***The Vapers Lounge***

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Listening now, seems like Jason can't take any criticism.

How can he request a private forum not talk about his products?

I think he makes valid points, and I do feel UKV really demonised TW. TW is a good place for new vapers to start, their brand is good for strengthening UK vaping. Sure, once you've been around a while you'll be more discerning on price etc and may move on, and that's fine. When I joined UKV I felt a definite antipathy towards TW that went beyond a price difference. The mods should really have stepped in and discouraged personal attacks, locked threads that got out of hand, and stopped this scapegoating from happening.

Saying that, JC has really gone about this the wrong way. Really he should have requested stricter moderating for all products and vendors instead of a complete removal of his company. I can't comment on the conspiracy theory bit though as I don't know much about that.

Basically, I think he had just cause to disagree with the way his company and self were being talked about, but he reacted too strongly and has marginilised himself in the online community.
I felt bad for the thread starter when he called in. Poor new guy who started this global uproar in the vaping community because some guys said the Odyssey was **** and he didn't know why.
Subliminal Aura said:
Innokin Leo Pro

Just got this today and it vapes like a Don. Better than any ego battery or passthrough I've ever used.

If I were specing for a newbie I would go this + Boge LR cartos + Drelin drip tip.... Got this from vapour-room for 15quid with code ECR69


Ah it's round. For a second I thought it was a new version of the iTaste, which looked like a great value product, but I couldn't get to grips with how it looked. Just looks like an ego passthrough tbh, what's different spec wise?
Well got my LT V2.1 From vaporhut.com, which is pretty nice to look at, all buttons work and no firing issues as sometimes you get with the Black V1 LTs - It doesnt appear to be stainless, but copper/alu plated, so could be issues with scratches later down the line, with that said mine has 1 scratch at the bottom and a couple of what appear to be tool marks at the very top, but only noticable if you look closely - And i may just vinyl wrap or paint it at a later date if it proves to scratch easy.
The kit itself is ok, 2 Vision Ego atomizer tank combo V1 i think, along with the 2 batterys which are plain branding with ICR18650 written on them 2200mah 3.7v so any LT battery will work.
The charger is a single cell charger and its not a trustfire one and will only take 18650 batterys, as such i would say buy a trustfire one at some point so you have more charging points and more options when it comes to batterys
All comes in a nice little zipped case which opens out, with some netting and elastic to store your bits, will comfortably hold 4 batterys the LT and a few atomizers of your choice.
As previously stated the screen shows the battery status in a mobile phone type way with a little battery icon with squares in it, press the power button once and it shows the current Ohms your atomizer is running at and then the voltage, + - control the voltage.
Havent worked out how far a 1.5ohm will go but ive noticed at 4.4 its a lot hotter vapor compared to 4.2 and 3.8 so working as it should.

Not much more to add at this point but will update with more info as i use it more.

Good info, interesting to hear about the charger. Shame they didn't supply a dual cell charger, as that's obviously what you'd want. What's the vape like compared to your V1? I'd be interested to hear how a dual coil gets on with it.
Is there an "idiots guide" type thing for this? I'm looking to cut back on smoking mainly from cost but I dont want to waste my money on some cheap **** which isn't going to do anything.

I'm a 20 a day smoker but I find I'll smoke very heavily in bed before sleep, maybe 5-6 almost back to back. I'm was looking to get something I could smoke in bed rather than cigarettes because at over £7 a pack it's going to kill my bank account before my lungs.

Hi Snave, check the 1st post in this thread for my best effort at an "idiots guide" to vaping, along with some basic recommendations.

Currently on 20+ rollies a day with menthol tips & wanting to get off them. health reasons mainly.

Thinking of getting Super Tank - Starter Kit from cigwizard.com, have been looking around & its got my head hurting.

Wanting something that will last as dont want it costing a fortune, it need somthing that give me that hit in your throat.

think this would do it? how long would it last between refills/charges anyone recommend a couple of liquids.


You might also benefit from the OP guide, but that kit would be a good starter and would give you all you needed to get going. If you don't get on with the tank cartridges, you can always stick on a cartomiser (very cheap) instead on the same batteries etc.
I used to use 650mah batteries, but since I've gotten used to 900mah they feel tiny and I prefer the larger battery in my hands. Not as nice in the pocket, but it's more about the vape for me. Gonna get a LT v2.1 when vapourhut get the kits back in.
The new thing is dual coil tanks. the tanks are big and hold loads of juice, which feeds into a replaceable dual coil cartomiser. Haven't tried them myself, but everyone raves about them.
Should plonk straight onto your tornado/ego battery. You could look into a variable voltage device like the twist or lavatube if you want to try out something different as well. I'm going to give the LT a try so I can crank up the voltage, but also for the better battery life and consistency.
Got my first kit this week having only used the disposable ones before. Went for a ego t 900 battery and Vivi Nova tank. Really liking it so far but the tank is a little large for taking out but also wouldn't mind something bigger for at home.

So thinking about going for Vision 2 cartomiser for taking out with the ego and getting a big battery mod for at home. The Lavatube kit looks very interesting as does the Bombshell mod. What are people's opinions on these two devises?

I find my kit just gets larger and larger, but I would rather have a chunky PV that vapes well than a small inadequate one. Maybe pick up some cheap DC cartos for on the go? I use the Smok mega DC cartos and they make a nice cigar size with the bigger ego batteries.
Don't worry, it's more "shiny syndrome" than anything else. Thank god I wasn't like this with cigarettes or I'd be bankrupt by now! :p

Vivi Nova sounds cool, what kind of atty/coil does it use?
You get three differently Ohm'd coils and wicks with each Vivi Nova.
They simple screw in place. Plus they are rebuildable. Pretty sure there are a few vids on youtube showing how. Excellent bit of kit to introduce yourself to rebuildable atties.
They have the CE2 style atty/coil.

This will give you an idea of the style of atty.

Pretty sure that is the V1 in the above tut, the v2.5 is out now.

Also in the tut he uses NR wire, I never bothered when rebuilding them.

Wow, didn't realise they were so cheap. Is the wire/wick cheap as well? Suppose I'd have to get two for different juices (usually have at least 2 flavours on the go). Think I'll pick up a couple when I get my LT
Hey folks, needing some help. To cut a pointless story even shorter, im getting an old belfast sink off a workmate. He wasnt gonna take anything for it but i twisted his arm and he said if i really wanted to i could buy him one of these vaper fag...things.

So, easy enough. I've seen this thread on here before, quick look, get a link and whammy! vaper and refills bought.....buuuut sadly it hasnt worked out like that.

To say im a little confuzzled by it all doesnt come close! I even tried to look on youtube and thats kinda made it worse too haha. From what i've gathered, most if not all(on here) use drops? Are drops a must? Or is this just for the people who like the taste of apples or whatever flavours you get haha.

Can i get such a thing as a vaper..thing and refills? or is their more to it than that?

Cheers for any help.

Have a look at the first post in this thread, it explains some of the basics and gives some recommendations. The liquid you choose basically determines the flavour and strength of nicotine. Without it, it's like buying rolling paper and a lighter, but no tobacco.
It's a good starting point and a big improvement from the kit your missus has. You can get better flavour from other atomisers, but you can always put them on the batteries from your kit.
Just while we're on flavours, I have to recommend TW Gold Standard's Blueberry concentrate. It tastes like blueberry pie filling (i.e. without the pie bit). Their Black Magic is quite nice as well, and tastes like sweet milk chocolate with a slightly spiced tobacco undertone. Very authentic blueberry taste.

Also vaping El Toro Eden, which I like, but it's too much apple for me and I prefer the cigarillos naturales (which is awesome).

Can't offer any help on the vision clearo's I'm afraid! Definitely a wicking issue, but sometimes you're stuck with the burnt taste even if you sort the issue afterwards.
Hi guys, the lavatube I bought from Vapourhut arrived today but I'm having a few problems with it.

When I connect some cartos to it and check their resistance the display shows up as "9.9A" as if nothings connected, though if I plug them into my other battery they work fine.

With other cartos connected the resistance meter reads anything between 0.0 and the resistance of the carto depending on how tightly it's connected.

At one point the display also showed "lo" when it was activated, though this seems to have stopped now.

Is this normal operation or have I got a duff lavatube?

Any help would be appreciated.


I hope so! Mine is arriving from them tomorrow so I'll add my feedback when I get it.
Does the battery make much difference on these, I have the ego-t and fancied grabbing a clearo to try

The only difference between batteries is that some have longer life, and some can vary the voltage so you can pump more volts into your atty. A clearo should fit just fine so go for it.
I might consider it, but if anyone else wants to jump in that's OK with me.

In honesty, I'm thinking of packing in the whole lark pretty soon (bit of an annoyance to me considering I just bought a Mini Nova and another 30ml of juice).

Been thinking about it, and the past year I've been struggling with some serious spots/acne, which is beginning to look more and more cystic to me, and it coincides with my attempt at having a go with mainly VG liquids. I've packed in the VG (still have a load left over), but even with going back on PG the problem has followed and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

It's gotten to the point where it's very embarassing, and very frustrating. I'm spending money on all sorts of facial cleansers, washes, moisturisers, protectors and what have you and nothing works. I can wash my face 15 times a day and still, each of the same areas just breaks out in a MASSIVE welt one after the other in succession. They're leaving scars and blemishes and I really just don't feel happy about it.

It all really coincides with that one decision... "I'll just try some mainly VG out and see how it is."

Will make an appointment with the docs in case it's something else, as I did make major changes to my diet and lifestyle around the same time that I took up vaping so perhaps there's something in that, too, but I've also been warned by my dentist that my gum health is deteriorating, and I've also noticed staining on one of my teeth (the closest tooth where my PV tip goes in my mouth) and on the rear of some of my lower ones, where it would be inhaled.

So yeah... I think I've gotta stop. :(

I can't say I've had a problem with my VG juices (been on mainly VG for nearly a year now), but I can relate with the gum health. I found being religious about using mouthwash morning and night has pretty much resolved that, but it flares up if I get lazy and stop. Bit of a pain, but smoking wasn't helping my dental health either (just hidden because of reduced blood flow to my gums apparently). I had these black lines in the grooves in the back of my front lower teeth, but I can't say they've returned since I started vaping. Anyway, sucks that you're having a bad time of it, but I think it would be easier to give up vaping than cigs so best of luck to you.
Just got my v2.1 lavatube, and I'm a bit confused. When I put the battery in the screen blinks a few times, but I can't seem to get it to do anything else. I'll admit I haven't charged the batteries yet so they might be flat, in which case I'll feel a bit of a fool! I know some of you have the same one from vapour hut so did yours come charged?
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