Well here's a bit of a spanner for that theory. Mine OC's hard, and UV's harder than most too. Mine is an Air C0. Soon to get a water block as it really needs one to see it's full potential but that's what I intended for it in the first place.
1752 set on P7, 950mv, ~1580MHz rock solid through Superposition, yet needs the fan up at max to keep it under 65C on my old rig and hangs about 61C in my new rig (much better cooling). So not all C0's are bad...
1752 set on P7, 950mv, ~1580MHz rock solid through Superposition, yet needs the fan up at max to keep it under 65C on my old rig and hangs about 61C in my new rig (much better cooling). So not all C0's are bad...