metro EE isn't path-traced though - it's most impressive 'trick' is RTGI that uses accumulation to simulate extra light bounces.

In one of these threads I mentioned that this year's path-tracing 'showcase' is Portal RTX - a game that uses an engine that came out 9 years after Quake II - we've gotten there in 4 years since Quake II RTX debuted so if we continue along at that pace, we'll most likely see fully path-traced AAA titles in about 10 years or so - possibly sooner, possibly later depending on the challenges nvidia/AMD/Intel (!) face along the way.
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Metro EE isn't path-traced though - it's most impressive 'trick' is RTGI that uses accumulation to simulate extra light bounces.

In one of these threads I mentioned that this year's path-tracing 'showcase' is Portal RTX - a game that uses an engine that came out 9 years after Quake II - we've gotten there in 4 years since Quake II RTX debuted so if we continue along at that pace, we'll most likely see fully path-traced AAA titles in about 10 years or so - possibly sooner, possibly later depending on the challenges nvidia/AMD/Intel (!) face along the way.
Indeed, but it doesn't have a rasterization mode, just RT which runs fine and, as per devs, should run better with more optimization.
Just "4k textures and models".
Yeah - it wasn't clear to me if that's just the PC assets ported to console (they didn't talk about that until they got to the console versions).

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Textures & models are going to be based off of the work did in the HD Reworked Mod. Ultra+ sounds like they're opening up more options like what we could do in the ini before, but straight in the menu now (also similar to how a very useful mod did it). Same with a lot of other nice QOL changes like casting signs without a radial menu, the camera options etc.

Personally I'm very happy with what they've shown, RTGI+AO is without a doubt the best choice they could've made and we also get FSR 2.1 natively so everyone can enjoy it. SSR is the cherry on top and tbh besides for water it having raytraced reflections wouldn't have matter too much (not without murdering the frametimes). In terms of models & LODs Witcher 3 already had some of the best management of streaming in any open-world game (at least on PC) and that could be improved a lot more through ini. In fact in this respect it's still superior to even Cyberpunk who struggles immensely with it. For PC the changes here can't be major but for consoles it will make a HUGE difference, f.ex. PC Max (Left) vs Xbox One X modes (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49584671817_969abee888_o.jpg).

The biggest difference will be seen without a doubt in the B&W areas, that's where the lack of any real GI & AO felt the most painful under the direct sunlight and where even a tacked-on solution like Marty McFly's RTGI in Reshade could still make a huge difference even if it was really also only in screen-space. Unfortunately CDPR's community managers are totally incompetent and failed to really present all the changes properly & compare and contrast so as to make it more obvious to the average viewer. They made the same poor presentations for Cyberpunk patches too.

Here's some old screenshots I found that I still had of the reshade:
The reshade version is a crude approximation and much more limited than the real thing we'll get. Still, I don't understand how you can look at a scene during a sunny day with everything unlit and constantly shaded with no light bounce of any kind, or self-shadowing for foliage, and think it looks better. It's especially egregious when adding HDR to the mix as well (SpecialK ftw), the image ends up losing all its dynamism without GI.
Reshade RT helps in some areas but often it can look pretty bad imo.

Nice difference with RT AO, GI, world has much more depth to it and looks less like a cardboard cut out game :) Alex from DF thinks there might be RT reflections for PC too based on the trailer and not noticing the usual SSR issues, wouldn't be surprising if pc had extra effects tbh.
Reshade RT helps in some areas but often it can look pretty bad imo.

Nice difference with RT AO, GI, world has much more depth to it and looks less like a cardboard cut out game :) Alex from DF thinks there might be RT reflections for PC too based on the trailer and not noticing the usual SSR issues, wouldn't be surprising if pc had extra effects tbh.
As usual some scenes look better with RT some look worse. It won't be worth it until it makes no difference in performance.
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As usual some scenes look better with RT some look worse. It won't be worth it until it makes no difference in performance.

Which will never happen if you want to keep improving visuals, same as is the case with improving visuals regardless of RT, there will always be a performance cost for better visuals.
From what I've gathered so far from the stream this is the list of which graphical improvements we're getting on PC -

-Improved universal screen-space reflections
-Ultra Plus settings i.e even higher settings available than before for rendering distance, Level of detail etc...
-4K textures with help of modder "HalkHogan" along with improved assets like grass, Foliage, Ground, Mud etc...
-Improved tessellation so small rocks, Pebbles, Cobbles etc... actually have 3 dimensional geometry.
-New clouds, Higher res etc...
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Which will never happen if you want to keep improving visuals, same as is the case with improving visuals regardless of RT, there will always be a performance cost for better visuals.
Well lets just hope RT will continue being a non-factor for the foreseeable future.
Let's just hope developers stagnate and don't improve visuals any further. In fact, I think we should go back to quake and the original doom style of graphics....

Thank god no one is forcing people to max games out :cry:
I was incredibly excited for RT but the end result has just been so disappointing.

There many ways for developers to push visuals without implementing performance crippling RT.

Raster is way more than enough and I would argue it's also superior in some cases. Artists can create incredibly atmospheric scenes that would just get ruined with the light bouncing nature of RT.
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