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hehe thanks, how do I adjust the airflow on this beauty?

Remove the 510 pin and look inside the hole you will see a small slotted screw.

Do it with the v4 assembled but empty, turn it a bit take a pull etc until you get it how you want it.

I have left mine as they were when I opened the box ;)
ah yeah, nice that's sweet, also iv found out that turning the lowest part of the deck kinda thing below the ring with the air holes in, that's a liquid control im guessing? less or more juice, if I turn it fully other way I get a dry hit so im guessing that's shutting off liquid.

damn this tank is absolute genius, im really impressed by it.

wish id of cleaned it first though, got a bit of a machine taste on my tounge now lol. but I went and filled the thing full, will wash it after iv vaped it all.
The juice control is either off or on, like a tap.

Beware it guzzles juice like mad ;)

Another tip if you are going to be using it for a while just lock off the juice control, but saying that not had any leaks at all, which I why I got another today awesome clones for a change.

To lock the juice have the 510 connector pointing to your left (if you are right handed) hold onto the airflow ring, grip the base and turn it away from you all the way, fill the tank pop the top back on just tighten up the bottom section just keep hold of the airflow ring when you do it.

Cheers all
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just had a hours nap, (bad hangover), woke up took a drag jeeeeeeeeesus I got a dry hit, and the juice control is open, and it wouldn't wick, so with juice control open I opened the top where you fill it and air bubbles came up now its working again? any ideas?
weird, im getting dry hits now and then with my kayfun v4 now, it was fine before I went for a nap, what the hecks happened to it!

Its like its not pulling liquid through, and my juice is 80% pg so its thin.
just stripped my kayfun v4 down and washed it, I knew I shouldn't have messed with the air flow and stuff because its not working like it did when I first made a coil and filled her up when she worked straight outta the box.. meh, going to let it dry then study it more then rebuild and hopefully I don't get dry hits when I build her back up
It's 1p now. Besides, it's a prototype and it was probably a case along similar lines of when you see OcUk with something priced at 10k just to stop people from trying to buy it.
Saying that, there probably are boutique nutters out there that would pay a grand for exclusivity.
found the reason why I was dry hitting on the v4 kayfun, even if the air draw is around half or more, (how far the screw is out), it makes no difference to air flow, and it just dry hits, I use about 5% restricted air flow by using the screw.

or to put it in better words this is a example (numbers = screw turns)


1 = closed, 5-10 = open air flow, makes no difference over half its open full. (or etleast it is on my v4 kayfun).

I have it about 4.5 turns from the example im using. so slightly restricted but hardly at all, which is just enough to constantly drag that juice through.

Its all good now :)
alright, cancel that. now and then get an occasional dry hit then it floods.

meh, needs more tweaking, if I cant get it right tomorrow, then the kayfun v4 will be sat on the shelf like my kayfun 3.1 :(

The protank 2 mini so far, (though I thought the first few vapes that the v4 kayfun was best thing since sliced bread), the protank 2 mini, the little mini tank that it is, its never ever failed me in 18 months of solid vaping, true I have to rebuild the micro coil every day a fresh coil, but it takes less than 30 seconds to make one, and theres no faffing around or dry hits or anything it just works solid vape all day long.
Okay sorry for chatting on a bit today. (Thread seems quiet tonight sorry if that's my fault :p) but anyway this kayfun v4, like I said earlier I wish I'd of left the air flow as stock cause it was working, I think iv found that spot again but, the flavour and sensation per breath of vape, at the moment now Iv got over the hype of a new toy and come to reality, the flavour isn't as good as my protank2 mini, clouds are around the same, juice wise, as you may remember I ususally do around 40ml per day on cheap 8 pound per 100ml liquid, but lately Iv cut back to around 15-20ml per day untill today this kayfun has eaten juice Iv used 60ml ish,

I think I do need to spend more time perfecting this kayfun v4 because I can honestly tell it has potential, though Im the sort of person to give up too easy and go back to the last best setting like a system restore, the v4 is a 200% improvement over the 3.1.

Here's how my stats come out from the 4 tanks Iv ever used

Iclear 16 - good starter when quitting smoking when it's included with a battery for 3 pound off the market, don't get ripped off in a corner shop for 20 quid.

Pro tank 2 mini, amazing, flavour is the best Iv tasted, vapor always there. 30 seconds it takes to rebuild a coil but the unit is so small you need to make a new coil per day because it will go foul when trying to use it like a big tank for 24/7 vaping and you need to fill it up all the time but that's a small price to pay for the flavour and constant consistent vape and no dry hits no floods no nothing

Kayfun 3.1 It was good when it worked but 70% of the time it didn't, 25% of time was a dry hit, 25% flood, 25% leaking 25% working, If I spent the time to make it work im sure it would have been great but I ran out of patience.

Kayfun v4. Cloud production when it's working is better than pro tank 2 mini, not as easy to make coils for that constantly work no matter what, it's about a 3 min cool build compaired to 30'seconds. But when it's working its great, clouds are there. Taste and flavour it's different it had that kayfun taste to it even after a wash in boiling hot water, it doesn't taste as good as my pro tank by half.
It has the features and customisation definately. And it definately needs the time putting in to make it work 100% and if it works out of the box don't mess with the air flow you will spend hours taking the 510 screw out to adjust the airflow sxrew to make it work.
The istick is no longer king of the mini mods, the cloupor mini took its crown.
very close in size but with much better power range, so if you decide to go beyond cleros it will still work, sub tank, atlantis, rda's and rbtas, this thing is amazing and we'll built.
uk store prices are a bit higher than the istick, but ft does it cheap if you can wait for the delayed delivery.
but the istick is still a very good starter battery.

Don't forget too add the price of a couple of batteries and charger.
Also it's not perfect, adjustable 510 instead of floating and some of them have poor fitting battery panels, plus 22mm attys look ugly on it with the overhang.
But let it have it's glory for 2 weeks until the 30w & 50w isticks go on sale :D
Don't forget too add the price of a couple of batteries and charger.
Also it's not perfect, adjustable 510 instead of floating and some of them have poor fitting battery panels, plus 22mm attys look ugly on it with the overhang.
But let it have it's glory for 2 weeks until the 30w & 50w isticks go on sale :D

I did mention price, your right about a battery but you don't Need a charger as it has usb charging and yes it has an adjustable 510, but the istick 510 is fixed so cloupor wins there..as for 22 mm overhang.. I own both mods, the overhand is worse on the istick.
yes nothing stay top forever and there will be other contenders to the Crown, which is good for all of us :)

You seen the new microstick that can take 17.5mm attys instead of 16.5mm, although with your machine skills you can probably do this to yours already. Also looks like the logo isn't lazer etched anymore and is stamped. I did inquire about the titanium ones but no joy there.


Additionally I didn't know they did coloured versions, a gunmetal finish would have been ace as I'm not keen on the current selection.
I did mention price, your right about a battery but you don't Need a charger as it has usb charging and yes it has an adjustable 510, but the istick 510 is fixed so cloupor wins there..as for 22 mm overhang.. I own both mods, the overhand is worse on the istick.
yes nothing stay top forever and there will be other contenders to the Crown, which is good for all of us :)

My post was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek :D
Anyway i was comparing the Cloupor to the Istick 50w.
The Istick 50w has a 4400 mah battery where the 18650 of the Cloupor is gonna take forever to charge through the usb, but of course it's removable which is a big plus.
The Clouper has the adjustable 510 where the Istick 50w has a stainless floating 510.
The Istick 50w is 23mm so 22mm attys fit perfectly and as you say there is overhang on the Cloupor also some attys dont sit all the way down on the Cloupor.
Pricing looks as though it will be similar (in uk outlets) with rrp being $40 - $50.

It really is a good time to be a vaper at the mo with loads of small regulated mods being released in the next few months ;)
Quick update. As per this post in December http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=27390102&postcount=464

The turning to the left first really works nicely. I can feel it when it drops into place before tightening to the right and now I get perfect alignment everytime, no more wonkiness, so thanks guys! :)

Also, I got a tip you might find useful from ukvapers about dry hits I'm sometimes getting when refilling, even when the wick should still be wet. This probably applies moreso to me as I only use VG which is of course harder to wick. He said "If it starts to taste like it is going to dry hit, turn upside down, unscrew the kayfun base from the tank till bubbles rise, then finger over air hole and tighten base back." Well that works very well too, so try that if you have similar issues.
ok iv made a absolute beauty of a coil for my kayfun v4, when I apply juice to the coil, it vapes perfect, but its as if the juice isn't flowing fast enough to the coil.

iv got a air gun and shot air down the juice holes on the deck there is no blockage at all, Iv done everything I can to try figure out why the juice isn't flowing down the holes, its really thin 80% pg juice, iv got the perfect amount of cotton iv followed videos and built it identical. iv tried more and less cotton same results.

iv no idea what to do now to try get it to work better.

iv tried adjusting the air flow and restricting it more hoping it will suck more juice through but that doesn't work either.
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