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Sorry to hear about that. Hope you pull through and land on your feet. :)
Depending on how things go tomorrow, I may end up moving back down south (albeit to Cardiff) and keep my job, so fingers crossed. Not looking forwards to the possibility of having to move everything though :eek:

Happy with my standard eGo, Currently waiting on some Cartomisers which all being well should be waiting for me after work tomorrow.

Hopefully 1.6Ohm with 6MG eLiquid will give me a half decent throat hit if not I will maybe try find slightly stronger eLiquid, 8/10MG maybe.

Was just thinking not at the moment but if I was to upgrade, what would be a mid range VV battery too upgrade too, so I could maybe use a slightly higher resistance Cartomizer 2.0 / 2.4 but with a slightly higher voltage which im guessing is the whole idea of VV batteries?

Trial and error at this stage but could someone spec me a VV voltage which I may turn too and also a decent type of cartomizer to go along side it, are there any personal favourites of Cartomizers you vaping pro's swear by?

Can't wait until I find my feet and the sweet spot and know which Cartomizers I am happy with and what not to then have a little stock up.
If you want to try out VV on the cheap, pick up an ego twist. Very basic, but it'll give you a rough idea of what can be done. Big mods have the benefit of better batteries and circuitry to drive the current, but they're the same thing of course. If you try to pump high volts through a low res atty (eg a dual coil carto @1.5ohm per coil) then they just can't keep up. For single coil high res atties the basic ones do great though!
Ah sorry to hear that, no prob I will have to wait til I have some more money then because it looks like it would cost at least £50 just to get started?

As above, there are plenty of kits in the £30 range that would be perfect to get you started.

You're welcome to my batts (5 ego batts) and charger for £20 plus postage, but as I said there are kits with fresh batts and atomisers for very little extra.

If you go for the suggested kit above, I would recommend a second battery so you can charge one while you use the other. The vh star kit on vapourhut is basically that kit with a second battery and a case for £30
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how many times have the batteries been recharged approx? i may well be interested.

I'll have to have a look to see how many I have total (I think maybe 2 or 3 900mah and 2 or 3 of the standard 650mah). The smaller ones will have had a year of every other day charges, and the biggies will have about half that. I think one of the big batts is reasonably new. Either way, the big ones all hold a charge for a day's use at least (maybe two depending on use), but I have no idea what voltages they're outputting at different points in their discharge cycle.

Here it all is. Found a new CE4 atty in my draw so that's a freebie
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Good to hear some of you new guys (and old) are getting on well with vaping!

Meds, that kit is a good all-rounder to start with, and the batteries are compatible with nearly all atomisers, so if you don't get on with the ones that come with it, you can replace them with something different until you find one that suits you.
I use the vamo with a vivi nova right now. Vamo because it's a good balance between cost and functionality, vivi nova for the same reason. Cheap as chips and holds lots of juice! I also use smok dual coil mega cartomisers for when I need a bit more throat hit from a particular liquid.
Thanks for the responses, I just got 2 Smoktech Clear Dual Coil XXL Cartomizers, They are half decent.. Think im gonna try a CE4/5 something where I can see the actual liquid. As Ive just added Clear liquid in to a white sponge, what should I look for when needing to refill as I don't want to burn the Carto out? (lightness of the sponge?)

Just added some RY4 into one, can gage the liquid much better.

If it looks at all dry top it up. You'll get a feel for it, but generally they like being topped up. Sometimes I think they need topping up and they don't though. Usually means it's time to change batts!

6MG Nicotine even on Carts with 1.5Ohm Res, isn't doing wonders for me, Best Place to order juice at around 8/10 Nicotine levels?

How easy are they to rebuild? Simply clean out and then place the atom and wicks back in? And being a single wick would this last longer than a duel coiled cart before it burns out also what difference will the single wick make in comparison to a duel wick setup?

Yeah 6mg is pretty low. No kick to it. I am quite happy with 12mg.

As for rebuilding the novas, you can buy replacement heads (unscrew one, put in another) or you can properly rewick them (you'll want to watch a video guide for this as it's quite straight-forwards when you can see it). I haven't tried re-wicking it yet, but I tend to rinse the whole thing out, dry thoroughly, pulse the coil a few times (dry burn it until it glows red, just a few seconds on and off while I blow on it to burn off any gunk) and away I go. Eventually the coils will go so I think I'll have to try out the rewicking!

The maintenance bit starts at 7mins
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Just ordered 4 VH Nova Tanks, Now just to get some stronger juice than 6MG (8/10) and I should be up and running and closer to that "Sweet Spot" for a while. Wasted a little dosh on a few liquids so far, will all be worth it.

They're my new fav atty, although they don't have the same throat hit of the smok dual coils, the flavour is much better. New heads tend to carry a bit of a weird flavour with them that goes after a tank or so. I'm not sure if there's a way to speed that process up or not.

Dual coil atties have two heating coils so lots of surface area to vapourise liquid from. Single coils are better for battery life and are a bit more reliable. You can do a fair bit with different types of coil and wick with the nova as well.
Sweet, how does it compare to the stock wicks? I keep meaning to pick up some wick and wire to try it myself. Where did you get yours?
As above, the message you sent contains an email address to reply to, so I sent my reply to that with the subject "ecig stuff". It was an msn address if that helps.
PG is a thinner liquid and provides more throat hit and less vapour than VG, which is a thick liquid that produces lots of vapour without much throat hit. A mix of the two works best, but what mixture just comes down to preference. The middle ground is a good start. I mixed nearly 100% VG for a while, but it was too thick for some atties and didn't wick very well so lately I've been mixing 60/30 PG/VG with good results.
I've had my VH Star kit since last tuesday, not smoked a rollie since!

I am enjoying it, although I have to keep the tank topped up or the it tastes of burntness.

Have just ordered a CE5 and a replacement head for it as I think the one it came with might be wearing out.

Using 8mg "strawberri" and "green mist". Although I'm worried I'm becoming more addicted to nicotine after only smoking around 6-8 rollies a day.

Awesome dude. Glad to hear you're getting on with it. Finding a liquid you like and finding your rhythm is the hardest part when you're starting out. After that it's easy street.

El cigarillos is an expensive, but well worth it, liquid. Probably my favourite of all tobacco liquids ever.
Well, you can actually rewick the heads yourself to set your own resistance, but that's a bit of a fiddle. Raising volts will give you more throat hit, so if you feel the need for it then perhaps pick up a VV device later on. Stick with what you have for now though. It's easy to throw money at vaping to get that perfect balance, so beware the shiny things! See how you get on with it as is for now :)
Good stuff mate, sometimes having a cigarette after vaping for a while gives you a real glimpse of what it was you'd been doing all those years. Maybe consider picking up a decent kit that will give you a more satisfying hit and save you cash in the long run.
Went to refill my not even a day old Vivi Nova 2Ml.. Twisted the wick then realised straight after, so then I retightened it up and added liquid.. Now for some reason my battery won't activate with it no vapour at all but my others work fine. Anyone had this problem and does anyone know a soulution?

You might have shorted the coil against the centre post. Watch the video I posted earlier on rewicking the nova and try taking it apart to look for a short. It might be a good learning experience for rewicking it in the future too.
I think you may have some kind of glitch on yours Scott!

Looks like I've saved a fair amount of cash even if you consider all the shiny new bits I buy. 11000 cigarettes I would have smoked. That's just insane.

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I have read plenty of pages and to be honest I don't understand the most of it. It is the 3rd day, since I decided to quit and it is quite hard to cope, considering the fact, that now I am going to my first smoke free shift... Anyhow I would like to obtain something to substitute a cigarette, and since I like the whole process of smoking I would like to try an e-cigarette, but I am an absolute noob in the whole thing, so could someone please recommend me the starter pack that resembles the whole process of smoking at its most? Thanks.

I would suggest the vh star kit from vapourhut (I would link but I'm on my phone). Comes with two batteries that are compatible with pretty much any atomiser (the bit that vapourises the liquid), 2 atomisers, a charger for the batteries, and a case for £30. All you need then is to choose a liquid to suit your preferences (something around11mg strength to start with). After that you would want to replace the atomisers every couple weeks (between £1 and £3 depending on what you get).

I'm sure some of the other guys on here will provide some links if you get stuck.

As for banning vaping in offices, I agree with pestilence. All studies have found no harm to passive inhalation, and banning them is simply a knee-jerk reaction. I was lucky enough to have an understanding office so I vape at my desk. We'll see if I can swing it at my new office in Cardiff!
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