***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Anyone seen the augvape druga rda?? Looks interesting especially the 2 massive posts which are secured with a Phillips head screws.

Get some big coils in there, saw a few pics of some stupidly fancy coils in it.
7 Dec 2010
Signed, not all of its bad, but i'd rather see the stupid 10ml bottles and 2ml tanks struck off, loopholes or no

I agree some of it is needed but like you said the silly 10ml issue for refill bottles and the 2ml tank sizes is another annoyance . Everything else I agree with really and wish they would allow nicotine 72mg in very child proof bottles, so the D.I.Y juice makers don't have to mess about with a silly amount of 10ml 20mg max liquid bottles, which I find more unsafe for kids as they are small bottles that attract kids and are just environmentally terrible.
18 Oct 2012
I agree some of it is needed but like you said the silly 10ml issue for refill bottles and the 2ml tank sizes is another annoyance . Everything else I agree with really and wish they would allow nicotine 72mg in very child proof bottles, so the D.I.Y juice makers don't have to mess about with a silly amount of 10ml 20mg max liquid bottles, which I find more unsafe for kids as they are small bottles that attract kids and are just environmentally terrible.

Funny a lot of the stuff like child proof caps, age stickers and the beginnings of singling out bad chemicals is all things the industry was doing itself anyway.

I currently dont diy, so the 72mg doesnt affect me, but i can see why folk would want to push against that too.

I am however completely for the testing (or at least using certified flavours) of liquids and the printing of ingredients on bottles aspects, as i imagine most would be.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Well gotta hand it to ecig one, seems like they didn't wait to get my damaged pharoah rta back. Just got a brand new pharoah rta this morning:).

I only sent my damaged one back yesterday so was expecting at least a few days before I'd get a new one. But nope they kindly sent me out another one today.

That kind of service is hard to find. Well done to them.

By the way this tank is perfect ie no crack in the bottom of the tank. Now to go coil and wick it.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Right just coiled and wicked my pharoah rta, so easy to build on and has loads of room.

Stuck a 4 wrap fused Clapton 3mm coil in it and wicked it by just stuffing the cotton into the wells. Didn't bother doing rip trippers method but I thinned the cotton out a bit.

Top airflow closed and bottom fully open and boy this thing chucks clouds and I mean clouds. In about 2 mins of vaping, I've managed to fill my room full of smoke lol.

Flavour wise?? I'm not really feeling it, the juice I have in the tank is the nasty juice wicked haze which is a blackcurrant mint juice and I can taste the mint but not that much blackcurrant at the moment.

Not sayings it's terrible but compared to my 2 serpents and troll rta, it's not quite there. Might try and re-wick it again using the rip trippers method and see if that brings the flavour out some more.
25 Jun 2011
Well gotta hand it to ecig one, seems like they didn't wait to get my damaged pharoah rta back. Just got a brand new pharoah rta this morning:).

I only sent my damaged one back yesterday so was expecting at least a few days before I'd get a new one. But nope they kindly sent me out another one today.

That kind of service is hard to find. Well done to them.

By the way this tank is perfect ie no crack in the bottom of the tank. Now to go coil and wick it.

Highly rate ecigone, easily my go-to UK vendor.
6 Oct 2011
Right I have an itch that needs scratching... Top MTL tanks with for single coil builds? I have the toot and KF4. Pref looking for something cheap and cheerful.

Thanks guys.
3 Nov 2014
Newcastle, England
Vapemail :D
Got my Lost Vape Triade DNA250, feels and looks amazing, fits the TFV12 really nicely :D
Powered on and running at the same watts as the Alien was, getting a lot more vapour and stronger flavour.. Hmm I wonder how this could be
Also got a single of my trusty HG2's from fogstar to take my total battery amount to 3, and will order more and a charger when I get paid as I am skint to the bone now :p
7 Dec 2010
Quick questions to the more expierenced vapers that have been doing it for over a year and have had eliquid bottles for over a year.

1. How do you store ejuice that you want to use in say a years or mores time and what methods worked out best for you and retained the flavor over time.

2. Quick google and reading a few sites they either say store in freezer/fridge or keep well away from the fridge and freezer as that can damage the flavor and cause condensation at the top of the bottles and empty walls and can grow microbes even that pg is antimicrobial.

3. Also they state some flavors can crystallize and get damaged (which flavors not mentioned).

OK now I know nicotine is best stored in the freezer for long term storage and in glass dark bottles, but that is because nicotine degrades over time with heat, light (UV) and oxygen.

I went and ordered like a crazy man today every bottle in existence of 2 high end flavors I love to vape (over 500 bottles of 30ml all made of plastic) and now wondering how to long term store them as I have no idea if they were going to sell them later in 10ml TDP compliant sizes and even if they did they would be very expensive at 10ml sizes this company sells some of the new TDP compliant 10ml juices at anywhere from £5-£15 for 10ml. I managed to get a really good price on the 500+ bottles but now wondering if I made a mistake as they may go bad before I use them but I know they have a best before date of very late 2018.

So would love some advice ohh they are 80vg/20pg too.

I currently store my juices in a cool dark cupboard and not had any problems that I noticed in the last 4 months with some of my premium and home made juices but again they are not 500+ bottles that wont be used in say 6 months - year or even more. Also really love these flavors and really don't want them to go bad over time, I was going to make them DIY but I doubt they would be the same, but close enough if I played enough but honestly life is too short and I make many really nice DIY ones that it's worth me just buying these to save the time and effort and probably cost till it came out right trying to clone these flavors. They were selling these juices originally at £19.99 for 30ml and I got them for £5.00 for 30ml and normally a nice 30ml DIY juice I make comes to £2.10-£3.00 (not including 30ml bottle cost about another 50p) depending on the premium flavors used. So as you see was worth me doing it as it saves time and costs trying to get it right to clone them and they all come bottled up and steeped.
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25 Jun 2011
Keep it in a dark cupboard, only thing that go's in the fridge and freezer is my 72mg pg nic, got a 40ml bottle in the fridge that gets used then the rest is stored in amber glass bottles in the freezer.

I cant really say how long things last when stored, I tend to go through 150-200ml or so a week so it doesn't stay stored long :p



11 Jul 2007
1. Anywhere that's out of direct light/heat.
2. Only thing I store in my fridge/freezer is my Nic. E-liquid you want to be kept 'dry'.
3. If a flavour crystalises, put it in a warm bowl of water for 30 seconds or so and give it a shake. Continue til crystals have dissolved.


Out of interest what were the juices you bought? Could probably give you some tips on what concentrates to use etc.
30 Sep 2008
Right just coiled and wicked my pharoah rta, so easy to build on and has loads of room.

Stuck a 4 wrap fused Clapton 3mm coil in it and wicked it by just stuffing the cotton into the wells. Didn't bother doing rip trippers method but I thinned the cotton out a bit.

Top airflow closed and bottom fully open and boy this thing chucks clouds and I mean clouds. In about 2 mins of vaping, I've managed to fill my room full of smoke lol.

Flavour wise?? I'm not really feeling it, the juice I have in the tank is the nasty juice wicked haze which is a blackcurrant mint juice and I can taste the mint but not that much blackcurrant at the moment.

Not sayings it's terrible but compared to my 2 serpents and troll rta, it's not quite there. Might try and re-wick it again using the rip trippers method and see if that brings the flavour out some more.

Strange im getting a lot more flavour than the troll, i put a 6 wrap 4mm fused clapton in and vaping the same fluid, i only have bottom 1/2 open and still getting decent clouds and i havent had a leak since my first build.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Strange im getting a lot more flavour than the troll, i put a 6 wrap 4mm fused clapton in and vaping the same fluid, i only have bottom 1/2 open and still getting decent clouds and i havent had a leak since my first build.
Did you wick it like rip trippers method or just stick the wicks into the wells??

I've closed off the top airflow and opened the bottom fully. At 60 watts it seems to be ok, flavour is better but not great.

I've got a fused Clapton coil 3mm, 5 wraps which reads about .5ohms.

Clouds wise it's chucking them out.

I'll finish this tank of juice then try a 4mm fused clapton in it and see if that improves the flavour.
8 Jan 2007
London & Dubai
I found with standard Claptons/Fused Claptons 3.5mm to 4mm worked best on the Pharaoh RTA. Allows for a perfect amount of cotton, no need to double up, just drop into the well.
You might have the coil too high up in the deck, I have the coil 2mm or so from the air flow.
30 Sep 2008
Yeah i didnt double up the cotton just fully stuffed the holes, could see hiw it would help with smaller coils, i realy tried with the troll as people on here and reviews said it was a flavour beast.
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