I don't see being progressive as being bad. it's odd why someone would think that things trying to change for the better of
everyone could be a bad thing. Happy with how things are?
So on one hand it matters you see people like yourself in media, but on the other you don't care? Weird juxtaposition no?
Not really that weird when you don't deal in absolutes.
I've always had the same view. Representation matters. I do think it's important that people from all different background/orientations see people like them within media being shown in a good (or rather not negative) light if nothing else that young kids will see themselves in something and think "yeah, acting could be a career path that I try and go down. There's people I identify with and they're doing well, that means I can too".
It also depends on what I am watching. The HBO show Chernobyl is probably my favourite TV series of the last 5 or so years. That is a non-fiction show based on real events. I can take the artistic license of giving mostly everyone British accents. What I wouldn't accept or perhaps what would've put me off the show is if suddenly there were black main characters or characters in general. I don't watch Downton Abbey so I am making assumptions but the same would be true for that. A period drama which is trying to be somewhat realistic would look silly if they introduced black aristocrats.
Fiction, however, is where things get interesting. If you're able to accept fictional works with a personification of Death and dealing with demons and so on, then I find it bizarre someone isn't able to get past having a few black characters. If the actors are doing a good job and the writing is done well, why does it matter? How can you accept all the other bits but a black/minority/LGBTQ character is a step too far?
It's even worse in the LoTR thread. People can accept wizards, dragons, walking trees and various made up races and have a good time. Make one of those made-up races black or a powerful woman and suddenly the fantasy is shattered and it must be torn apart.
So in short; if something is non-fiction and based on real events. You owe it to the story and to the viewers to be as realistic as possible. If something is based within fantasy and not trying to be 'real' then it doesn't matter who is being cast for what as long as the story is told well and the writing is good.
Thing is some of you would have made your mind up before even watching something to see how a story unfolds simply because it's too '
woke' but what they really meant is they didn't want to see any diversity.