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whats is the best place to get liquids, been using liberty flights own but looking to expand, what makes a good liquid good? origin? place of purchase?

Many things really. I really like the el Toro range from house of liquid as they have a really natural taste to them. I'm quite liking the TW gold standard juices too (blueberry is very nice). Also a big fan of Decadent vapours juices. Love their cafe braziliano. Not really a fan of the LF juices I've tried though.
i have no experience with other juices beside LF so am eager the see the differsnce, i do like blueberry so ill give tw gold a go

Imagine blueberry pie filling. That's pretty much how it tastes, but not as sweet. If you like tobacco flavours then you HAVE to try el toro el cigarillos. Generally regarded as one of the best tobacco juices you can get.
I just bought the pre-filled cig, I obviously need 2 batteries if I was going to carry on with vaping but what else?

I'd prefer something low maintenance with less amounts of bits to fart around with as possible.

Edit: I just bought 2 batteries, 2 cartomisers, some juice and a charger. That sound like enough to get me started?

Also Cartomisers are semi-disposable, does that mean re-fill it until it gets icky and then chuck?

Pretty much. Once your cartos start putting out less vapour or tasting a bit wack then bin em.

oh god WOW, blueberry is fantastic, its like vaping a desert.

best thing ive tasted!

Glad you like it, I've been vaping it for about a month (in fact, I'm vaping it RIGHT NOW *vapes at desk*), and it's pretty awesome alright. Let me know what the other gold standard flavours are like as they seem to be quite good. I've got blueberry and Black magic so far. Black magic is good, but it's a bit boring. Kind of like milk chocolate (very convincing, like Galaxy bar) with a spiced tobacco background. Sweet flavours aren't really my thing though so someone else might like it better. It's definitely a secondary flavour I run alongside an all-day vape for when I feel like something different.

I'd like to hear what the menthol tobacco is like though
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what ratio do you use your gold standard at? the batch i just made is at

1ml unflavored pg nic @ 54mg
2ml pg base
1ml ag base
1ml concentrate
=5ml @ 9.~mg

I usually go
2.6ml 54mg nic
3.6ml VG
1ml PG
30 drops (which I roughly equate to 1ml as they're tiny drops from those bottles) of flavouring.

That should be about 18mg strength

Can anyone tell me the following :

Why the fluid looks burnt in the ego tank type thing after a day


Why my HS menthol sensation sample just doesn't seem to vape :(

Thanks muchly!

First thing, did you purchase actual e-liquid (complete with nicotine and base) or flavouring concentrate by mistake?

The discolouration of the liquid is pretty normal, but for clear liquids like menthol I wouldn't expect it to be very noticeable? What's the flavour like?
Should be fine. Some juices are predominatly pg base, and don't produce much visible vapour (good throat hit though). Could just be that. The flavour should be normal and consistent though so if you're having a burnt taste then you are having wicking issues. or if you are getting a gurgling noise from your atty it may be flooded which can also halt vapour production.
Finally sorted my issue with the nova not fitting my LT. Got a 510-ego adaptor and type F plinth from cloud9. Quite happy with it (specifically the flavour is cleaner) although the 2.8ohm head is the only one I get on with. It has a different wick to the others (single thick rope as opposed to the others with multiple smaller strands). Got some RY4 concentrate from cloud 9 and it is amazing. very well balanced, weighing heavily on the caramel and vanilla but with a light nuttiness of tobacco to counter the sweetness. Liking it a lot so far.
I need some advice, chaps.

I am an ex social smoker and I only vape at home when having a beer, or a stealth vape when out having a beer. So I only really vape over the weekends.

What is a good upgrade to an SD keyring which I have been using? I only ask as the last two I have had have not lasted too long. I think the stock of them is getting old now and the batteries are not lasting very well.

I have seen a few stealth vaping kits, including the soon to be released SD KEYRING MAXI KIT, but don't know what works the best and easiest. There is the VISION EGO KIT, OLYMPIAN MINI EGO KIT and a few others. What is a quality one and one that with preferably work with boge standard resistance carto's, as I have quite a lot of these already. Also are clearomisers much better?

Don't really want to spend more than £20 as I just don't vape that much. Got plenty of juice as well.

Ego battery and some form of carto. I like smok mega dual coils (generally one fill gets me through the day as a heavy vaper), but the boge cartos seem to be pretty popular too.
OK, time for me to give up the fags and so I'd like to give vaping a go. I've read some of this thread but I'm a bit confused with regards to the liquid.

I was thinking of getting the TECC Microlite Cartomizer to see if I get along with vaping as its relatively cheap. The description says it comes fully ready for a new user, but do I need to buy e-liquid on top of this as I can't see it listed as included with the product?

Bit of a noob question I know, but not sure I'm clear on how these work.

The cartomisers should come pre-filled, but you can always rinse them out, let dry and then use a liquid of your choice after vaping what's in there. Alternatively, you can pick up replacement carto's and fill them yourself once the supplied ones wear out. There's a good guide video on filling cartos here

If you're starting out, I recommend going for 11mg or 18mg nicotine strength juice depending on how much you currently smoke, just until you find your groove. Some flavours are great, others are rank, so it's just a case of finding one you like as your tastebuds come back to life.
OK, thanks. So the description has this:

  • 6 x Tobacco Cartomizers (3 x 18mg, 1 x 11mg, 1 x 8mg, 1 x 0mg)

So presumably that's 5 filled with varying strengths and one empty one (which I can add my own liquid to)? In which case this starter kit will do just to see if I get along with it.

Yep, except the last one is zero nicotine, but will have flavour and vapour. It isn't empty.

Let us know how you get on so we can help you through any teething issues you might have. The first 2 weeks are usually a bit tricky to adjust, but after that you should find your groove.
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I'm 3 days into my vaping career now and I'm pretty impressed. The Microlite starter kit is pretty impressive, haven't had a fag since it turned up, not bad for a 25 year, 20-30 a day smoker.

I've refilled my cartomizers once (some with Virginia, one with blueberry, both from vapeescape.co.uk) using the method described above and haven't had any issues.

Overall, pretty happy. Will probably want to upgrade to something a bit more consistent and luxurious at some point, but all good for now.

Glad to hear you're getting on well with the kit. It's amazing how well an e-cig replaces an analogue isn't it? I think after a couple weeks I didn't even miss them. Let us know if you hit any bumps in the road and we'll try to sort you out. More likely you'll get "shiny syndrome" and want an upgrade sooner though :p
Thx for review of T2 Tank, useful stuff!

Anyone know if there is much of a difference between Vision ego's (v3) and the Mini Nova? Been using the ego's for a while and they're a heck of a lot better than the tornado tanks I was using. Need to replace a couple now and was thinking about trying the mini.

Oh, and has anyone rewicked a Vision ego atty? Got a couple where the wick is a bit singed (my bad!), but no idea what wick to use (looks like cotton?).

It's most likely silica. I saw a pretty cool guide on UKV on using ASDA cotton pads to rewick visions and novas. Have a quick search and you should find it. Just don't dry burn a cotton wick or it'll go up in flames lol.
I prefer the Vivis to the visions. They hold more liquid and are a much nicer vape. They cost about double as much as the visions but seem like a much better product so I don't mind spending the extra. You get three heads at different resistances with them so you can see which heads you prefer before buying replacements, which cost about the same as other heads.

And the heads fit the full size Novas so if you use them as well you only need to buy one type of replacement head.

I cannot recommend them enough

I have to say I haven't really gotten on with mine. I'm going to try re-wicking it and putting a low res coil in, but I just can't get a decent throat hit out of it atm, and my mainly VG liquid (80/20) doesn't always wick very well despite all the tipping and rotating I do.
I've always wanted a pipe. Can I get an electronic pipe which I can suck on and get a nice flavour but have it totally nicotine free? Does that sort of thing exist?

Yep, e-pipes (and some very nice ones at that) do exist, and you can get nicotine-free liquids to use with them. Getting a really nice flavour will be the challenge you face. My favourite flavours (the most realistic tobacco ones) are made by steeping cigar leaves which naturally have nicotine in them. So you may be limited to the artificial juices (many of which are excellent) if you're dead-set against nicotine.

Here's a thread on UK Vapers on pipe mods that might give you an idea on what sort of quality you can get.

The pipe bowl is generally a battery and switch, with the stem being your actual atomiser and mouthpiece.
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I've heard kanthal is a bit more forgiving of hotspots and won't pop as easily as nichrome, but that's just what I've read so can't say much more
just wanted to say thank you for this thread.
after reading through several times i brought myself a riva starter kit a couple of weeks age and some ry-4 juice. i seem to have made the right choice as i quit a 30 year chain smoking habit as soon as i started vaping.
am now waiting on a lavatube and tempted to save up for a provari.

Well done mate, take it slow and you'll appreciate the new gear more!

@edgedemon, I know what you mean. I stopped using my vivi nova and went back to my trusty mega DC cartos. The nova had better flavour and vapour, but it gave me a bit of a head-spinner when I vaped it (not sure if it vaporises nicotine better than a carto?), and it didn't wick my mainly VG juices well anyway. Sometimes cheap is not always bad.
Hey Devrij...

i left and lost all my kit last weekend, someone at costa coffee had it :(

what would you get now if you were starting again? all i have is what i have at home

a charger
and shed loads of juice...


I have pretty simple tastes compared to some of the guys on here. I run mega dual coil cartomisers (about 3 quid each from ecigwizard) which are very low maintenance and always work. Stick an ego twist battery (or just a standard 1100mah ego battery on) so you can still use your charger (was it a 510/ego connector?). Since going variable voltage it's been hard to consider going back to a standard battery though, and I love my lavatube v2.1, even if it is a cheapo model.
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