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Guys, what batteries are recommended? Currently running a Kanger Topbox Mini with what appears to be labelled as a Samsung 25R 2F92 battery. Its been fine, but seems to be losing charge quickly.

Seems a minefield for batteries, both with the technicalities of amps/mAh technicalities but also the amount of fakes.

Generally vape at 0.5ohms with wattage 20-40. In fairness Im attached the the damn thing all day and night, especially after dropping to 3mg nicotine juices. Happy to spend good money on a longer lasting battery.
30Qs or HG2s are as good as you're going to get at the moment.
I tend to buy from Torchy on Ebay but because he re-wraps it's impossible to spot a fake. However, I've had loads from him and never had a fake yet.
30Qs or HG2s are as good as you're going to get at the moment.
I tend to buy from Torchy on Ebay but because he re-wraps it's impossible to spot a fake. However, I've had loads from him and never had a fake yet.

Thanks mate. Would you mind linking to Torchy as all I seem to be getting is a cartoon character :p
If buying HG2'S check the insulation ring, the states have had an influx of very good fakes over the last month or so, not sure if any have made it over here yet.

iirc gloss ring is a fake and matte is genuine (may be the other way around) I'll try find moochs' link this evening

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic...he_recent_fake_lg_hg2s_are_rewrapped_lg_mg1s/

Fake = Glossy ring
Genuine = matte ring

Look to be re-wrapped LG MG1's which are 10A 2850mah :)
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Not sure if this has been posted up yet, but it allows you to check the age of your batteries to fine out if they are old stock or not... also certain batches tend to be better than others (kinda like CPUs when it comes to OCing)... and it will also tell you if they are fake if the code is invalid.


30Qs or HG2s are as good as you're going to get at the moment.
I tend to buy from Torchy on Ebay but because he re-wraps it's impossible to spot a fake. However, I've had loads from him and never had a fake yet.

Torchy always keeps the original wrap underneath hence why they are fatter than the others... and you can remove them if you so desire for the original wrap.

I cba to ask him last weekend, how he came up with the idea that they need to be re-wrapped to apply to UK battery selling rules... a lot of company don't even bother labeling the batteries let alone re-wrap them.
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I broke my Sigelei 50w box so am looking for a replacement. Going to be running a Kanger subtank on it and I don't need anywhere near 50w, 30w would be sufficient.

What is small, reliable, looks good and runs off a 18650?
I broke my Sigelei 50w box so am looking for a replacement. Going to be running a Kanger subtank on it and I don't need anywhere near 50w, 30w would be sufficient.

What is small, reliable, looks good and runs off a 18650?

Evic VTC Mini, istick Pico to name a few, don't be put off by the fact they're 75w mods, if you're only using 30w it just means you'll get plenty more life from a single charge :)
Torchy always keeps the original wrap underneath hence why they are fatter than the others... and you can remove them if you so desire for the original wrap.

Worth knowing about as the double wrap can make batteries stick or just not fit with tight spaces (good as it stops rattle) Since he leaves the old wrapper in place if you come across this problem you can carefully remove the top wrapper. Much easier that you might think too. Had to do it too one of my sets as they would get stuck in the cuboid.
Cheers, do you think the istick on Fasttech is legit? Only 27$?

If it says 'Authentic' in the title then its the real thing :)

Fast Tech in its self isn't slow at delivery, the hold up is once it gets to the UK, its a **** take to be quite honest. Take my latest order...

Dispatched by FT on the 27th of may
On a flight from China to the UK the 28th of may
Checked in to GWDC on the 30th of may

And I still don't have my parcel, took FT/China Post 2 days to get it out of the door and on a flight, so far taken RM 5 days to stick it on a truck to aberdeen.
I've ordered a load of VG and PG... I have stacks of juice that are too strong for me to vape mostly at 6mg.

I got a bottle of plain 100ml 70/30 from a vape meet and I've been using that to dilute some of my juices and I find that it doesn't kill off the flavour of the juices that badly as long as I don't mix it more than that a 1/3... some of the juices I've had for such a long time, the flavour can do with some diluting and it's been working well. Probably better than anything I can mix up from scratch.

Been speaking to a load of people in the trade and that's the way they feel how most people are going to get around the TPD... by buying over strength nic juice and mixing it in with either 0% nic juice of the same flavoring or just plain VG/PG. At this rate the juices that I have will last me a fair few years (no joke).
Received my second batch of juices from Rejuiced on Thursday. All of them smell and taste of nothing, at first I thought it was my coil so worked through two other spare coils before I confirmed it was indeed the juices.

Now given they were only mixed fresh on the 1st June and I took delivery on the 2nd June, I guess they need some steeping time. However what has me curious is the first batch I received, although improving in flavour as time went on, still had their unique flavours from the outset.

This second batch seriously tastes of nothing - literally nothing. I've give them a warm water bath and left the lids off overnight, some of them have now started to change colour. There is now a little taste coming through, just enough to at least tell what they are. Initially I couldn't even tell the difference between a dessert versus fruity!

I genuinely didn't realise freshly mixed juices could taste of so little :confused:

In a fit of rage, given it was the only juices I had, proceeded to buy 10 Lambert & Butler. Had one, it tasted disgusting and felt guilty as heck. I've proceeded to bin the remaining 9 stinkies. £4.80 I could have spent on juice :( What did make me laugh was the lousy "amount of vapour" from the the analogue :D
Received my second batch of juices from Rejuiced on Thursday. All of them smell and taste of nothing, at first I thought it was my coil so worked through two other spare coils before I confirmed it was indeed the juices.

Now given they were only mixed fresh on the 1st June and I took delivery on the 2nd June, I guess they need some steeping time. However what has me curious is the first batch I received, although improving in flavour as time went on, still had their unique flavours from the outset.

This second batch seriously tastes of nothing - literally nothing. I've give them a warm water bath and left the lids off overnight, some of them have now started to change colour. There is now a little taste coming through, just enough to at least tell what they are. Initially I couldn't even tell the difference between a dessert versus fruity!

I genuinely didn't realise freshly mixed juices could taste of so little :confused:

In a fit of rage, given it was the only juices I had, proceeded to buy 10 Lambert & Butler. Had one, it tasted disgusting and felt guilty as heck. I've proceeded to bin the remaining 9 stinkies. £4.80 I could have spent on juice :( What did make me laugh was the lousy "amount of vapour" from the the analogue :D

Just give it more time to steep. I got my first order and they smell good. A tad weak but will be leaving it to steep.
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