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I bet it will look sweet, especially if it is CNC'd as you hope, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Im loving the DNA200 chip so far, had a few issues with Titanium wire at first but that was partly down to the TCF cvs file i had used and partly down to a bad 510 pin on my Lemo 2.. it was easy enough to solder and the performance is great and the customization via the escribe software is neat.
Any opinions on a Kanger Subox Mini for a vaping newb? Seems to get good reviews everywhere and was recommended to me.

IMHO, it's not a kit for a new starter.. The subtank is design for sub ohming which requires lung hitting.. Thou I've been told the coils have been redesign for better mouth to lung, which is more like smoking.

Your need a battery or two...

It's great for someone 2nd kit some experience or backup but I wouldn't want it as my one and only.. Have a look at the opening post for some recommentions.


I wasn't ever too happy with a spheroid which I brought 2nd hand.. I finally spend an hour taking the whole thing apart and giving it a good clean, and boy did it need it. It's performing a hell lot better and the leaking has stopped.

Need to look at getting a v3 at some point. :) no rush.. I wait till it's cheap...


Rather than add the usual Spec Me thread in GD, given how the last one was received - Can I ask for some advice here, please?

I'm on a TECC Curve 2 (eLeaf iStick 20W) thing, which is OK for a pocket device and perhaps a backup, producing clouds roughly the same as a normal/analogue cig.
But it doesn't really do well on any eLiquid above 8-10W (starts tasting burnt) and cannot use sub-ohm atty heads (currently using 1.6Ω).
I'm after something BIGGER!!

- I'd like to make big clouds, which means going sub-ohm. Maybe VT as well as VV.
- I need a long-lasting battery for daily use.
- I'd prefer 510-type external tanks, rather than anything internal.
- I prefer replacable atty heads, though may rebuild my own later on.
- I must have the ability to dial it back down to the current vape level (or lower), for use in areas with smoke alarms!

I was thinking of an eVic VT60, but are there any others I should consider?
Aromamizer rta ordered, hopefully doesn't suck balls like the goliath v2. Determined to find an rta I get on with.

Let me know how it is. I have the V2 RDA, which is great, and have been eyeing up the RTA due to that.

What problems have you had with the Goliath, btw?

As an aside, I have a friend who's decided to make the switch. I'm handing him down my old Lavatube, but need to figure out a suitable tank for him. Can't be sub-ohm, as the LT won't fire that.

Any recommendations on a tank these days that suits the ol' mouth to lung and sits somewhere in the 1.2-2.0ohm range for pre-built coils?
Off the top of my head:

Istick 40w TC

mini subtank
SILO Beast (Massive tank)
Arctic Tank

Sure others will be around to help you. I believe they all have rebuildable decks a long with the option to use stock coils.
First off, you don't Need to sub ohm to get good clouds, a decent tank with a 1ohm coil can do a grand job and is safer as requires less power and less battery drain or high amps... ive had 1ohm coils in My lemo that would nearly rival the subtank .5ohm coils and only needed the same wattage or less but far less Amps! Thats the power of a regulated mod.

Now... if its sub ohm your fixed on like all the typical wannbees who don't know what they are asking for and just think it looks Cool, then have a look at the Kanger Subox and Subtank kits or the eVic VTC mini... both take a single 18650 and can subohm, both between 50w and 60w, you will need a good High drain battery and preferable an external charger.
If you want longer lasting batteries then a Dual 18650 mod... more like a Sigelei 100w or 150wor Smok Cube II would be required, but these are Far more powerfull and overkill for a subtank. There is also in between, the eVic VT or IStick 50w... these are fixed batteries though, none replaceable.
If you want to get into building your own coils to get the most out of your vaping experience then the Lemo 2 is a good starting point for a new starter, it will do sub ohm just fine as I use mine with .2ohm TI coils on a DNA200, gives great flavour, top filling too, i would recommend getting an ohm reader though...
sorry if i came across rude above, but the amount of people ive seen in my local B&M that want "Clouds" and "Subohm" because they have seen others at it... yet they have no idea why Sub ohm even existed in the first place or the fact that with a good regulated mod and RBTA or RDA... you Dont need it... and its not something a newb should be jumping into, yet so many lazy reviewers hype them up as the best thing ever without explaining the alternatives which can be safe and cheaper..
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Let me know how it is. I have the V2 RDA, which is great, and have been eyeing up the RTA due to that.

What problems have you had with the Goliath, btw?

As an aside, I have a friend who's decided to make the switch. I'm handing him down my old Lavatube, but need to figure out a suitable tank for him. Can't be sub-ohm, as the LT won't fire that.

Any recommendations on a tank these days that suits the ol' mouth to lung and sits somewhere in the 1.2-2.0ohm range for pre-built coils?

I just can't get the thing to wick consistently, IMO the chimney section sits too far down to the point it's blocking the juice channels on the deck. The v1 had grooves in the bottom of the deck, so even with a flush chimney it would wick.

As for tank, the nautilus mini seems to be a popular non sub MTL tank.

Will do, I nearly got it before the goliath. The reviews I've seen make it sound brilliant, so hopeful it's nice to build and vape on.
First off, you don't Need to sub ohm to get good clouds, a decent tank with a 1ohm coil can do a grand job and is safer as requires less power and less battery drain or high amps...
I've tried a couple of 1Ω tanks on my Curve, but it didn't seem too happy about it. Not sure why, yet...
Ideally I'd just get a SubOhm tank, but the Curve definitely cannot handle those.

Now... if its sub ohm your fixed on like all the typical wannbees who don't know what they are asking for and just think it looks Cool, then have a look at the Kanger Subox and Subtank kits or the eVic VTC mini... both take a single 18650 and can subohm, both between 50w and 60w, you will need a good High drain battery and preferable an external charger.
Had considered those...
The Kanger only goes down to 10w, which (I thought) would still be chucking out fairly hefty clouds?
The eVic (Mini or VT60) were looking about the best, given they go quite low...

If you want longer lasting batteries then a Dual 18650 mod... more like a Sigelei 100w or 150wor Smok Cube II would be required, but these are Far more powerfull and overkill for a subtank. There is also in between, the eVic VT or IStick 50w... these are fixed batteries though, none replaceable.
Fixed isn't a problem, so long as it has 'passthrough', really. I get about a day on this 2200mAh Curve on 5-8W, so that can be my spare, if needs be.

sorry if i came across rude above, but the amount of people ive seen in my local B&M that want "Clouds" and "Subohm" because they have seen others at it... yet they have no idea why Sub ohm even existed in the first place or the fact that with a good regulated mod and RBTA or RDA... you Dont need it...
No worries - I am obviously new to this! :)
I was thinking SubOhm mainly for the battery size/life and merely the option of "Clouds" when dialled up, but also the ability to dial down to minimal levels, as some Mods seem to. Also not looking at rebuilding right away, so will be sticking with disposable atty heads.

So yeah, more about optional bigger clouds than just THE biggest, while still having a practical daily-use package.
I feel this thread is lacking gennies and mechs...



Origen Genesis V2 MkII sat on an Atmizoo Lab 18500. 0.9ohm coil with SS rope and SS mesh wick.

Excuse the crappy telephone photos.

Still loved the flavour from them, just a shame I can't wick them without getting dry hits. What atty is that, have they done away with those fiddly grub screws now? What guage kanthal and wraps do you use? What ohms do you get. Yes Wazz I am green because I've forgotten it all :p
I have the Subox kit, VTC Mini kit, Xcube 2, TFV4 + Velocity clone. Picked up the VTC min kit for £40 delivers from evovapes and its amazing for the cash, TC is spot on.

D2 is available from Gearbest eu warehouse for £30 delivered too.
Is it just me or is are the Kanger OCC 1.2 Ohm Horizontal coils terrible with high VG juices? I'm trying out an 80/20 (although it's really thick, i would say 90/10) juice in it that i can chain vape on the Triton 1.8 and 0.4 BVC coils, but with the Kanger coils it can do about 3 puffs then a dry hit. Just doesn't seem to wick at all. Even left overnight then 10 minutes of primer puffs on the lowest airflow. Tried a few coils and the pin trick and no joy. Shame as the juice tastes better with the slightly warmer vape of the OCC coils. Are the newer 0.5Ohm vertical OCC coils any better?
Kanger OCC coils in general aren't great with high VG juices, the vertical coils fair much better then the horizontal, but still not brilliant. The RBA+ on the other hand works wonders with max VG, nice light wicking and haven't had a dry hit on kanthal, nickel or Titanium (when venturing well north of 420F).
Thought I would treat myself to some new hardware and very impressed. I got the Billow V2 and the Delta II + a new box mod which is the Vaporshark rDNA 40 V2. Got both the tanks and blown away by both for flavours.

The Billow V2 is running with 100% VG 6mg nic Death by Chocolate by Virgin Vapor. If I had a criticism, it would be that the vape is too hot and I am vaping at 0.4Ohm at 27W (running on my Hanah Modz DNA 30 (still waiting for the Vaporshark delivery)

The Delta II is running Sub Element - Harmony and I am totally blown away. Better flavour over my Atlantis Aspire and bigger clouds.

Out of all 3 I would choose the Delta II. I still use my Kayfun for my go to vape with 50/50 and 12mg Nic with Cosmic Fog Nutz (shame it didn't come in 100% VG) but sub Ohming with the 100% is really enjoyable (more than I was expecting).

Not posted in a while but thought I would share my latest thoughts. Also thinking of getting a Kanger subtank Mini but waiting to see what you guys think of it before I spend more.
The Delta II is a great tank, though ive not tried the coils, I went straight for the RBA deck.

As for your DNA30 running 27w on a .4ohm coil... its not... the minimum voltage a DNA30 can fire is 4v, which with a .4ohm coil would be 40w, as that is over the limit of the mods 30w, you will be getting the battery dumping all its power, so may explain it feeling hotter than you expect.
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