***The Vapers Lounge*** 2.0

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I got mine within 24h, i paid £29 plus £4 delivery from Elegant Vapour... 6ml version that came with the Velocity deck installed and two vape/airflow bands, a 2 and a 4 hole version.
I LOVE this tank, it blows every other tank ive used out of the water, even the Crown i got the other day... but it too Drinks the juice fast.. glad i did not order the 3ml version, would empty it in 5 minutes...

Ordered mine from steamcrave with both decks, 2 top caps and spares etc. should have got it from the uk!
Ordered mine from steamcrave with both decks, 2 top caps and spares etc. should have got it from the uk!

You really should, I ordered a pair of velocity decks from them almost 2 weeks ago, nothing yet and last time I checked the tracking number wasnt recognised by either RM or 17track.

Got a nice haul from the post office this morning, grey haze tool kit ( v nice!), velocity deck and 2 hole band for aromamizer Which came with free juice, which is also v nice :D

Also got my spools of Clapton and twisted kanthal in.

The two hole vape band is all I've tried so far and its already making a big difference, flavour is up another 10% or so :p

Dual vertical claptons on the vdeck tonight I think :D
I have a Kangertech EVOD mega, which has had today a new filter, yet it has been cleaned and still leaks, why is this?
All these posts with relatively expensive equipment and I'm sitting here with an EVOD twist and an aspire BDC tank lol

I do admire the expensive stuff but cannot justify it as I am fine with what I use. Keeps me off the tobacco so it's all good.
And that's all that really matters.

I think the last time I posted in this thread was...2-3 months ago and at that time I was on 2.4mg liquid.

Currently I am on 0.8mg liquid which is why I bought a spinner battery so I could up the power a little bit to give more of a throat hit.

I am hoping by the start of 2016 I will be on 0mg liquid and then after that its only the physical habbit to kick...that I fear may be harder than I imagine
Yeah I started on 24mg then dropped to 18mg and now sitting at 12mg. Apart from a few days of slightly heavier use each time I've stepped down I don't really notice the difference.
Yeah I started on 24mg then dropped to 18mg and now sitting at 12mg. Apart from a few days of slightly heavier use each time I've stepped down I don't really notice the difference.

I noticed the largest difference between 1.8mg and 1.2mg but didn't notice anything between 2.4mg and 1.8mg. Strange.

Regarding the physical aspect of smoking/vaping since I got promoted at work I have stopped using it in work...mainly due to time restraints lol So I use it in the morning walking to work, and then walking home but in work over 8 hours I don't use it at all normally. A quiet Friday will see 1 or 2 uses of it only.

Its when I'm home is the problem. Sitting at the computer or playing games its in constant use.
Just bought 2 lots of yellow golden Virginia off my dad. :( reckon I get more impact from an e cig :rolleyes:
Its like sucking fresh air through a straw.
My jaw aches!
All these posts with relatively expensive equipment and I'm sitting here with an EVOD twist and an aspire BDC tank lol

I do admire the expensive stuff but cannot justify it as I am fine with what I use. Keeps me off the tobacco so it's all good.

As long as it keeps you off the stinkies, it dont matter what or how you Vape.
I started on a basic starter kit and 24mg nic, now over 1 year and half years later im on higher end kit and 3-6mg nic, but for me it has become a hobby, i enjoy the flavours and the clouds and building coils and my own mods, its helped me make new friends and so i cant complain at all. it may not be saving me any money, but its much healthier.
As long as it keeps you off the stinkies, it dont matter what or how you Vape.
I started on a basic starter kit and 24mg nic, now over 1 year and half years later im on higher end kit and 3-6mg nic, but for me it has become a hobby, i enjoy the flavours and the clouds and building coils and my own mods, its helped me make new friends and so i cant complain at all. it may not be saving me any money, but its much healthier.

Hell, I STILL have two 14500 box mods, two 510 cigalikes with a well-worn PCC (I actually had to wedge some cardboard in there to get the batteries to make a proper connection and charge) and a bunch of old-timey 510 atomisers, with blue foam squares for the carts.

And some 36mg juice in a couple of flavours. Tried dripping some on my Aromamizer RDA just to see what it would be like. Felt like I'd been donkey punched.
Hell, I STILL have two 14500 box mods, two 510 cigalikes with a well-worn PCC (I actually had to wedge some cardboard in there to get the batteries to make a proper connection and charge) and a bunch of old-timey 510 atomisers, with blue foam squares for the carts.

And some 36mg juice in a couple of flavours. Tried dripping some on my Aromamizer RDA just to see what it would be like. Felt like I'd been donkey punched.

:eek: sounds very technical.
^lol :D

Stuck a dual clapton (.5mm), 2.8mm, 6 wraps, came out just under 0.5ohms in my aromamizer with velocity deck, christ does this thing need some power, I have to fire at 60w just to avoid a 3 second ramp up. it has also illustraited to me that I need the 6ml tank, as with this build, everything gets real hot real quick :o

RIP Batteries :p
In answer to your question regarding what battery am i using.

just a normal pretty much standard one(s) from the ecig shop.
no power setting on it. just a long slim battery, bit longer than a AA battery.
just a button on it that glows blue when i press it.

£11.50 i think they are. so basic run of the mill ones.

I would suggest picking up a 30w E leaf I stick. They're very affordable, will offer you better battery life, and control over the heat of your atomiser coils. You'll generally find that most disposable atomisers aren't up to the task when it comes to high wattage, so you may still want to try out something a bit better, but give the istick a go and see how you get on. Those batteries you have now drop their voltage so quickly that after an hour you feel like you need to recharge them.
I'm so confused :( there are so many I don't know which one to buy :(
Can someone help me please.

I want a decent throat hit. Not silly strong or anything, just so I can feel it.
I'm not fussed about clouds of smoke. Don't mind seeing a bit but don't want to be looking like a chimney.
And for some reason I'm a bit scared of them. Not sure why :rolleyes:
I just want something safe that won't blow my face off. Scared stiff of something going faulty with them or not using it properly. It all sounds so complicated :o
And I'm not really into sickly fruity flavours. I want it to taste of tobacco :confused: but not be tobacco.
Why are there so many? Its a minefield.
Oh and I forgot to say. I can spend about say £40 odd, will spend more if needs be for initial unit or whatever you call it.
Its more the ongoing cost I want to keep low. The liquids or batteries or top ups of whatever I will need.
Just want to find the right one for me.
You all seem so clued up on it all :eek: sounds so scientific. My brain hurts from reading it all :p
If your are not after clouds and want something similar to a cig in terms of inhales and throat hit, then i would go with an Aspire Nautilus Tank (atty) with the BVC coils, as for the battery (mod), you wont need much with the Nautilus, but with whats out there now, id say for future proofing, a little, then Either an Istick 20w or 30w or a Cool Fire V.
Easily within your budget, and to help with throat hit try 18 or 24mg Nic 50/50 (PG/VG) based juices.
Its the one real problem with this thread, its gone on for so long now, that getting anything meaningful from it is nigh on impossible for someone just coming to vaping.

Ideally we need a "New vapers start here" kind of thing.

As for myself, I started out with a couple of pen-style e-cigs from totally-wicked, a tornado v3 and then later a v5. Later I moved from a pen-style to a 20w eLeaf iStick which I used until this week, when I switched to a 60w eTec VTC mini (my first forray into "sub-ohm")

As for liquids and the such, its mostly a case of trying various places, to find what works for you, everybody has different likes and dislikes, and of course, it is all subjective.
If your are not after clouds and want something similar to a cig in terms of inhales and throat hit, then i would go with an Aspire Nautilus Tank (atty) with the BVC coils, as for the battery (mod), you wont need much with the Nautilus, but with whats out there now, id say for future proofing, a little, then Either an Istick 20w or 30w or a Cool Fire V.
Easily within your budget, and to help with throat hit try 18 or 24mg Nic 50/50 (PG/VG) based juices.

Thank you so much :D I didn't have a Scooby doo.
This is very helpful! Least I know what to order now.
Thank you for your time :)
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