Listening now, seems like Jason can't take any criticism.
How can he request a private forum not talk about his products?
I think he makes valid points, and I do feel UKV really demonised TW. TW is a good place for new vapers to start, their brand is good for strengthening UK vaping. Sure, once you've been around a while you'll be more discerning on price etc and may move on, and that's fine. When I joined UKV I felt a definite antipathy towards TW that went beyond a price difference. The mods should really have stepped in and discouraged personal attacks, locked threads that got out of hand, and stopped this scapegoating from happening.
Saying that, JC has really gone about this the wrong way. Really he should have requested stricter moderating for all products and vendors instead of a complete removal of his company. I can't comment on the conspiracy theory bit though as I don't know much about that.
Basically, I think he had just cause to disagree with the way his company and self were being talked about, but he reacted too strongly and has marginilised himself in the online community.