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Thought i would give an update since my last post...

Main thing first - still not had a real cigarette since the kit arrived.

Overall impression of the tornado tank - 2 months in

Build quality, still very happy, dropped it so many times at work and no breakages so far, plastic 'tanks' themselves still all working no problem, they do not seem to be wearing out, changed to squirting fluid through the hole now rather than removing the cap since getting different fluid bottles with smaller ends.

Main area in need of improvement from the standard tornado kit / parts is the atomizer 100%, everything else is fine.

Experiences so far trying to solve the atomizer problems

So far i have tried:

1) Standard atomizers from TW that came with the kit x2 (still working, but not so well) & 2 more from a local shop (local ones died really fast, under 1 week each :( )

2) Cartomizers, both mega duals and triple coil versions, personally didn't get on very well with these, dual not working at all for me, no vape at all it seems, triple is working but not as good as the regular atomizers although more flavour, less vape (pretty much given up on these for the moment).

3) Low resistance TW atomizers x2 - big improvement, more vape, same level of flavour, they also seem to stay clean better, i found they didn't clog up anywhere near as much, vaped good until the end, but died rather quickly (approx 2 weeks each).

4) E-go low resistance atomizers - in progress not had them long yet - so far seem the best and only £4 a throw :)

Cleaning my atomizers by blowing through them gently and cleaning away the excess liquid, atleast once a day or more often if i feel it clogging up at all.

I would say blow gently, as 2 of the atomizers that have died on me so far did so just after blowing through them, they were working but clogged, then didn't work after blowing when it came to priming them afterwards.

My conclusion from this is to buy the e-go atomizers or just get the e-go kit from the start. IMO better performance and better running costs.

Part 2 inbound.. 5 mins :)
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Vaping style

When reading up on these before purchase i found advice saying to 'toke' for approx 5 seconds, after using it for awhile i find 2 seconds to be much better (counted 1, 1 thousand etc), 5 seconds seemed to be contributing to clogging up the atomizer and reducing its life.


My early posts stated that i was unsure of how much flavour i should be expecting and if this was due to loss of taste from smoking.

I have found that doing nothing and waiting for my sense of taste to improve did not help much at all, instead i have taken to mixing my own fluids and using more flavour additive.

Mixing you own fluid

I started mixing my own fluid pretty quickly after deciding that the flavour was too weak for me in the ready made fluids and working out the overall running costs using ready made vs. home made.

I dont have the numbers to hand anymore but i believe it worked out around half the cost to mix you own at 36mg strength and the nicotine solution being the major cost, weaker fluids like 18mg would be even cheaper to make. the nicotine solution has gone up in price at TW since i did the math but it would still be cheaper home made.
Good to hear your feedback! I'm surprised you didn't get on with the dual coil cartos, I switched to them from tanks and haven't gone back. I do use a nearly 100%vg mix (mixed with pg based nic though), so huge vapour, and 18mg is enough to get decent hit too.

The first time you fill them it takes ages to soak through and it's easy to under fill them, which would give poor vapour production. They should look slightly damp at the top and take a few ml to fill. I use the smok ones from ecig wizard and I get a good few weeks out of them before they start to tail off.
Hi Devrij,

How much did you get your batts for ? My starter kit with 2 batts has lasted me since November but is now not retaining charge

I'm currently toying with the idea of the ego-T and ego-C passthrough all in one. Trying to find a steel one for as cheap as I can :D

Probably worth the extra few quid and hopefully I'll be able to use them with Boge LRs

Sorry just saw that! I got my 1000mah manual batteries from TW on sale for about 14.99 minus the discount code for the day (see fb or twitter)
Good to hear your feedback! I'm surprised you didn't get on with the dual coil cartos, I switched to them from tanks and haven't gone back. I do use a nearly 100%vg mix (mixed with pg based nic though), so huge vapour, and 18mg is enough to get decent hit too.

The first time you fill them it takes ages to soak through and it's easy to under fill them, which would give poor vapour production. They should look slightly damp at the top and take a few ml to fill. I use the smok ones from ecig wizard and I get a good few weeks out of them before they start to tail off.

Your post has got me trying them again, just filled one of the triples up now and gonna give it a try see how good i can get it going.
My 510 carto kit turned up this afternoon. The cartos are all filled and working quite nicely.

I've been using disposable e-cigs for a couple of weeks now to cut down on the real things but I'm planning on switching full-time to the cartos.

Should be quite easy to do, especially with the Cocnut mint choc chip flavour I got ;)
I filled the carto carefully to make sure not to flood it, tested, then filled it till it leaked out the battery end but didn't fill the central airway and dabbed away the excess till it pulled clear and tested again.

So afaik it's filled ok, after doing this for a few mins i noticed i do seem to be getting a bigger nicotine hit from the carto vs. the tanks and possibly a more developed taste, i have my fluid mixed strong (40% flavour) but it seems more depth to the taste,more subtle edge coming through or maybe just less burnt?

I've got both setup side by side now on my desk, swapped between them a few times to confirm the above.

Now i'm thinking that it is working ok but with virtually no visible vapour (im using PG-400 base, but still get lots of vapour with tank), throat hit is hard to tell as i'm using spearmint / menthol mix atm.

Thinking maybe its psychological as less vapour = not working so well in my mind.

PS. Definitely bigger nicotine hit, don't get them from the tank ever, even when perma using it, but have had a couple of 'hits' from the carto now, does this sound right? more nicotine transferred from cartos?
I've had a few liquids that produce noticeably less vapour from a dual-coil carto + tornado [ego/riva/etc] battery. The hit and flavour were there, just very little vapour. The same liquids through a normal 510 cart/atty produced a more expected level of vapour production.

It's not a batch-related issue; just that the bases used by some liquid manufacturers simply don't seem to work well with some dual-coils.

IIRC, liquids that were 100% PG-based were the culprits, though I've had many PG-based liquids from other manufacturers that were fine. I'm guessing it's because the better-behaving liquids had some percentage of VG in too.

So either try adding some VG to your base with your dual-coils, or try some single-coil LR cartos. Both should provide you with a satisfying vape.

For what it's worth, in over 2 years of vaping, I've found that the XL and Mega/XXL dual-coil LR cartos [e.g. SmokTech] offer the best all-round experience :)
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Sorry just saw that! I got my 1000mah manual batteries from TW on sale for about 14.99 minus the discount code for the day (see fb or twitter)

Cool and no worries. I'm kinda pleased with the passthrough that I bought but noticed that my old batteries have bounced back into life after a good 2 day charge D'Oh !

Anyway it's always good to have spares :)
I had a few dual coils that just didn't work or were very poor until I read some place about the central post on them being loose and it sometimes being to far in to make contact with the battery. I used a small screw driver (for glasses) to wiggle it out a bit and like magic they all started working.

Cartos do need some rest time to. They juice has to seep in to the middle where the coil is. I've read that they work much better at higher voltage but I haven't tried anything over 3.7v myself.
I filled the carto carefully to make sure not to flood it, tested, then filled it till it leaked out the battery end but didn't fill the central airway and dabbed away the excess till it pulled clear and tested again.

So afaik it's filled ok, after doing this for a few mins i noticed i do seem to be getting a bigger nicotine hit from the carto vs. the tanks and possibly a more developed taste, i have my fluid mixed strong (40% flavour) but it seems more depth to the taste,more subtle edge coming through or maybe just less burnt?

I've got both setup side by side now on my desk, swapped between them a few times to confirm the above.

Now i'm thinking that it is working ok but with virtually no visible vapour (im using PG-400 base, but still get lots of vapour with tank), throat hit is hard to tell as i'm using spearmint / menthol mix atm.

Thinking maybe its psychological as less vapour = not working so well in my mind.

PS. Definitely bigger nicotine hit, don't get them from the tank ever, even when perma using it, but have had a couple of 'hits' from the carto now, does this sound right? more nicotine transferred from cartos?

40% flavour!? My mix is something like 5ml VG, 2.5ml of 54mg nic, and 0.9ml flavour, and that's very strong flavour wise. Maybe you aren't getting good vapour or hit because you're trying to vape pure flavourings!
I had a few dual coils that just didn't work or were very poor until I read some place about the central post on them being loose and it sometimes being to far in to make contact with the battery. I used a small screw driver (for glasses) to wiggle it out a bit and like magic they all started working.

Cartos do need some rest time to. They juice has to seep in to the middle where the coil is. I've read that they work much better at higher voltage but I haven't tried anything over 3.7v myself.

Variable voltage is my next step, but I know most VV batteries have a current limit that makes higher volts limited use on multi coil attys. I'll have to find one that suits them well but still looks good
40% flavour!? My mix is something like 5ml VG, 2.5ml of 54mg nic, and 0.9ml flavour, and that's very strong flavour wise. Maybe you aren't getting good vapour or hit because you're trying to vape pure flavourings!

I have used 2ml flavour, 1ml PG-400 and 7ml 54mg before.

Last 10ml i made was - 4ml flavour, 1ml PG-400 and 5ml 54mg. (Menthol)

Reducing the nicotine atm as its cheaper and so far i haven't noticed the difference.

I'm assuming the flavour is just another diluent like the PG-400 with a little flavour added, probably PG based as well or do they make AG based flavouring or should you just add some water to the PG.

Still changing the % flavour atm to refine the amount, tried some 20% mix that was ok, but 10% seems too weak.
Well further to my vaping pleasure, im now using DCT - Dual Coil Tanks (again in the Yo-Yo, got these at 48% off lol), dear god these things are sweet as anything, now i thought the Ego-C gave a good taste (when it worked) but these are warm, sweet and a hell of a throat hit aswell, on my lavatube/torpedo sitting at 3.9v is the sweet spot for my FSUSA RY5, 4.2v for the FSUSA RY4 and C9Vaping's RY4 likes 3.3v to get the flavour, the only downside to these DCT's are the cartomisers are LR 1.5ohms, which isnt allowing full control of the lavatube, apart from that ive now found a combo which is hitting every spot.
just a heads up btw on friday i noticed a week end deal on the torpedo vvv its a rebranded lava tube but for only 45 pounds for the full kit.

dad and i ordered one each as its a good price for a full lava tube kit and my best mate has a lava tube so we know how big it is and how awesome it can be for vaping, it dwarves my ego batterys but it gives out awesome vapes, and you can get chemically save batterys for only 4 pounds from other places, which is a lot better than a tenner for a ego battery at lower voltage plus the batterys are 2200mah and up :)

my mate is a heavy vapour and he says his lava tube batterys last for 2 days each, plus i see him in front of my pc vaping it and hes not vaping low voltage lol

if any one who has a tornado/ego wants one remember to buy the 3 pound adapter so that u can use xl tornado cartomisers etc on it and the adpater is cheaper from other places as well lol :)


normally i think totally wicked rip of noobs like pc world but that deal is good :)

edit : heres the adaptor for tornado/ego users http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co...orpedo-vvv-double-thread-adaptor-product.html

on another note i purchased from safer cigs http://www.safercigs.co.uk/ for dad and my self 2 i mist rebuildable atty kits each and a pack each of tanks and 2 vision ego clearimizers each plus ordered my self 6 510 dual coil cartos since they werre out of stock on the ego/tornado ones :)

i think theres gonna be good vaping here soon and im in love with the 510 fitting, every thing just fits on it and i spent over 70 pounds on atyys and cartos and clearomizers on safer cigs, the only bad thing is i chose the low ohm ones as i thought i would be using them on ego batterys then later that night i saw the totally wicked lava tube for a bargain price and i hit buy on the full kit with a metal drip tip lol :)

started mixing my own liquids as well and my same dual coil 510 carto or tornado xl carto with my own mix is a lot better on my mates lava tube than my 3.7 volt ego, yay i cant wait :)

http://www.safercigs.co.uk/IMIST_Atomizer/p705283_5330582.aspx thats the atty kits were getting and its only 2 pounds for a pack of wicks :)
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After I started smoking again due to a stressful time, I'm planning to switch over to vaping. I tried a tescos nicolites thing and can't say I was impressed, but ordered a 510 from one of the sites people listed on this thread.

I have a question though - do all e-cigs/vapes have the same harshness of the nicolites? I smoke rollies, and when I tried a nicolite, it was like inhaling fire on the back of my throat. Never found this with actual cigs.

Hopefully though the 510 and eliquids will solve this?
Moved up to a F1 Clearomizer, and boy is it much better than the TT, easier to fill, less mess, and the batteries last much longer, just annoyed one has stopped working, but I assume it is leaking a bit..
After I started smoking again due to a stressful time, I'm planning to switch over to vaping. I tried a tescos nicolites thing and can't say I was impressed, but ordered a 510 from one of the sites people listed on this thread.

I have a question though - do all e-cigs/vapes have the same harshness of the nicolites? I smoke rollies, and when I tried a nicolite, it was like inhaling fire on the back of my throat. Never found this with actual cigs.

Hopefully though the 510 and eliquids will solve this?

The harshness or smokiness of your vapour largely depends on the liquid you put in the cartridges. PG is generally harsher (higher nicotine strengths also add a kick) and VG gives you big clouds. Most liquids are 50/50 to give a good balance, but a lot of us mix our own to suit our taste (and save money!). It's best to start with premixed juice to get an idea of what's what though before you delve into mad scientist territory :p

The kit you went for is a good starter, and we all find the gear that suits us as we learn what we like and don't. I found it took a couple of weeks to get used to the whole thing, so stick with it and ask lots of questions!
The harshness or smokiness of your vapour largely depends on the liquid you put in the cartridges. PG is generally harsher (higher nicotine strengths also add a kick) and VG gives you big clouds. Most liquids are 50/50 to give a good balance, but a lot of us mix our own to suit our taste (and save money!). It's best to start with premixed juice to get an idea of what's what though before you delve into mad scientist territory :p

The kit you went for is a good starter, and we all find the gear that suits us as we learn what we like and don't. I found it took a couple of weeks to get used to the whole thing, so stick with it and ask lots of questions!

yep ask lots and lots of questions, as the guy says above, pg based liquid can be harsh on the throat, while vg has a lot less throat hit but a lot more vapour and it tastes sweeter as well.

im currently learning how to mix my own flavours by trial and error and my nicotine liquid is pg based 36 mg from totally wicked, we have vg liquid made thinner with de ionised water and we use that vg to lower the strength of the nicotine in the pg a wee bit if that makes sense im drunk right now lol

also some people have a adverse reaction to pg while i know of no one that has a reaction to vg, although pg is a prime ingredient in asthma inhalers :)
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