First off, you don't Need to sub ohm to get good clouds, a decent tank with a 1ohm coil can do a grand job and is safer as requires less power and less battery drain or high amps... ive had 1ohm coils in My lemo that would nearly rival the subtank .5ohm coils and only needed the same wattage or less but far less Amps! Thats the power of a regulated mod.
Now... if its sub ohm your fixed on like all the typical wannbees who don't know what they are asking for and just think it looks Cool, then have a look at the Kanger Subox and Subtank kits or the eVic VTC mini... both take a single 18650 and can subohm, both between 50w and 60w, you will need a good High drain battery and preferable an external charger.
If you want longer lasting batteries then a Dual 18650 mod... more like a Sigelei 100w or 150wor Smok Cube II would be required, but these are Far more powerfull and overkill for a subtank. There is also in between, the eVic VT or IStick 50w... these are fixed batteries though, none replaceable.
If you want to get into building your own coils to get the most out of your vaping experience then the Lemo 2 is a good starting point for a new starter, it will do sub ohm just fine as I use mine with .2ohm TI coils on a DNA200, gives great flavour, top filling too, i would recommend getting an ohm reader though...
sorry if i came across rude above, but the amount of people ive seen in my local B&M that want "Clouds" and "Subohm" because they have seen others at it... yet they have no idea why Sub ohm even existed in the first place or the fact that with a good regulated mod and RBTA or RDA... you Dont need it... and its not something a newb should be jumping into, yet so many lazy reviewers hype them up as the best thing ever without explaining the alternatives which can be safe and cheaper..