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My first ever home made clapton, not the tidiest but it glows even and works...
26awg kanthal core and 30awg 317L SS wrap.

My Efest Luc blu6 arrived, impressed, shows real time battery voltage, can switch between 05/1/2a charge, the phone app works well, shows you charge in % and lets you flick between charge modes.

oh and I have a completely dead cell :mad: efest 2500mah '35a' (20a) I haven't used in a month or so doesn't respond in that or my nitecore charger, it actually doesn't sit well in the charger so suspect its slightly swollen too, only 6 months old and probably had less then 50 charge cycles.
Check out the following:


The Magma and Marquis are the best flavour atties they have but the Marquis a pita to build and for clouds... the Velocity...

Be far cheaper to order from FT, but if you want them ASAP these guys are good and good CS too, ive bought a fair bit from them.

Ended up ordering the Marquis clone there, some clapton wire to see what the fuss is all about and a cheap 75 W box mod. As much as I've enjoyed the past year with the Vaporshark, 40 W just doesn't feel enough any more.
Once you get into Claptons, 40w is just the starting power lol

The single Clapton i put in my Subtank runs at 40w on my DNA40 and its nice, but on my Stout at 55w+ its better.
The Dual Claptons in my Aromamizer are running 70w pre heat and 60w nominal @200c... power mode they eat 70w...
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Big time, I put dual 8 wrap 3mm 26/32 Clapton's in my mutation x yesterday, it needs 90w just to avoid a ramp up delay :D runs well at 160w but **** me is it a hot vape.
I know that torchy on ebay is the recommended place to pick up batteries here, however he has a rather large range.

I need 3 batteries for my Wismec RX200 arriving soon* - any particulars ones I should buy?
Samsung 30q. Great cells, 3000mAh and tested safe upto 30a.

Whose testing do you read out of interest? I usually read Mooch, he posts a fair bit on reddit and seems to do some informative testing: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/#subs

From his tests the 30Q can even handle a 50a* pulse, though voltage drop off is quite rapid as you can imagine, no where near as severe at 25-30a :)

*Please no one read this as me saying pumping 50a in pulses is fine on any 18650, it isn't!
I tended to take Torchies word for it, but i do compare to Mooch now as i know how much work he puts into testing and its part of his daily work.
I trust Torchy, Ecolux and Mooch..

The difference is Torchy and Ecolux will always recommend what they have in stock, while Mooch is independent and is states based, so he might recommend something that is difficult to get hold off.

People are still asking for sony vtc 4 and 5.. IMHO, battery tech and standards have moved on since then, and It's not worth the effort, risk of getting fakes or the premium to get out of date batteries when there's plenty of good ones about that easy to get hold off.
I haven't vaped for over 2 weeks. Had a really bad cough and still have it. So I've just occasionally been using nicorette cartridges. I had a flu symptom in the first week so not sure how much of my cough was due to a virus or heavy lung hits but suffice to say it's put me off vaping for now. So TommyV, I'm afraid I've not been able to try your red astaire or loopers yet. Did you try my apple pie, was it any good or crap? I suspect the latter :p

When it first arrived it was very cinnamon heavy, having left it until now it tastes great!!

have got it in a snapdragon with a single 1.25ohm kanthal coil, it's very yummy, good work :D
Do any of you know of a good place to buy a nitecore D2 charger?
I was looking on the bay yesterday and found a few at around the £15.99 - is this ok?
Do I even need one to go with the VTC mini?

I could also do with a supplier of bottles etc, I want ones with screw caps and no pipettes as I tend to pour anyway.

On a side note, since getting my 70/30 6mg premix I have messing around with flavours etc, and have pretty much been vaping a staright mix of CAP butter-mint at 12ml premix + 2.5ml butter mint and I'm loving it atm but going through far too much of it.
I seem to have started going through a lot more juice than I was before.
Just mixed a 12ml batch of CAP peaches and cream and it smells really really good.

I tried mixing a couple of flavours together but it wasn't great.
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The VTC mini i believe has a 1 amp charge board so it will actually charge faster than the nitecore which as memory serves, only does 750ma...
The advantage of having an external charger though is you can charge multiple cells at once.
Bottle you can get in all shapes and sizes from fasttech for button.
Do any of you know of a good place to buy a nitecore D2 charger?
I was looking on the bay yesterday and found a few at around the £15.99 - is this ok?
Do I even need one to go with the VTC mini?

I could also do with a supplier of bottles etc, I want ones with screw caps and no pipettes as I tend to pour anyway.

On a side note, since getting my 70/30 6mg premix I have messing around with flavours etc, and have pretty much been vaping a staright mix of CAP butter-mint at 12ml premix + 2.5ml butter mint and I'm loving it atm but going through far too much of it.
I seem to have started going through a lot more juice than I was before.
Just mixed a 12ml batch of CAP peaches and cream and it smells really really good.

I tried mixing a couple of flavours together but it wasn't great.

I would pay the bit extra and get a four bay charger..
I went for the efan x4 which will charge up to two batteries at 2amp, and four batteries at 1 amp.

It was only 19.00 pounds with discount.

The real hardcore charger is hte skyrc mc3000 that will do 4 bays at 2amp.

most batteries are now rated for 1 amp charging, but the 2amp is useful for 26650 or to quickley charge a battery from time to time.
The Efest Luc V4 and Xstar XP4 are both good 4 bay chargers, both do .5amp, the Luc V4 will also do 4x1amp or 2x2amp and the XP4 will also do 4x1amp. i use both a Lot, the Luc V4 shows your individual cell voltage during charging which is handy.
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